Hi fellow AusGAFers. Not sure if bugs or general lag. In regards to Xbox Live and Xbox One.
I've played 4 MP matches in total. 2x in Forza, 1x Ryse, 1x Killer Instinct.
The first Forza MP match was flawless, but was only 3 people.
2nd one had around 10. Cars were jumping up and down, or driving upside down. My gameplay was smooth and not jumpy, but cars were flying all over the place around me. Not sure if all other clients witness the same thing.
Ryse was OK, but here and there, the other guy I was playing coop with was rubber-banding across the map a few times.
Killer instinct was smooth, but at least 5 times during the fight, it either paused for a few seconds, or had extreme lag for a few seconds that made it render to like 2fps.
What are your experiences with Live so far?
I'm on a 8Mb ADSL1 Telstra connection (only thing I can get), but speeds are pretty good. Speedtest on Telstra Melbourne server:
7.63Mb/s Download
0.32Mb/s Upload
Ping 14
^Almost maxing out my connection.
I did the test again on a server in Seattle, USA
6.33Mb/s Download
0.31Mb/s Upload
Ping 154
^Pretty good for an international connection.
I ran the detailed network stats within the Network settings of Xbox Live
3.32Mb/s Download
Ping 264
^Not that great at all. Xbox One has a static IP and the Xbox Live ports are all forwarded. NAT type = Open.
Can you guys please post your network stat results from your Xbone, would like to compare. Also what connection you are on, and perhaps a speedtest result to compare. Perhaps even a non-junior member start a thread to collect this info?
Even though I'm on ADSL1, never had issues with my Internet. As I connect to a roadside cabinet RIM/CMUX about <5m from my house.
eg: torrent downloads usually around ~800kBp/s
Steam/Origin downloads ~1Mbp/s
I have my Xbone location set to USA to use the IR blaster "Xbox On" command. I thought this would be the reason for the high ping, I set back to Australia and rebooted, ran again, similar results. Now these 300,000 XBL servers they claim, any of these hosted in Australia? My ping suggest otherwise. Would be good to know if it's just me.