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Nikkei via Video-fenky
For sake of comparison, total game software shipments in America were around $3 billion in 1982, $3.2 billion in 1983, $2 billion in 1984, and $800 million in 1985. In 2003 the figure was $7 billion (according to the ESA's site) and has been rising almost constantly since 1995, with a small dip in 2000."The size of Japan's video game industry went down 11 percent to 446 billion yen in 2003, according to a report from the Computer Entertainment Software Association (CESA). This is the third year of decline, and is approximately 40 percent off from the industry's peak in 1997.
Shipments of hardware and software, as recorded by the CESA, were both stagnant. Hardware shipments went down 16.7 percent to 137.2 billion yen, largely due to audience saturation of the four-year-old PlayStation 2 from Sony Computer Entertainment. Nintendo's portable game system is among the consoles that fared better, but not well enough to stem the tide. Software shipments dipped 8.2 percent to 309.1 billion yen; audience loss, accompanied by the increasing complexity of games, has become a serious problem.
Total shipments, including imports, added up to 1.13 trillion yen, down 10.1 percent from last year."