I'll raise you on the frustrating stakes for Find Mii, Stuck on a level with a Ghost with a Light Blue Shield and for the life of me I can' seem to hire a hero with a Light blue shirt to be able to take it out. And of course given that all but 3 of my Tags are from Males, they are all wearing the same normal Blue Shirt. Would it kill people to have their Mii in a colour other than Blue.
Mine's red. If you get a hero with a purple shirt, push them to the front of the line and have them cast their spell (poison). That way, you'll get at least one damage per turn for the rest of your turns.
This reminds me of the time I had to give a statement to police. The policewoman had such a frustratingly slow hunt and peck typing method, and if we needed to correct something a sentence or two back she would traverse to the position using backspace, requiring us to retype everything again. I don't remember if that was a limitation with the software or the operator, but it was pretty annoying.
Mine's red. If you get a hero with a purple shirt, push them to the front of the line and have them cast their spell (poison). That way, you'll get at least one damage per turn for the rest of your turns.
Thats pretty much what I've been doing, its just taking for ages to get through this one ghost, my luck I'll have the damn thing down to 1 health after just using whatever magic I have and then I'll get a Light Blue shirt character.
Its times like this I wish I lived in a real city and not a backwater hick town like Perth
Are people really excited for Hulu? Is it honestly going to change the majority of ausgaffers media habits and even anyone in the country?
Aren't most just going to stick with "other" means?
I'm sure the biggest counter to it all will be showing some love to the shows you enjoy, Letting the media companies know what's actually good quality TV, Since we can't get it on FTA.
If watching a series is as easy as Youtube, why would I bother with other means? It's so annoying that the major networks online streaming "catchup" involves one or two episodes at most.
Are people really excited for Hulu? Is it honestly going to change the majority of ausgaffers media habits and even anyone in the country?
Aren't most just going to stick with "other" means?
I'm sure the biggest counter to it all will be showing some love to the shows you enjoy, Letting the media companies know what's actually good quality TV, Since we can't get it on FTA.
I'd relied on 'other' means for years and have only just dipped my toes into the water of paying for TV shows on iTunes, having picked up Chris Lilley's first two shows - We Can Be Heroes and Summer Heights High. I'm fine with it, and I practised the habit of buying shows on DVD/Blu Ray after watching them as they aired on Channel BT or Channel 'Other' simply on principle.
Hulu will be great for moments when, for example, I want to watch the episode of Seinfeld where they open up a Muffin-top shop.
As I've expressed here previously, watching serialised TV shows at a set time during the week simply isn't my amenable to my lifestyle any more - I demand accessibility and flexibility.
I don't watch a great deal much any more but TV on demand is the way to the future and I look forward to seeing how well services like Hulu cater to people like me.
Talking about Find Mii, I'm currently stuck on the second last room, which
requires a white shirt to light it up
. I've hired a hell of a lot of dogs so far just to get up to it. About twelve have been wasted on the room. I wish I knew someone with a 3DS so I could just get them to wear the right colour shirt for me.
Hey... I'll be in Brissy over part of the weekend. Anyone want to do a BrisGAF 3DS-2 meetup?
Just checked my list... 99 heroes met to clear 11 rooms. Only 7 of those were Miis (and only one wa duplicate)... Damn. I wasted a lot of dogs in the first couple of rooms figuring out how magic works, though.
If watching a series is as easy as Youtube, why would I bother with other means? It's so annoying that the major networks online streaming "catchup" involves one or two episodes at most.
I think that's fine but there is a price to pay unlike youtube which is free. Depending on how much it's going to cost of course, That might see people lack interest in it.
Bernbaum said:
I'd relied on 'other' means for years and have only just dipped my toes into the water of paying for TV shows on iTunes, having picked up Chris Lilley's first two shows - We Can Be Heroes and Summer Heights High. I'm fine with it, and I practised the habit of buying shows on DVD/Blu Ray after watching them as they aired on Channel BT or Channel 'Other' simply on principle.
Hulu will be great for moments when, for example, I want to watch the episode of Seinfeld where they open up a Muffin-top shop.
As I've expressed here previously, watching serialised TV shows at a set time during the week simply isn't my amenable to my lifestyle any more - I demand accessibility and flexibility.
I don't watch a great deal much any more but TV on demand is the way to the future and I look forward to seeing how well services like Hulu cater to people like me.
That's perfectly fine. Of course there are automated 'other' means these days that make everything else look kinda lame. You also get to keep you files for later viewing, saving you the bandwidth and speed to stream the episode if you feel the need to view it again. And of course the 'other' means tend to be a better quality than that over Hulu and even at times iTunes and you can do what the heck you want with them.
I'm not against Hulu at all, Just curious to see if anyone here would honestly pay for it and use it in here.
I think that's fine but there is a price to pay unlike youtube which is free. Depending on how much it's going to cost of course, That might see people lack interest in it.
That's perfectly fine. Of course there are automated 'other' means these days that make everything else look kinda lame. You also get to keep you files for later viewing, saving you the bandwidth and speed to stream the episode if you feel the need to view it again. And of course the 'other' means tend to be a better quality than that over Hulu and even at times iTunes and you can do what the heck you want with them.
I'm not against Hulu at all, Just curious to see if anyone here would honestly pay for it and use it in here.
I'm not sure how much the format will be altered locally, but isn't Hulu basically free to watch but with ads?
From Podcasts like the Bombcast and Weekend Confirmed (which I no longer listen to), it sounds like Netflix/Hulu and other like services have a become a pervasive presence across the US and the technology is robust enough to ensure universal access.
I'd be surprised if what we recieve is as advanced as the US service, but given the high number of people of pirate TV shows/movies without batting an eyelid (I work with people who make $300k/yr and still pirate) and the fact that it's almost culturally acceptable to do so then it's gonna be interesting to see how quickly people take it up.
I think the reason Aussies pirate so ubiquitously is because of the delays in local distribution so if Hulu can keep up with US broadcast timetables than they should do okay.
Talking about Find Mii, I'm currently stuck on the second last room, which
requires a white shirt to light it up
. I've hired a hell of a lot of dogs so far just to get up to it. About twelve have been wasted on the room. I wish I knew someone with a 3DS so I could just get them to wear the right colour shirt for me.
Hey... I'll be in Brissy over part of the weekend. Anyone want to do a BrisGAF 3DS-2 meetup?
Just checked my list... 99 heroes met to clear 11 rooms. Only 7 of those were Miis (and only one wa duplicate)... Damn. I wasted a lot of dogs in the first couple of rooms figuring out how magic works, though.
Oh wow. After 13 months of lurking non-stop my account has finally been activated. My first post!
Anywho, has anyone heard anything about the AFL Live 2011 game? I heard it was released today. I assume it's terrible but I'll pick it up anyway, along with my first ever PSP for my trip to Melbourne.
Well that's a pleasant surprise, I haven't actually played any Big Ant Studios games that I know of.. I was just under the assumption it wouldn't be any good going by previous AFL games. The last one I played (bar 10 minutes on my mates PSP) was on PSOne and it was horrid.
It's quite nice being able to actually post instead of just constant lurking.
DualShadow said:
Just say you like PC games and handhelds and you'll be fine
I just totaled my 3DS Play Coin usage from the 22 days I have owned the system so far:
Play Coins Earned: 220 (Let's see how long it is until I forget a day)
Puzzle Swap: 2 coins (only bought one puzzle piece so far and only have 9 total)
AR Games: 14 coins (everything you can buy is bought)
Lego Star Wars III: 20 coins (and I need another 30 coins to 100% it)
Find Mii: 184 coins (92 bloody dogs/cats and I'm still not done with the first pass)
I'll help. Flying to Melbourne on Friday to watch the ANZAC game on Monday & see family. Eh, that was less than helpful since it was kinda pointless and uninteresting. Oh well, 5 day weekend; can't argue with that. Well, 6 as I've booked Wednesday off.
Ill be sad to see West Ham go down. I like their fans and the fact they aren't a fashionable club, unlike Chelsea with their fly-by-night fans. West Ham fans are the only ones who Newcastle United fans like me can actually feel sorry for too.
But the truth remains, Robbie Slater is a wanker and West Ham are going down.
Ill be sad to see West Ham go down. I like their fans and the fact they aren't a fashionable club, unlike Chelsea with their fly-by-night fans. West Ham fans are the only ones who Newcastle United fans like me can actually feel sorry for too.
But the truth remains, Robbie Slater is a wanker and West Ham are going down.
As per usual west ham, they gave me hope 2 games ago they might be ok, only to be crushed against ManYoo (2nd half) then, backed up by Bolton (typical!) and Villa.
I tend to agree with you despite my desires for it not to be.
As per usual west ham, they gave me hope 2 games ago they might be ok, only to be crushed against ManYoo (2nd half) then, backed up by Bolton (typical!) and Villa.
I tend to agree with you despite my desires for it not to be.
On that note I don't understand all the interest for MK. Is it just because it was banned? Has there been a resurgence in fighting game popularity? Is the promise of a traditional MK game hitting everyone's nostalgia cues?
As another NUFC fan, it will be sad to see West Ham go down. But I also would love to see WBA and Blackpool also stay up this year. Teams like West Ham and Newcastle should be fine if/when they get relegated as in they are proud clubs and will hopefully bounce straight back up.
Of course there is always the danger one could do a Leeds ...
On that note I don't understand all the interest for MK. Is it just because it was banned? Has there been a resurgence in fighting game popularity? Is the promise of a traditional MK game hitting everyone's nostalgia cues?
I'm getting it as I've enjoyed the previous games, but the real reason why it's getting so much interest is that it is actually a pretty good game. There's absolutely tons of content, a very meaty story mode, they aren't gouging with any DLC content like alternate costumes (yet) and it actually seems pretty competitive from early reports of people playing.
Have you played Burnout Legends on PSP? It is basically a greatest hits of Burnout 2 and 3. Spent a good 12 months getting all the medals. Even better than the Ridge Racer games on PSP. Paradise was a good TDU type game. I really need the Crash mode back though, even if it is just a PSN title for $20.
How bout throwing the consumer a bone and price your products a bit lower? Or put in a few more features? At least someone is keeping the US economy afloat.
Choc said:
ok First booked
fuck :|
never thought i'd fly first
Too cool to hang out with the peasants down the back?
evlcookie said:
Are people really excited for Hulu? Is it honestly going to change the majority of ausgaffers media habits and even anyone in the country? Aren't most just going to stick with "other" means?
Depends on if the content is the same as from the "other means". If they are ad free and are available the same time as in the US then I may use it. At the same time I can watch any Simpsons or Seinfeld episode I want within seconds of thinking of it, as well as skip to my favourite part halfway through. Streaming to other devices would be dreamy though. Same kind of idea as the Gaikai model, offer content not otherwise available.
Gazunta said:
Officially launching a new side business, how about you?
You should move to Victoria. All the cool people are here.
So Portal 2 takes around 7 hours? No? I hate it when this happens, I idle in games a lot as I have to grab a little dude trying to pull TV's and stuff down on himself so I never pay attention to the steam timer but has anyone else encountered this?