Assassin's Creed Shadows has already passed 1 million players!

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Boss Mog

^ great story, will pray for you....annnnnyway

Save your prayers for Ubisoft friend, they're going to need them.


Well, I'm looking forward to weekend sales estimations. I have to know if neogaf can read the future on this game like DAV and Concoctioncord.

I admit wanting to hear tepid sales for Shadows but that's because I feel affirmed when big companies that could order a hit job on me IRL suffer financially for not appealing to my taste, makes me feel Important.

Then again, I bought Star Wars Outlaws day 1, so I'm not exactly consistently standing on the chud picket line.


Gold Member
Mega blockbuster game apparently. LOVE seeing the dynamic weather and seasons. That alone is a reason for me to buy. Game looks stunning and the girl is cute.


Gold Member
Not even 1 million sales on day 1 including all the pre orders is amazing now? This the same forum that was desperately trying to portrait FF16 as a massive flop for selling 3 million units in a month on just the Ps5?.

Either way, I've long said people who thought AC Japan was going to be a massive flop were delusional. But so far this is looking like a mild success.

Hari Seldon

I don’t care about this game either way, but the current marketing strategies for entertainment revolve around pretending something is super popular to try and get people with FOMO. You see this everywhere when you start to notice it.


By comparison, Ghost of Tsushima sold 2.4 million worldwide the first 3 days on a single platform (PS4)

Sold, not "players"

I'm sure the budget for GoT was a fraction of whatever Ubisoft spent to make Shadows

It's not a question of whether "1 million players" is good enough. It's a question of how much Ubisoft spent to make it, how many they need to sell to break even, and how much that Tencent acquisition offer will be
Yeah, those Sony games selling 3 million in 3 days probably sell most of those copies day one. 1 million players in the first day on all platforms doesn't seem very good.


Gold Member
Good for them I guess. I still have a problem with the romance crap and the way they inadvertently shit on Japanese culture.

I wouldn't have had much of an issue if Yasuke wasn't an actual historical figure. Im even sure in previous games nothing was 100% accurate with depiction of various cultures and history. But it's like they didn't even try. The information is available and they didn't care to learn about it.

It has been something I've always admired about AC games. That on top of the fun I was having being an assassin, I would also learn something about cultures and history. The character I played was fictional yet interacted with historical figures.

The romances in AC Odyssey had gay and lesbian options too. But my character was fictional, and it was optional. It wasnt perverting the nature of a historical figure just for the sake of inclusivity. Plus it's well known that homosexuality was a generally accepted part of that culture and so it actually was somewhat accurate in theory. Did I know for a fact Socrates swung both ways? No...but I didn't play as Socrates, a real historical figure.

I dunno. I really was looking forward to this game...but I just can't reward this.


Yep. I’m seeing it all over Twitter.
It's literally everywhere. We've seen this time and time again in the past year. "Why you should be playing Concord". The whole "Veilguard is a return to form" shit. And they did the whole "return to form" with this game as well. Then they push this whole thing where being positive about a game is a valid opinion, but being negative about a game, or criticizing it, makes you a grifter. I guarantee we get multiple articles, or influences pushing these narratives over the next few weeks, hell we have posters here who have smoke coming out of their ears because everyone isn't rainbows and sunshine about this game.

Good for them I guess. I still have a problem with the romance crap and the way they inadvertently shit on Japanese culture.
Yeah, I'm going to say it's not so inadvertently done, it's purposeful. You don't just accidently have Oichi Nobunaga, a woman known for her virtue and who is a direct descendant to multiple lineages of modern day, living, Japanese royalty, have a crush on Yasuke, and then allow them to have romance options unless you're doing it on purpose.


I smell the stink of underperformance. It'll take a while for experts to get the whaft....or maybe I'm wrong.

The fever dream of the game being a huge success is wearing off. Let's see how it plays out. I'm excited. Are the people who hoped it would do well excited this morning? Do you think that the chuds will lose on this one afterall? How ya feeling today? It's currently at 79.71 on steam, 81 on meta. Reckon this game is going places? Think it met internal Ubisoft expectations? They already know by now. Tell me about how it already beat the other AC games on steam, lol.
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Gold Member
It's literally everywhere. We've seen this time and time again in the past year. "Why you should be playing Concord". The whole "Veilguard is a return to form" shit. And they did the whole "return to form" with this game as well. Then they push this whole thing where being positive about a game is a valid opinion, but being negative about a game, or criticizing it, makes you a grifter. I guarantee we get multiple articles, or influences pushing these narratives over the next few weeks, hell we have posters here who have smoke coming out of their ears because everyone isn't rainbows and sunshine about this game.

Yeah, I'm going to say it's not so inadvertently done, it's purposeful. You don't just accidently have Oichi Nobunaga, a woman known for her virtue and who is a direct descendant to multiple lineages of modern day, living, Japanese royalty, have a crush on Yasuke, and then allow them to have romance options unless you're doing it on purpose.
You would if you didn't care enough to look any deeper than her name. Which you're right, they may have and still decided to do this. So it's either not doing their due diligence or just blatant disrespect


Gold Member
It's literally everywhere. We've seen this time and time again in the past year. "Why you should be playing Concord". The whole "Veilguard is a return to form" shit. And they did the whole "return to form" with this game as well.

They did? All I've been seeing is

"it's an assassins creed game just like the last three main ones. If you liked those, this will be up your alley. If you didn't, this isn't gonna convince you"

At least from the main big review sites.
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They did? All I've been seeing is

"it's an assassins creed game just like the last three main ones. If you liked those, this will be up your alley. If you didn't, this isn't gonna convince you"

At least from the main big review sites.
I typed in "Assassin Creed return to form" in search and the first 20 results gave me 5 hits with "return to form" in the headline. And I saw an image someone posted day before yesterday on social media that had another dozen more just like these.

And it honestly doesn't matter what their final score is, whenever a game comes out and dozens of writers, who supposedly think for themselves, all use the same exact phrase in their review headlines, it's stinks of being manufactured. Even in the last year they've done this same thing in the opposite direction, instead of pushing a game they will coordinate hit pieces to try and kill a game. They did this with both Stellar Blade and Wu Kong, where "stories" would pop up from multiple outlets at the same time to try and push a negative attitude towards them and their developers. I don't know why anyone would trust a word any of these people say. There is nothing more worthless in this industry than a game journalist.


Gold Member
well just checked and it’s still struggling to break past 45k on steam, it’s dropped to 2 in sales (veilguard held no1 for longer), and stocks down 7% (prob the biggest signal).

Problem is the scale of success it needs to be given its budget, and there’s no way to interpret currently available numbers as being representative of the kind of success they need.🤷‍♂️


Gold Member
I typed in "Assassin Creed return to form" in search and the first 20 results gave me 5 hits with "return to form" in the headline. And I saw an image someone posted day before yesterday on social media that had another dozen more just like these.

And it honestly doesn't matter what their final score is, whenever a game comes out and dozens of writers, who supposedly think for themselves, all use the same exact phrase in their review headlines, it's stinks of being manufactured. Even in the last year they've done this same thing in the opposite direction, instead of pushing a game they will coordinate hit pieces to try and kill a game. They did this with both Stellar Blade and Wu Kong, where "stories" would pop up from multiple outlets at the same time to try and push a negative attitude towards them and their developers. I don't know why anyone would trust a word any of these people say. There is nothing more worthless in this industry than a game journalist.
For Stellar blade I did not care about reviews, and I was right, the game is very good and up to now I'm enjoying the gaming just to relax with its excellent combat and cozy environment, even if I had already beaten the game 4 times. Cant wait for the expansion and sequel. Going back, gaming journalist cannot be trusted this days on game impressions and reviews due to political and woke agendas being push. I rather watch live youtube playthrough of a game to evaluate if its good and also read and compare user reviews and watch some very based youtube vloggers impression. Anyway it is much better, too trust your own instinct and conscience. In the end the best reviewer is your own self.
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I guess they had to say some impressive sounding figure to appease investors, but I wonder if they weren't too hasty in announcing it. As much as some say this is primarily a console franchise, those Steam numbers are just not good, and Steam is a significantly bigger platform now than when Odyssey came out.
“A million players” has the same ring to it as the engagement numbers Microsoft likes to tout, and those numbers have never really meant anything at the end of the day.
well just checked and it’s still struggling to break past 45k on steam, it’s dropped to 2 in sales (veilguard held no1 for longer), and stocks down 7% (prob the biggest signal).

Problem is the scale of success it needs to be given its budget, and there’s no way to interpret currently available numbers as being representative of the kind of success they need.🤷‍♂️
AC is definitely a franchise that sells better on consoles, but not breaking 50k on Steam has to be a terrible sign, imo. I'm confident it will still end up profiting, but AC Shadows was supposed to raise Ubisoft's portfolio, as it is quite clear they are looking to outside investors. Bankruptcy is near
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