Damn, that IS destracting. Wonder how fixable it would be?
pc version is pretty nice. solid 30fps with everything on (pcss and hbao etc) and downsampling from 1440p to 1080p. running on an i7, 8gb ram and a 970.
On the user side? Likely impossible given past AssCreed games haven't been mod-friendly. I'll probably cap the game at 30fps and hope Ubi bothers to patch it.
So there's HBAO+ Ultra now?
Here's a bunch of screenshots I took. Runs at 1080p60 on my rig (970, i7 2600k @ 3.4Ghz, 8GB RAM)
I believe I may have had it set to HBAO+ instead of HBAO+ Ultra in the last 2 screenshots. Texture Resolution may have been set to medium as well in the last two. I was still messing around with my settings at the time
edit: reposting for 50ppp people
cloth animations run at 30fps for some reason
AF doesn't work in this game?
I didn't know the twins looked so similar
Yep. Not entirely sure how big of a difference I can make but it seems I can still run the game at 60fps so I have it enabled
no af option. i think it's bundled in with something but it's still not 16x.Comparing it to PS4 AF wise. I take it there's not AF toggle? May have to force it in the nvidia control panel.
So is the lighting model and pbr as good in this as Unity? I know crowds are severely reduced, just hoping that gorgeous lighting is still intact.
I still think ACS is one of the most impressive games regarding lighting in the current gen, but ACU is another league. The lighting in ACU is a marvel to look at that sadly is not replicated in ACS.
So is the lighting model and pbr as good in this as Unity? I know crowds are severely reduced, just hoping that gorgeous lighting is still intact.
Yes.Does anyone know the resolution on consoles?
It is still 900p for both Xbone and PS4?
the main quest is only 9 sequences, while unity had something like 12. there is a bit of post story stuff though, and a lot of side quests between the historical figures, dreadful crimes and borough conquering. I generally found a lot of the mission design to be very hit and miss.So, how long is the game compared to ACU? Similar?
Around 10 million combined with Rogue.
EDIT:Evie's outfit for the next free dlc.
Am I right in thinking I heard that you can't put your hood down in this outfit?
Is there a way to get multiple saves in the Uplay/PC version? My sister would also like to play but I haven't seen an option for that.
I assume disabling cloud saves and renaming save folder (savegames\x\1875) under uplay install folder is only way.
Any way to unlock the Edward & Elise outfit for PC? Here's for PS4, but I wonder where you can do it for the PC
They were under the Uplay rewards thing for me. Didn't need a code. There's also outfits of Ezio, the girl from the side scroller, and Aveline.
This game as well as unity has the most convincing looking city/draw distance in any game I've seen.
Hey, I have a question regarding getting Platinum trophy/all achievements for this game.
I'd say I'm about a third of the way through the main missions. maybe a bit less. And I kind of have the urge to make this my first Platinum trophy, only because the game is so mindless and easy to lose time in that I feel like I wouldn't mind the more menial tasks.
I'm curious though, are there any trophies that are missable? Like, obviously all the story ones I'll get just organically by beating the missions, but are there any that I can potentially miss while completing the story and then be fucked? Ideally I just play through the campaign at my leisure, and then go around the world getting all the trophies I missed. i just want to make sure this is a viable option.
How do us PC players get the free DLC though? I see it's on the Steam page but what about Uplay?
That's what I meant, I'm on PC and have it on Uplay. Open Uplay, go to the game's page, there will be like Overview, actions, rewards, achievements, etc. They were all under rewards for me and are free, just click them. There's other stuff that costs Uplay points like a pistol and whatnot but the costumes all had 0 point costs.