They are patching in CD support in the next patch. They quickly found out that people still want to play CD's in their PS4's when the FAQ came out.
PS1 compatibility is a lot more understandable. And complicated. Not sure on the issue of rights to play publishers PSOne games on the PS4. They could always chuck ePSXe up on the store but again, not sure on the legalities of allowing the use of those old games (pretty sure this came up in a discussion about why BC for Xbox games on the 360 was such a mess and came out in batches).
Then fuck Sony for not securing the rights in perpetuity for games on the system. They only have to enable the play from discs, not keep selling the digital versions anyway. Either way, their fuck up.
That was hilarious. He had to say about three or four lines before I could wrap my head around what was happening. Tarantino does what he wants! Even if it makes absolutely no sense and is completely awful. He did make some of the best films I've seen though, so I can forgive him.
I knoooww ;.; That one shot that they clearly cut from an old episode stuck out like a sore thumb. I was also really disappointed that Jack Harkness wasn't there, but after seeing the episode I guess I understand.
Played 100+ hours of the 360 version, paid $48 for it at launch, screenshots from the PC version, taken from the PC screenshot thread, all are gameplay shots, compressed to avoid the wrath of 0mikr0n
You will spend a LOT of time on a boat. Not by neccessity, not by force. Because you load into the boots of Edward T Kenway and the first thing you notice, just out of the corner of your peripheral vision, is some spanish fuck thinking he can cruise on through the devils triangle while hauling a load of fine Jamacian herb without a care in the wind.
Fuck that. I run this shit.
As such a large portion of your time with the game ends up with you absentmindedly running off after an ambient activity of some kind. The game is super relaxed letting you play at your own pace, going about your business however you like. A much better stance than the strict regiment set out in previous game where you usually had a decision to either go hunting or go creeding. The looser structure makes sense, you are a fucking pirate afterall, but does make it increasingly harder to give two shits about the story of Kenway. The years keep on slippin by, with nary a wrinkle deposited upon Eddie boys forehead. Dat precursor lotion is good stuff.
In any case the name of the game is Assassins Creed, so expect a lot of shoehorning of previous creed like stuff into the pirate adventure.
Greater Good.
Being a part of a bigger, more important machine.
Kenway gives not one fuck about these things. He's a fucking pirate.
This established personality creates the strongest protagonist in the entire series without requiring an epic 3 part saga (that turns more and more into dribbly dreck as the writers mantle is past down through the chain of trainees). Kenway likes the coin, the drink and being his own man. Nothing more, nothing less for many years. At least until the constant barrage of HOLY SHIT MAN, THINGS JUST GOT REAL gets through to him that the life of a pirate doesn't have a happy ending. For the most part this flows pretty well, with plenty of notable events that make good use of his strengths rather than just fancy setpieces for the sake of it, until the patented Ubisoft ohfuckwegottatiethisshitupbecausethedamnthingismeanttocomeoutnextweekkkkkkkkkk.
Despite finishing quite quickly in an almost boringly straightforward manner mechanically, the plot itself delivers and is satisfying enough that you put the controller down feeling that Mr Kenway certainly had an arc as a character.
It also made sense, which is a step up from the last 2 games, thankfully.
Okay lets get to brass tacks, the gameplay.
You played the last few games? Okay you're set because they improved everything slightly.
Haven't played since 1/2/never? All good! Controls pretty simple at this point, only thing to get to grips with is high/low profile moves but even that has been simplified in a good way (for once!). Free running lets you hold one button and parkour your way off the vast majority of shit in your way.
This leads to probably the most important improvement in this game. THE LEVEL DESIGN!
Shit actually is fun to move around. All the settlements range from medium sized to tiny, but all of them are a joy to get around due to the intelligent design. It may not be the most logical way to design roofs or cabling or tree planting, but it sure is fucking fun to travel along. Gone are the days of running into a corner and having to turn around and wonder where the fuck to go next. High points to stop and plan out the next section of traversal are plentiful and far enough from AI patrol routes to allow movement to be dictated by the player, rather than the game.
Wait, why can a pirate climb all up in this shit? It's simple really! Everything is like a hook knot or something. Pirates love climbing the plank and there's ropes and shit all over the boat, so it makes sense kinda!!!
Anyway, the AI is solid in that braindead-predictable-route-while-still-intelligent-enough-to-see-you-pushing-your-luck way that lets you be creative in your approach to them without making encounters too deadly. Also on that note, checkpoints are plentiful as fuck, almost as if they want you to finish the damn game rather than bang your head against the wall too often. Very rarely will death be harsh, worst case scenario you have to wolverine some more peons from convenient halebales or long grass.
Oh and the gadgets! Oh the gadgets are great, complement each other perfectly. No sideweapons though. No more axes, tomahawks, etc. Just twin swords, 4 pistols, a sleepy dart, a beserk dart, smoke bombs AND a single throwing knife. So yeah, still tons of options but they narrow them down to stuff you can switch quickly on the fly. Nothing more fun than beserk darting your target while hidden in long grass and watching his bodyguards slice the shit out of him while you take a nap in the corn. Very handy.
Still a few eavesdrop missions sadly. Only one or two are irriating, as the level design makes most of them a logical game of follow-the-leader-while-on-rooftops. Still would be nice to see them change the listening ring mechanic to something more like a visual only system.
Boats? Boats! So much fun. 5 different weapons allow you to approach situations differently due to their strengths, most of the time you can float on up and mortar the bejesus out of them though. Then you get to board the idiots! Yay! Swing on over! Quite exhilerating to take to the deck of their boat and take down some stinky French/Pom/Spanish basterds right up in close. There is a sidegame where you can capture these boats and send them off to do trades in other countries, like the Brotherhood stuff in the older games. It's really pointless and you don't need to do it thankfully.
You DO need to sail around and discover deserted islands though. The music that plays as you jump off your boat and swim onto the tiny shore is really evocative of the Monkey Island soundtracks by Michael Land. The music in general is delicious and fun. Class act all round!
Graphically it's top range shit. Art direction is pretty straight forward but they nail it perfectly, with plenty of variety despite the game world being fucking HUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUGE! I've made it to most points on the map but there is just a stupid amount of content to find if you really feel like it. Everything looks great. The sand, sun, surf. All of it. I even have a feeling it runs at a higher, more solid framerate than AC3 did. I was very impressed for an end of gen title that still looks amazing (even picking up TLoU halfway through playing Black Flag dated the texture work in TLoU in some areas!).
Modern Day stuff? I won't spoil it, as it's actually really cool for once! All those segments though can be completed super quick if you don't want to fluff about with all the available content. None of it gives you anything more than background information into the AC IP. It includes a First Person Perspective which is a great touch that actually works this time, compared to being irritating as shit in ACRev. It also has some hacking puzzles that did NOT result in me throwing my controller in anger! That has to be a first (according to the wife anyway).
One odd thing I found was that they had 4 MEGABOSS ship encounters, one in each corner, kinda like the Weapons in FF7. Hard as fuck. Despite being a top dog on the seas, taking down Man O Wars without breaking a sweat, I couldn't take down any of the Weapons
tl;dr - Black Flag takes the IP in a new logical direction. This is a series for going on holiday. This is not about plot, this is about having a ton of fun in a cool environment with little to no baggage for the most part. I can easily look past the rushed final 1/4 of the plot, the aimless middle 2 or 3 hours, and the loss of the brutal as fuck tomahawk. It's a game that wants to get out of your way, let you do almost anything and everything right from the first hour. You play as Sir Ed the Pirate. You pirate the shit out of everything in your way. You even get to help a drunken assassin wander on home, slicing up would-be attackers while the drunk git tries to burp the alphabet! The playful nature of the game can't help but make you smile, even in the modern day segments.
Basically if you want a pirate game give it a shot. If you liked AC1 or 2 give it a shot. If you hated AC3, this might be fun and fancyfree enough to bring you back into the series, with a big shiteating grin on your face, like it did for me.
Highly doubtful there will be walk in stock, best to try EB on Saturday or Sunday to see if you can poach a cancelled pre-order. Talked to a guy at EB on Sunday and he was willing to pull a X1 for me as he had 3 sitting there until December when the customers could pay off the whole thing. Pretty sure you have 48 or 72 hours before they will sell your order to anyone else.
I reckon if you look hard enough you'll be able to find a ps4 on launch. I might stop my local big w and see if they have stock, but even if they do I'll probably just wait til amazon have stock again.
Also, Foxtel is launching their own VOD service, Presto, for 25 a month lol.
Love this bit
"Foxtel is believed to have made representations to the US majors, and perhaps directly with Netflix, to try to deter Netflix from accepting Australian credit cards and thus limiting the number of local subscribers who can access the service."
Yeah I did some Googling and it seems he was asked. Sucks big time. You take that role on and IMO you have a responsibility to do these kinds of things. His time on the site must have REALLY shaken him...
Really interested to see where they go with Cipaldi. I was a fan of Smith's eclecticism, really felt like you were watching an alien whose skin didn't quite fit right.
I really liked that about him too. And even though he had some darker moments he was generally lighthearted and almost childlike. Not a huge fan of some of the companions but overall I think Matt Smith has been my favourite doctor. I'll be sad to see him go.
, such a disappointment not to at least turn up for ten bloody seconds (I know filming it would've probably been a major hassle or whatever but come on, man)
Even back in September the ETA on delivery for a pre-order was 2014 lol
EB & JB have the lions share of the first shipment it seems.
Some places like Kmart/Target weren't even getting their first shipment until 2014 originally lol, thankfully a month ago they pushed that up to December. Same with Dick Smith. All places will have pre-orders delivered by Christmas apparently. Ships out on 23/12 if I remember correctly.
Will be interesting to see if Sony just aren't giving us much stock.
I wonder if we will see X1 numbers, I got the impression Microsoft weren't overly happy with pre-order numbers here. ESPECIALLY since it's a much better deal to buy a X1 here.
$579 for console, controller, camera AND a game
$549 for console & controller
Are you sure about the Dick Smith info there? When the PS4 was first announced, the Australian Playstation site put up a special pre-order page which listed four specific resellers: EB, JB, Dick Smith, and Harvey Norman. I would assume that all four of those resellers will be getting stock in the first shipment.
On the subject of stock, a friend who works at an EB store in Western Sydney tells me that they had WAY more XBone units for launch than they will have PS4 units.
Are you sure about the Dick Smith info there? When the PS4 was first announced, the Australian Playstation site put up a special pre-order page which listed four specific resellers: EB, JB, Dick Smith, and Harvey Norman. I would assume that all four of those resellers will be getting stock in the first shipment.
On the subject of stock, a friend who works at an EB store in Western Sydney tells me that they had WAY more XBone units for launch than they will have PS4 units.
I worded Dick Smith in there awkwardly, meant that the Christmas bundle was first revealed at Dick Smith (the one with Killzone) which is when it became apparent there was going to be another 2013 shipment.
I've been looking at the lineup for the next few months, then I look at Assassin's Creed 4, more and more I think I'll end up buying that game. Despite 3 being perhaps one of the most disappointingly bad games I've ever played. And I play a lot of disappointingly bad games.
So, in summary, eat a dick reptile. Stop making me want things.
AC3 is/was shit. ACIV is up there with AC2 and AssBro so far for me, though I am only about 7-8 hours in.
By shit, I mean it was just more of the same, and seeing I got bored during Revelations it didn't take me long to get bored of 3. ACIV on the other hand feels like a cross between AC, Far Cry and Sid Mier's Pirates, it's good times.
Sword of the Stars II Enhanced Edition,
Project Freedom,
Weird Worlds: Return to Infinite Space,
Space Chem & 63 Corvi DLC,
Planets Under Attack,
Ion Assault,
Data Jammers: FastForward,
Really Big Sky.
Made the last minute decision to see City and Colour in Sydney tonight. I've got tickets for Brisbane this Sunday, but I'm a big Dallas Green fan and haven't been to any gigs in Sydney before.
AusGAF where/what is the best 3DS XL deal? I literally haven't seen anything for months outside that Zelda bundle and when i went to pre-order it a month ago they where all 'sold out'.
I know Big W has got $20 saving if you spend more than $250, but JB has 3DS XL's for like 238 so its not much of a saving.
Now, video games. Where's the cheapest place to buy Zelda? Tempted to just get the digital download but if I can save $20 or whatever that would be nice.
Now, video games. Where's the cheapest place to buy Zelda? Tempted to just get the digital download but if I can save $20 or whatever that would be nice.