Just off the top of my head (and I'm not registering and adding myself, so sorry)
the following doesn't seem to be on PC section of Gamecrux
Bioshock, Bioshock 2 Freedom Force, etc from Irrational/2kGames in Canberra
Extremely Goofy Skateboarding, Barbie Beach Vacation, Barbie's Sparkling Ice Show, Clone Wars: Republic Heroes, Blade Kitten (in two weeks) by Krome
Dark Reign, Trainz, Fury etc by Auran
other games I can't see:
also Krome's Jimmy Neutron:Jet Fusion for PS2 and Cube. And THQ Brisbane did Jimmy Neutron Attack of the Twonkies
wasn't there a Jurassic Park game by guys in Melbourne? Also Melbourne Cup and AFL games
Heroes Over the XXX games by IR Gurus/ Transmission
Fuzzy Eyes' Hot Dogs Hot Gals (not sure of the exact title) was PC i Think
Halloween Harry and Flight of the Amazon Queen by Interactive Binary Illusions, Zombie Wars and Mike Stewart Pro Bodyboarding by Gee Whiz
and Evolution in Brisbane did Rocket Power- Beach Bandits
Army Men RTS, Destroy all Humans 1 and 2 by Pandemic Brisbane
De blob and Polar Express by Blue Tongue
also Legend of Guardians: The Owls of Gazunta by Krome and Tantalus
and that's before we start on iPhone/ mobile games
don't know how many gaps can by filled by also going to Tsumea's wiki