As a Pelgrane Press customer, I have received something really cool from them (made by another company also owned by Simon Rogers).
A FREE copy of
Campaign Cartographer 3! It's essentially a CAD program designed for mapping. Many resources are available to create different styles of maps and map features. It's very powerful, but takes some time to grasp how it functions and how best to use it.
Unsurprising to most here, I'm sure, I already own a copy of this. $55 worth of free software is pretty sweet. It's a fully licensed download copy that will be saved against your account at
ProFantasy Software, so it'll be yours forever. Those of you who may be interested in this are in luck as I'd love to give this away to one member of my favourite community. If this seems like a product you would love to have and use, let me know. I don't expect many people here to find much use for this, but if more than one person wants this, I'll leave it to random chance as to who receives it.
No sweat if this isn't anyone's cup of tea, it's a niche product that I know someone out there will have a use for. I just like to offer it up to those here first, because you're all awesome.