Horse Detective
Why the long case?
It's been a rough week for Mikasa.

Oh come on, it could just as easily look likeone is standing behind the wall.
If you've read the manga (I think you have), then just don't talk about stuff that was purposely left vague. There could be only, we don't know titan inside the wall
I looked up the manga for this episode just now. This is how the scene after the credits was handled in the manga.
For anyone confused by it from the anime - just click the link if you want to know what the last scene was all about.
I looked up the manga for this episode just now. This is how the scene after the credits was handled in the manga.
For anyone confused by it from the anime - just click the link if you want to know what the last scene was all about.
I looked up the manga for this episode just now. This is how the scene after the credits was handled in the manga.
For anyone confused by it from the anime - just click the link if you want to know what the last scene was all about.
I don't get why they couldn't have ended it the same way. I guess at the start of S2, they'll be doing repairs and and notice it?
If it ended the same way as in the manga it would feel like the show got suddenly cut. The way they presented it in the anime fits the current situation better.
I just don't think that relegating one of the biggest and most dramatic plot twists in the series tois very good. It turned one of the coolest moments into a wet fart of a teaser.a post-credits stinger that a lot of people missed, with a hokey guitar chord, drawn poorly at an angle that caused a lot of people to think that the Titan was outside pushing its face through a hole in the wall and not INSIDE the wall, with nobody around to even see it
For something that was meant to be a climacitc cliffhanger twist to end the season on (since you know, the big fight ended 15 minutes ago), I would have greatly preferred a "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!?!" than a "Oh, there was something after the credits? Ok let me go back... wait, huh?"I liked the ominously subtle route myself.
So in 25 episodes, Eren couldn't manage to kill a single titan with his 3D Maneuver Gear he was supposed to be good at
I just want to add that if you have not read the manga or do not plan to under no circumstances should you highlight the spoilers in the above post.
Yeah, I had a disclaimer, but I wasn't sure if it was clear enough, so I've added an extra one. I'm not 100% sure which thread to use for it, because it's comparison between the anime and the manga, but more focused on the anime. If people feel it's more suitable for the other thread, I'll move it there.
EDIT: Move I shall.![]()
So in 25 episodes, Eren couldn't manage to kill a single titan with his 3D Maneuver Gear he was supposed to be good at
My theory:
The walls are made of titans. That is how the ancestors built their foundations to make them forever strong and self-recovering, so they can eternally protect the people inside. I don't think the titans inside can move though, they are disemboweled and impaled or something.
To be fair, it seems like the author wants the idea of killing titan to be harder than what other animes tend to do with their infinite respond bad guy (Them hollows in bleach). I don't think there is another character besides mikasa and levi that could kill a titan easily.
I thought they were meant to be powered by sunlight?
To me it sounds like humans didn't even build the wall to begin with and that maybe the titans are some kind of fail safe - if the humans try to expand they flick a switch to blow the walls and instant titan army wipes them out.
In all truth - judging by how many questions they keep asking and how few they answer, I get the impression not even the author has a fucking clue and is making it up as they go along.
Why would the titans build them to imprison the humans? They spend most of their time trying to break in and kill them anyway. Seems a bit... self-defeating to lock them out of reach.
Maybe it's like chocolate? Sometimes I hide chocolate away. I know it's there, but the effort I went to hide the chocolate acts as like a psychological reminder I shouldn't eat it yet.No? Not even a little bit?
I've always found the idea that the walls could be built while the titan threat existed pretty impossible. But there had to be a threat otherwise what's the point of building the walls? A: The titans built them to imprison the humans.
I also get the feeling this is going to be like Lost. Of course disappointing anime endings is more the rule than the exception but I usually don't watch as they air so the disappointment isn't the culmination of years of watching and waiting (i feel so sorry for avid Lost watchers). Rather it's just a few weekends with no wait for cliffhangers if I so decide to watch the next episode right away.
...he has the entire series planned out and has since he started it
I've always found the idea that the walls could be built while the titan threat existed pretty impossible. But there had to be a threat otherwise what's the point of building the walls? A: The titans built them to imprison the humans.
I've always found the idea that the walls could be built while the titan threat existed pretty impossible. But there had to be a threat otherwise what's the point of building the walls? A: The titans built them to imprison the humans.
This actually annoyed me from the start.
Literally not a single person questions how they build the walls in the first place?! Apart from it being pretty difficult with their tech and resources, how the fuck should they build it if there are tons of titans being attracted to humans. I guess you could sacrifice a few million people as bait, but still, one abnormal is enough and they probably kill humans faster than x people can build a wall with such a diameter.
But nope, everything is fine. Somehow we don't have any records from 100 years ago. Or at least we don't teach that stuff in school.
Makes the scenario feel forced. Maybe they should have said the walls are 1000 years old or whatever.
Obviously there is something about them. There's now at least one huge titan in the wall...
The story of the miner in this episodes suggests the wall also continues beneath the city. But how far? Even below the landscapes? Coupled with the scene in which Armin watches the birds flying over the wall imo suggested some kind of golden cage scenario. But that makes not much sense considering they can and do leave the walls...
Totally expect a giant glass dome in the sky now![]()
Hmm.. I found the "half-time" facts (or whatever they are called, the little facts that come when the show goes to/comes back from the commercial break) pretty interesting in the finale. Interesting even for a manga-reader imo
First: Second:
Personally I think it suggest there might be something under the walls and I have an idea of what it is
My belief is the city was made before the titan attacks happened AND it was made because of the impending titans
I am thereby suggesting the titans were originally created by this city's governemnt whether a secret group or the head (king) as it stands now I do not know
And also suggesting that the inital titan creation may have occured in a facility hidden beneath the city only accessible at certain access points
...he has the entire series planned out and has since he started it
Trust me a lot of people have been questioning the walls
well fuck then...
don't tell me nothing is gonna happen until the manga loses popularity and gets cancelled and he plot dumps the last few chapters.
It's been a rough week for Mikasa.
It's been a rough week for Mikasa.
I hope it develops romantically.I kind of hope that the relationship between Eren and Mikasa matures, and I don't necessarily mean romantically although that wouldn't bother me either. Mikasa needs to tone the intensity down a bit. The way that she wants to protect Eren is obsessive. And Eren needs to realize that his sister loves him (sisterly love that is) and he should be happy to have someone who cares. It would make it more realistic. Real life is cruel and as people who truly care go, it can get lonely. I know I've experienced it. The interactions between Eren, Mikasa, and Armin as well as the other trainees before the second wall breaching were so human and interesting. The interactions in the dorm during training were great. Then the titans came and now everyone is crazy in the head. Sucks but I guess that's the way life is. Kids on the playground are so happy, imagination still intact. Adults at work are like aaaahhhh what am I going to do!?!?! Not out loud of course but you can see it in their eyes. I guess the 104th trainee squad just transitioned to adult life.
I kind of hope that the relationship between Eren and Mikasa matures, and I don't necessarily mean romantically although that wouldn't bother me either. Mikasa needs to tone the intensity down a bit. The way that she wants to protect Eren is obsessive. And Eren needs to realize that his sister loves him (sisterly love that is) and he should be happy to have someone who cares. It would make it more realistic. Real life is cruel and as people who truly care go, it can get lonely. I know I've experienced it. The interactions between Eren, Mikasa, and Armin as well as the other trainees before the second wall breaching were so human and interesting. The interactions in the dorm during training were great. Then the titans came and now everyone is crazy in the head. Sucks but I guess that's the way life is. Kids on the playground are so happy, imagination still intact. Adults at work are like aaaahhhh what am I going to do!?!?! Not out loud of course but you can see it in their eyes. I guess the 104th trainee squad just transitioned to adult life.
Argh, so tempted to read the manga. Having a date (or at least a confirmation) for season 2 would help a lot
fan artists are already on the case
JeKasa / MikaJean 4 lyfe.
JeKasa / MikaJean 4 lyfe.
Stay losing, #TeamJean
I meant the characters. I mean, we don't hear the thoughts of mastermind Erwin etc., but surely these thoughts should pop up in the mind of most of the citizens. It's just that the scenario doesn't deal with this logic for the plot's sake.
edit: so basically you would speculate,that the city/walls were build before the titans were a threat, because they e.g. were created in a secret facility etc. ? Then what we've known should also be all lies from the government/whoever. But their lies would still not explain how they build the walls, so people should be wary.