If you have a Dropbox folder of any considerable size getting a 256GB Surface isn't that bad an idea. Really frustrating that Dropbox and Google Drive refuse to exist on the SD card and so I'm constantly managing space on my 128GB model.
Anyone buying AC Unity on PS4? Pretty much locked into leaving it until next year but if there's a ton of people playing co-op I might change my mind.
I'm not, and it's AC Parity, not Unity.
Aha, I see what you done there Sony
Aha, I see what you done there Sony
... both consoles look pretty dirty in that photo.
Also, have there been any Wii U deals in Aus lately? Or has it started becoming semi legit popular now so no more crazy cheap deals like before?
So when do get Amiibos? I don't plan on picking up Smash Bros, but i found myself making mental notes of which figures I want to get (basically all the Mario/Luigi, Zelda and DK ones, maybe a Samus. If they do some Ace Attorney and or Layton as well, we'd better call the whole thing off.
also, why this is weird: I haven't bought any toys in years, not even skylanders/infinity stuff.
If you have a Dropbox folder of any considerable size getting a 256GB Surface isn't that bad an idea. Really frustrating that Dropbox and Google Drive refuse to exist on the SD card and so I'm constantly managing space on my 128GB model.
Just had like half a tooth fall off in my mouth, it's fucking massive! From a root canal I got done years ago, outside looks fine but inside is black (of course knowing my luck) >_<
Not sure if it's due to popularity or due to the firesale by Kmart at $175 but no great deals going.
DamnNot sure if it's due to popularity or due to the firesale by Kmart at $175 but no great deals going.
DamnWelp, hope some deals come up closer to xmas cos I really don't wanna pay like 400 for a wiiu
Did you watch the Saturday 6:30 PM screening in G-town? because I was at that screening!Saw Gone Girl over the weekend. Good movie, creepy as fuck. Especially Ben Affleck's.penis
Anyone buying AC Unity on PS4? Pretty much locked into leaving it until next year but if there's a ton of people playing co-op I might change my mind.
3:15. Saw it to escape the heat, came out and froze our arses off on the way back to the car. Must've dropped 10-15 degrees while we were in there :/ We may have just crossed paths though, we walked out just shy of 6pm on Saturday.Did you watch the Saturday 6:30 PM screening in G-town? because I was at that screening!
But yeah thought it was a great movie - the type of thriller that really clicks with me. Just wish Fincher could just make movies like that over and over.
You mean Sleepy Hollow?in G-town?
Pretty done with AC. Feels like the same shovel gruel every year now. Plus I already got tricked into buy the latest AC: Shadow of Mordor.
Pretty done with AC. Feels like the same shovel gruel every year now. Plus I already got tricked into buy the latest AC: Shadow of Mordor.
I am a wow fan and that was a pretty awesome little documentary. I'm still playing this game 10 years on, it's something special.
That game is awesome. I like it more than Batman and AC combined.
totes worth it.
I've recommended SoM to a few people who didn't end up liking it, I don't get it. It's my GOTY so far.
SoM didn't click for me but I'm kinda excited by Unity on Ps4, parity or not. I'm also interested in how rogue turns out. I have several friends working on Unity. One in Quebec City, one in Toronto and one in Singapore.
Cheapest Xbox One deal for a guy who just wants to play Halo and then let it collect dust?
What exactly makes it a lazy cash grab? They've put a twist on the series' conventions, allowing you to play the game differently, with a different story.Rogue = Black flag with Templar and Assassin roles reversed. Imo the laziest cash grab ever.
EBGames have XBone (NO Kinect) + AC Unity + AC Black Flag + Forza Horizon 2 for $499
AC games are download codes, but you could sell them somewhere and then trade in FH2 and put it all towards MCC.
I think Big W or Target have a MCC bundle. I'll find it after work.
Rayman Legends & Trials Fusion are glorified stocking stuffers at this point lol
Digitally from the US or another region I expect.On the topic of cheap games, where's the best place to get Halo MCC?
Also re Watch Dogs, I'm on Act II and, I've got a shitload more to do don't I?just accessed the bunker on the island
Also, does it get better? Trench coat guy is such a bland protagonist.
Oh you poor thing, you were tricks into playing a great game.
Shitload more to go. You are about a third of the way through I think.
Aiden is always bland, that's the point of his character. They wanted you to project yourself into his shoes, for better or worse. Didn't work out but eh. Got the job done. Sets up the IP well.
Game gets a lot more fun when you unlock all the driving hacks.