Jesus guys slow down it's hard to keep up with this thread
Just ignore the shit posts (i.e. everyone else) and read only the good ones (i.e. mine).
What's everyone's plans for the Christmas break?
2 weeks off work means family catch ups, gaming catch ups and beach.
Does it suck to have a work Christmas party on not the last day of work so you have to go back to work after drunkenly telling everyone what you really think of them?
Our works party was only finalised and announced about a week ago so a bunch of people, myself included, aren't going. Luckily I went to the missus' party which was at the Adelaide Zoo!
Does the holiday break usually end up meaning non-stop tech support for family?
Pretty much. Especially when people get tech gifts.
If anyone has any recommendations for text adventures I'm all ears. Preferably single room ones since I hate walking around and getting lost.
A Dark Room
Fuck, everywhere is really not selling 256GB Surface Pro 2s any more, huh.
Just gonna have to go 512GB.
Dat Kickstarter cash!
What should I have for lunch?
Video game music on Spotify! I want to be recommended some to add to the office playlist.
Did the Pokemon Fire Red and Leaf Green Remasters get added to Spotify, or just iTunes?
Defiant Development's Kickstarter is so close to reaching its target, and Auran's Kickstarter just passed the 100% mark, yay Australian devs, yay Queensland devsAnd you should also back this Super Mario Kart type game being made in Townsville! If this guy reaches a super stretch goal he's going to put a real koala in a go kart and teach it how to drive. Awesome.
I would pay good money to see that koala...
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