Tomorrow Men The War Began.Megadrive said:What is that supposed to meanAnkhWeasel said:TMTWB
Tomorrow Men The War Began.Megadrive said:What is that supposed to meanAnkhWeasel said:TMTWB
It'll sell millions.Neverender said:*checks app store*
Wow, Veggie Samurai! What an awesome game idea.
Tomorrow Men: The War BeganTntnnbltn said:Tomorrow Men The War Began.
Tntnnbltn said:Ricki-Lee was played on the Korean GomTV SC2 stream. AusGAF redeemed?
"Can't Touch It".evlcookie said:Really? What song? I must have missed it said:"Can't Touch It".
I also heard The Veronicas - "Popular".
legend166 said:I couldn't be bothered finding the cropped image or cropping it myself so I'll just post this:
evlcookie said:Did you watch SC2 last night syth?
Happy bday legend
legend166 said:I couldn't be bothered finding the cropped image or cropping it myself so I'll just post this:
Happy b'day. Mine's in five days (10th)!legend166 said:I couldn't be bothered finding the cropped image or cropping it myself so I'll just post this:
Is it just Channel Ten or Fox 8 too? Never knew Simpsons was partially censored in Australia.markot said:Happy Bday!
And you know what still irks me >.<?
How much they chop out of the simpsons for the local episodes. They cut out alot of the 'riskier' jokes... and when you see em on dvd in their full glory... its just crazy.
I remember the 'bad influence my butt' line from bart in that episode when him and milhouse stop being friends. They just cut it out, and really jarringly too so it was so obvious it was missing >.>
Agyar said:You know if we used IRC I could join from work on my internet phone. Just saying.
Mar said:I think at this point I'd also be willing to do IRC. Steam chat is just not usable by comparison.
viciouskillersquirrel said:Just realised that I'd put my billing info into iTunes when I bought my phone.
What apps do you guys recommend?
Just a Japanese phrasebook, a movie session times app and a currency converter.Agyar said:I could send you a whole list, have you got anything yet?
Pocket Weather or Oz Weather for BoM powered weather forecasts.viciouskillersquirrel said:Just a Japanese phrasebook, a movie session times app and a currency converter.
Agyar said:On the subject of iPhones, Telstra's NextG is fantastic. The speed at which things load and update and the complete lack of any dropouts, lag spikes or indoor signal loss makes the iPhone feel so fresh again.
Compared to a recent(ish) speed test I did while on Virgin (Optus Network) on my iPhone 3G, in the same location (my desk at work):
Mar said:I often wonder if half my frustrations with my iPhone are more to do with Optus than the phone itself...
Mar said:I often wonder if half my frustrations with my iPhone are more to do with Optus than the phone itself...
I have a Desire on Telstra. I've never had an internetish phone on another network, but I have no complaints about coverage so far. I can browse the web pretty well uninterrupted on my hour long train trip.giri said:I hate to say it, but i'm seriously looking at switching too (and getting a HTC Desire!).
Fredescu said:I have a Desire on Telstra. I've never had an internetish phone on another network, but I have no complaints about coverage so far. I can browse the web pretty well uninterrupted on my hour long train trip.
giri said:I hate to say it, but i'm seriously looking at switching too (and getting a HTC Desire!).
AdventureRacing said:If plain packaging wont stop anyone from smoking then why would they lose any business?
ty!Fredescu said:Might and Magic: Clash of Heroes (DS) for $20! Buy!*
* Unless you're colourblind.
Choc said:Quote of the century
If people still smoke and buy the cig's how are they losing money and why on earth do they care what colour it is
They should be ashamed for selling something which kills people in the first place....
guessing those tobacco executives have had just a bit to much kool aid recently
Many thanks, I'll try these out tonightAgyar said:Pocket Weather or Oz Weather for BoM powered weather forecasts.
ShopShop is a great free shopping list.
Evernote for note taking and syncing with your computer and the web.
Convertbot for all conversions, including currency.
Calcbot is a great replacement for the standard calculator if you use it a lot.
Twitter, Facebook if you use them.
Meebo is the best free IM app, supports push and lots of protocols.
Colloquy for IRC when AusGAF sees the light.
Quota for ISP/phone quota info.Just checked out Consume, which appears to be a similarly featured app with a great interface and free. Quota displays more info, including sessions/IPs/graphical views of usage over time but if you just want your quota info for free, Consume seems really good.
EBay for eBay.
Terminology for a dictionary.
Wikipanion for Wikipedia, though I feel there may be better solutions now.
Shazan for identifying music.
Remember The Milk for a to do list, but there's lots of good options in this category depending on your needs.
Photography is tricky as I'm only trying apps out myself now but Autostitch is cool for making panoramas.
If you post spoilers, I'll cut you, Choc. I swear I will.Choc said:The metroid voice acting and story/cut scenes is completely what the fuck
its like Samus is on LSD
Not yetKritz said:Has anyone had Mafia II arrive yet, for those who ordered it through Zavvi?
viciouskillersquirrel said:Many thanks, I'll try these out tonight
If you post spoilers, I'll cut you, Choc. I swear I will.
Fredescu said:Not yet
The email says to contact them if it hasn't arrived in ten working days, and I guess it's only been eight so far. I guess I will have to wait.
Did you get your CPU sorted by the way?
Kritz said:Also Mar, planned to write up a draft of my Lost and Damned review today but probably won't get around to it until tonight if that. Still at work-training, which has given me lots of free time... but not enough coffee.