I think I missed a tutorial but how do you activate eagle vision ?
On PS3 it's L3. On 360 I think it's L.
I think I missed a tutorial but how do you activate eagle vision ?
Oh Ubisoft. There is no info more useless to know via the HUD than the amount of pounds sterling Connor has, yet it's the only element you can't turn off. It's actually more annoying to see that lone tiny icon at the bottom of the screen than the entire display.
Connor assumed Charles Leeset fire to his village, killing his mother.
buthe didn't, and conor knows that by the end of the game, but still pursues him anyway
buthe didn't, and conor knows that by the end of the game, but still pursues him anyway
Speaking of horrible menus, is there a way to call your horse without going to the R2/Rtrigger menu and scrolling allll the wayyy down?
You can put the horse call, or any of your equipment, to a shortcut on the d-pad. You only get 4 d-pad shortcuts, though.
That whole thing was silly. Up untilHe does that because Achilles wanted him to. He is an assassin. Lee is a templar. Templars have to die.
Good going, Ubisoft. I S-rank every Assassin's Creed game regardless of quality and you fuck me over on this one. Since it's been two weeks since release and there's been no patch yet, I am not holding out hope this will get fixed before I move on to something else.
Also, the devs were apparently "depressed" that people thought the redcoats would be the bad guys. Maybe that will also get patched.There will be a patch though. The devs have been saying that a patch is coming to address many things (like the end-game hood).
There will be a patch though. The devs have been saying that a patch is coming to address many things (like the end-game hood).
That whole thing was silly. Up untilthe reveal that those dudes are all Templars, nothing about them seemed "bad." If anything, they seemed like decent guys. They killed corrupt people. They saved some enslaved Native Americans. It was only after Haytham started talking about "order" and busted out the ring that they started acting like caricatured villains and douchebags. That whole twist was a bit of a "cheat" IMO, not to mention that it was spoiled for me by the stupid database glitch.
Are you being careful about not being too unarmed-attack happy and breaking the neck of someone already on the ground?
I got it by just using my fists (you're technically not killing anyone). Be careful not to disarm someone and kill them with the weapon you took. Didn't have any trouble with it.
That whole thing was silly. Up untilthe reveal that those dudes are all Templars, nothing about them seemed "bad." If anything, they seemed like decent guys. They killed corrupt people. They saved some enslaved Native Americans. It was only after Haytham started talking about "order" and busted out the ring that they started acting like caricatured villains and douchebags. That whole twist was a bit of a "cheat" IMO, not to mention that it was spoiled for me by the stupid database glitch.
Err I just unlocked The Art of Conversation plate but i'm only on sequence 5. Is this yet another glitch?
Don't think about it took much. Just accept that the game did you a favor and move on.
He does that because Achilles wanted him to. He is an assassin. Lee is a templar. Templars have to die.
Not exactly. That was true in AC1, but in the AC2 trilogy, the Templars were quite clearly meant to seem "bad." Cesare Borgia was two horns and red-tinted eyes away from being an evil wizard stereotype. AC1 dealt much more in moral ambiguities, but the series since then has been pretty straight-forward in its moralizing. That's not a bad thing. Just true.Templars are not "bad guys" per se, and Assassins are not "good guys". They are both equally grey and have both questionable morale at best, which could potentially lead to an interesting dynamic that AC3 SOMEWHAT touches, albeit extremely slight.
Conor was fine letting haytham live. In fact Conor was trying to orchestrate an alliance with the templars in the tail end of the game - his motivations are still nonsensical
Why is this game so goddamn buggy? Every time I enter a new area I get hit with the same notification every single time: Weapon 1 acquired, Weapon 1 acquired, New Citizen Mission, and some other stupidity. What the fuck.
You finished the Trinket sidequests and got thedidn't you? It's bugged to always do that.Shard of Eden
You finished the Trinket sidequests and got thedidn't you? It's bugged to always do that.Shard of Eden
Nah I'm pretty sure it is if you get the twin holster. That's when it started doing it for me (dont have theshard of eden
No, it's not the twin holster. Maybe that's bugged too, but I had that happen to me the moment I finished that quest, which was waaaaaay after I'd crafted the twin holster. Pretty much everyone on the internet has had it happen then.
No, it's not the twin holster. Maybe that's bugged too, but I had that happen to me the moment I finished that quest, which was waaaaaay after I'd crafted the twin holster. Pretty much everyone on the internet has had it happen then.
It's the pitcarin pistols that gives that message, only if you have them equipped. However, after you get that other, you get two additional messages every time an area loads. Retarded. How did this game pass QA at Ubisoft?
Are there any spoilers in it?
Yahtzee pretty much nailed it with the review. AC III has no idea what it wants to be.
I still can't believe they spoiled their own damn game. Unbelievable.Well, they can't add a patch that digs into my brain and un-spoils the big plot twist that their glitched animus database revealed. So, no.
Yahtzee pretty much nailed it with the review. AC III has no idea what it wants to be.
They really messed up the dates in this game. During Sequence 5It is 1770 but when you go on the naval mission it says 1773. There is no way it took 3 years to travel by ship to Martha's Vineyard. Then Sequence 6 starts in 1773 but Conner is noticeably older
I still can't believe Ubisoft said they could've released this game earlier, but decided to polish it instead.
Is randomly losing your arrows also a known bug?This game is something...
This has nothing to do with your tag nor the fact that AC3 is obviously a bugfest, but I've always noticed that you seem to have a problem with most games you play to the point where I always feel like you're frustrated. Is gaming stressful for you, jett?
That kind of stuff happens a lot in this game. The dev team's head doesn't often know what its hand is doing. Development was divided among a bunch of cloistered studios, and they don't seem to have communicated continuity very well from one segment to the next. So there are lots of weird things like this. Sometimes its a contradiction in time/date, and other times it's a contradiction in plot detail.They really messed up the dates in this game. During Sequence 5It is 1770 but when you go on the naval mission it says 1773. There is no way it took 3 years to travel by ship to Martha's Vineyard. Then Sequence 6 starts in 1773 but Conner is noticeably older
I don't know what you're talking about, I'm really enjoying AC3. The bugs just...bug me.
They bug me too =/
one time I was trying to climb a tree to gain synchro with an eagle viewpoint and connor just would not climb the tree. when I finally almost made it to the peak he like glitched through a branch and fell to his death.
That kind of stuff happens a lot in this game. The dev team's head doesn't often know what its hand is doing. Development was divided among a bunch of cloistered studios, and they don't seem to have communicated continuity very well from one segment to the next. So there are lots of weird things like this. Sometimes its a contradiction in time/date, and other times it's a contradiction in plot detail.
That could also be the root cause of many of the bugs/glitches. Too many different studios working on too many different things without enough oversight, direction, or focus. It hurts my brain trying to imagine someone coordinating so many people, studios, and moving parts. I just don't think it's humanly possible.
Something like that happened to me in New York. I had to stand on an exact millimeter on a roof for the "Synchronize" button to appear.
I understand the game is huge and all that but some of this crap really detracts from the experience, and makes me weary that I might run into a game breaking bug, or something that will seriously fuck my save up. Not really a nice to play a game that way.Definitely feels unfinished, none of the other AC games were released like this.