Yeah, they patched it in the other week.Did they ever patch in the stuff that wasn't in the other versions? (I think it was the Invader levels?)
If any of the IRC peoples are around, I'm Cruncho (surprisingly!). Thanks for making me feel welcome..
Ya's needa calm down.
If any of the IRC peoples are around, I'm Cruncho\ (surprisingly!). Thanks for making me feel welcome..
Ya's needa calm down.
Rayman Legends is a great game, especially on Vita. I give it my Seal of Approval.
Rogue Legacy runs like ass on my laptop. God damn it, I would've though it would run okay.
If any of the IRC peoples are around, I'm Cruncho\ (surprisingly!). Thanks for making me feel welcome..
Ya's needa calm down.
Still waiting for the Vita port :/
AAC too!
If any of the IRC peoples are around, I'm Cruncho\ (surprisingly!). Thanks for making me feel welcome..
Ya's needa calm down.
Well done! PS. Don't choke like I did :/Managed a 6th place finish in the final of one of my pinball leagues. The competition started in February and has been running all year. I'm pretty happy with 6th for three reasons:
1. I did pretty good in some rounds but there were a couple where I came second last. I managed a strong few games in the final to claw back some places.
2. Three of the people ahead of me are in the top 10 players in Australia.
3. My buddy won it, beating the number 1 ranked player in Australia.
All good fun. Looking forward to the comp again next year.
Now, to concentrate on the NSW final of the AUS / NZ pinball open next weekend. This one will be even harder...
I'm generally a "full-season-or-nothing" kinda dude, so thanks! I haven't kept up to date at all via this thread, but your interest has definitely piqued mineRegarding The Genius Season 1, click here for a solution.
Killzone has its appeal but I'm not really enjoying it this time around. Well, I was until I got Battlefield 4 with that Amazon deal and I haven't touched it since. Barely had any issues outside of not getting my XP one time after a particularly good game I had.
ausgaf chat is pretty cliquey and on top of that we're a bunch of over analyzing cynical wankers.
I appreciate the amount of amusement and paranoia you unintentionally bought to the channel the past week, because I thoroughly enjoyed our shitty little witch hunt where banana thought you were a data mining robot.
but also we're like 3 for 3 scaring off new people and I think that's kind of funny too.
Tbh I agree with the OP but with less hate. TWD does have a great story but the game itself is pretty bad. Finding out all the tough choices you made didn't really matter was a slap in the face.Man, what a depressing thread
To me, probably the only game that ever had truly meaningful (as in 'would cascade throughout the entire game in unexpected and crazy ways' meaningful) story-related choices was probably Alpha Protocol. Pity about the gameplay.
Man, what a depressing thread
To me, probably the only game that ever had truly meaningful (as in 'would cascade throughout the entire game in unexpected and crazy ways' meaningful) story-related choices was probably Alpha Protocol. Pity about the gameplay.
When?: December 14th, Saturday 5:00 pm start.
Where?: The Mana Bar: 420 Brunswick St, Fortitude Valley QLD 4006
Attending: Lafiel, Lexi, Shanshan310, Rlan, Bulbagarden
Maybe: Catbug/Will, Stackboy, FallbackPants.
Not Attending:
So that EB Mad Monday thing is on. I'm still a cheap arse as nothing's cheap enough to get.
I'm trying to get BF4 Limited Edition (only $48) and a Wired Controller ($36) but Paypal isn't working! I should probably take it as a sign that I don't particularly need either of those things...
and hey. it's my first post in this thread (literally made my account a week ago). Tasmanian here.![]()
Tbh I agree with the OP but with less hate. TWD does have a great story but the game itself is pretty bad. Finding out all the tough choices you made didn't really matter was a slap in the face.
1 week? You had to wait one week for approval? Fucking hell. Welcome. I suppose.
Nah, actually welcome.
I don't think it would be that hard to pull off though. Obsidian isn't really that big of a studio compared to Telltale and they did it as well as making a (admittedly mediocre) third person shooter to go along with it. Games like Fallout have been doing it years ago. I think Telltale are putting their resources in the wrong place though. I wish they had the balls to ditch the rudimentary adventure/puzzle sections and spend more time on better C&C. I remember them saying it was a lot of work for them to keep track of who Lee took with him in the last episode. I think all that work was wasted because it ultimately wasn't really an interesting decision with interesting consequences. Now I'm not saying they should make completely new environments or plot directions but giving characters a persistent opinion of the player behind a strong stats backbone would be a great start. I felt they could have gone further with Lee and allowed players to shape what kind of character he is from the choices he made.The illusion of choice was enough for me.
Massive firms almost never have meaningful choices in their games, there was never any realistic way Telltale would manage. The overhead would've been apocalyptic.
The formula is efficient enough apparently that they can just crank out more though lol. But with Jake and Sean elsewhere, we'll see how it goes.
Rep is right though: fuck that engine. Janky, hitchy, save-losing piece of crap.
I don't think it would be that hard to pull off though. Obsidian isn't really that big of a studio compared to Telltale and they did it as well as making a (admittedly mediocre) third person shooter to go along with it. Games like Fallout have been doing it years ago.
Pretty easy, but depends on the phone.
VGX was really lame, apart from Witcher 3 and No Man's Sky
Randy PitchfordI want to know who the hell asked for 'Tales from the Borderlands'. Can that immediately, please.
Your talking about Fallout 1 right? Not Fallout 3?Eh... Fallout has 'choice' but it certainly doesn't have 'meaningful choice'. If anyone ever felt an inch of emotion over a choice in Fallout I would be in disbelief.
Um wat. New Vegas?!Eh... Fallout has 'choice' but it certainly doesn't have 'meaningful choice'. If anyone ever felt an inch of emotion over a choice in Fallout I would be in disbelief.
That's not to say, of course, that I would be opposed to Telltale actually going somewhere with their choices systems, and like you, I share the worry that they're overstretched.
Your talking about Fallout 1 right? Not Fallout 3?
Um wat. New Vegas?!
GOTY edition of New Vegas ran smooth on 360. Was really surprised.
Some incredibly powerful moments out in the wastelands of New Vegas for me.
GOTY edition of New Vegas ran smooth on 360. Was really surprised.
Some incredibly powerful moments out in the wastelands of New Vegas for me.
Main thing I remember is the Democracy Vault.
Damn that's a good short story.
I'm generally a "full-season-or-nothing" kinda dude, so thanks! I haven't kept up to date at all via this thread, but your interest has definitely piqued mine![]()
I'm pretty impressed with the Xbone/PS4 pricing of games. Outside pre-ordersmostall of them are $79 at JB.
BF4 is a disgrace. I'm feeling bad for my 25 bucks. Campaign crashed on me literally after each level. On the 4th level it crashed while saving and corrupted my savegame. All progress gone. I'm not even going to touch it till these game breaking issues have been sorted out.
That stinks. I'm talking MP only, though. I did the first SP mission then jumped straight into Conquest. Really strange how DICE hasn't gotten a handle on the issues yet. It's been more than a month
I imagine whoever employed you would have to legally keep some kind of record for a period of time.
Yeah I haven't had to import much this year compared to the last few. Really good prices at launch and most of the time local prices will drop within the 2 weeks it takes games to come over from the UK anyway.They were $68 on Big W. The Xbone games are still $68 actually, PS4 games got bumped back up to $88.
In general game prices have been pretty good lately. I've bought mostly locally this year
Do you still need to finish the SP campaign to unlock a bunch of the MP weapons?That stinks. I'm talking MP only, though. I did the first SP mission then jumped straight into Conquest. Really strange how DICE hasn't gotten a handle on the issues yet. It's been more than a month
Do the ATO know how much you were paid then? Since they seem to be the ones in the know about the whole thing. Take a shot at getting a payslip from the old employer, if they don't respond you can tell the ATO that you had no luck.FML. The ATO called me and I need to lodge a tax return for some contract work I did years ago. I'm going to have to guesstimate how much I earned cause there's no chance I'm able to get records from this long ago.
Do the ATO know how much you were paid then? Since they seem to be the ones in the know about the whole thing. Take a shot at getting a payslip from the old employer, if they don't respond you can tell the ATO that you had no luck.
I've been laughing at the logs for a while. Hell, you even found my steam profile at one point!
edit: and you dox'd me!
I'm trying to get BF4 Limited Edition (only $48) and a Wired Controller ($36) but Paypal isn't working! I should probably take it as a sign that I don't particularly need either of those things...
and hey. it's my first post in this thread (literally made my account a week ago). Tasmanian here.![]()