It's a well loved machine that's for sure. It's never really clicked with me though for some reason.
I've never played it (but my mate has one... supposedly in great nick, save for a broken plastic plane and faded cab) but from what I can see, it looks like it's a little too busy. The only reason I think I'd ever go out of my way to play one is if I could do
Yeah it's just a list of what I've played in 2013 (which in reality would probably be double that number, but there are a lot of pinball machines missing on Giantbomb), which will then inform my top 10 for the year which will be a separate list.
I haven't played a ST LE yet. When does he get it?
Jan 24th. I'm kinda hyped. He was smitten with the Pro when he played it at the finals (he was only spectating, but the pub had just gotten it in) and barely two weeks later he's dropped $10.5k on one (according to AMD's website).
So jealous of the machines you've played, you bastard. Melbourne's quite lacking in that regard, my list would look something like this (mostly from memory):
Family Guy
Simpsons Pinball Party
Metallica Pro
Metallica LE
X-Men Magneto LE
X-Men Pro
Transformers Pro
Star Trek Pro
High Speed (obviously)
High Speed 2/The Getaway
I can only dream of playing some of the machines you've touched this year
Fun fact #1: danharmonsucks is run by a guy here on GAF.
Fun fact #2: I haven't touched season 4 at all, except for the first episode. Pretty sure I'm not missing much.
Aside from the fantastic Brooklyn Nine Nine I don't give a fuck about TV until Archer starts next year, unless Almost Human stops being POLICE PROCEDURAL OF THE WEEK and starts an arc of some fucking fashion.
Who put who onto Brooklyn Nine-Nine? I have a feeling I was the first in my circle of friends to watch it... but I don't know which circle. Probably not this one.
But agreed, it's far funnier than it has every right to be. Samberg is on point as is the rest of the cast. That bitchy one whose name I forget is super hot, too.
Terry Crews needs to get more work on the big stage. Dude is amazing.
Damn straight. I was glad when they wrote him in for being on the field, don't know whether that was due to them initially considering him for part of the season or not, but man... I just fucking love the guy. Every interview I've seen him in just makes him out to be stupid awesome.
Did you know the DVD versions of Community are different to the aired versions in America? Since the aired versions are all I've ever seen I have no idea what the differences were but I heard some were sort of significant. Not sure why they had to change em.
Has kept me from buying the dvds tbh.
Biggest difference in the Australian release is that all the episodes are sped up to suit 50Hz TVs or something. So everyone's voices are a higher pitch than if you just downloaded them.