That was my Year 10-12 drink.Neverender said:Just Canadian Club for me.
*On the night before a public holiday.Megadrive said:on thursday. :/
Edit: Or friday morning.
Family gathering? It's okay, I have a housewarming Friday night where there's no security to worry about. There's also said:*On the night before a public holiday.
There is not excuse not to be munted tonight.
Shaneus said:Sixteen Candles then The Breakfast Club on 7two. If I wasn't going out I'd be watching the shit out of these.
Future? said:Passiona and Brandy is surprisingly good.
Future alcoholic.
People are out getting drunk or asleep? I know I was trying to sleep, big drive today. I would say quite a few other people are going away for the weekend as said:Why is this thread so dead on the night leading up to the Easter holiday/s. Is it the overrated Portal 2? Or is no-one else as utterly smashed as I am? C'mon, half you guys are at uni. It is your obligation to be drunk tonight.
Who is Dennis Pell? Also bacon is not a red meat. It comes from a said:I just ate a bit of raw bacon so that Dennis Pell would die a little bit on the inside. Even my strictly catholic grandparents hate that conservative prick.
Is it a beef or lamb sausage? I'm pretty sure he would more hate you for the foul language in the previous quote. And said:Mmmmm, this sausage is delicious. DO YOU HATE ME YET GOD? DO YOU?
Drunken artwork would be a great source of entertainment.Frawdder said:Kritz's drunken ramblings were far more entertaining than this.
After-work drinks yesterday, everyone clinks and says cheers to the long weekend. I cap it off by saying 'Thanks for dying, Jesus!' and it goes down like a fart in Church.reptilescorpio said:Isn't it awesome that Agnostics/Atheists get Easter as well!
My son gets to wear a bunny costume and we all get chocolate. Everybody's happy. I'm agnostic but I have a few athiest friends who go over the top about it. They are fine with every other topic of conversation but if someone tells them they are catholic BAM. Lecture bomb of knowledge and doucheyness comes flowing out. One of them has lost a few jobs by putting down the wrong people.Bernbaum said:After-work drinks yesterday, everyone clinks and says cheers to the long weekend. I cap it off by saying 'Thanks for dying, Jesus!' and it goes down like a fart in Church.
Tried to drop the smug arseholish out of my atheism ever since I tought philosophy of science at uni and had to deal with the type of kids who are totally into atheism/skepticism as a badge of honour and spout stuff they've seen or read from Penn and Teller, Derren Brown or Richard Dawkins (even though I have an appreciation for each of those to varying degree).
The know-it-all atheist is just as much a pain in the arse as the creationist kid.
As for celebrating holidays which have zero meaning to me - I'm totally down with having a few days off and an excuse to gorge myself on yum yums. I see the religious connotation as part of the mythology and have no problem with shopping centers with nativity scenes or religious imagery - it makes the world a more colourful place and people should stop being so precious. Santa is about as real as God(s) yet he's allowed on cartoon shows for kids yet Jesus isn't. How boring.
Yes. It's because they have large populations of people who don't celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday, so don't want to offend. Makes sense to me.roosters93 said:Happy holidays sounds kind of stupid imo. It's more of an American saying isn't it?
Yeah it definitely makes sense, I just don't hear many people say it over here so it's weird when I do.codswallop said:Yes. It's because they have large populations of people who don't celebrate Christmas as a religious holiday, so don't want to offend. Makes sense to me.
I say "hoppy easter"... then if people pay me out, it's because it was a shit joke, not political correctness!reptilescorpio said:Also the rest we get the time off is for easter so I'm not going to go around saying "happy holidays" instead of "happy easter". Same with christmas.
I have half-a-dozen in my freezerSalazar said:No fucken Creme Eggs at the shop this morning.
Shaneus said:I have half-a-dozen in my freezer![]()
Yeah, it arrived... seemingly fairly quickly, too! Haven't installed as I'm still powering through Operation Backlog (or at least, trying to) but I've heard awesome things about it... mostly from big basketball fans. Pretty sure it's the first basketball game I've bought since NBA Jam on the Megadrive so I'm sure I'll be blown away, regardless of how good it actually is!roosters93 said:Hey Shaneus, did NBA2k11 ever come? What'd you think?
reptilescorpio said:Drunken artwork would be a great source of entertainment.
guidop said:It is a great time for fans of TV. Game of Thrones started last week and Season 2 of Treme starts in 2 days with Chris Lilley's new comedy coming up too(11 of May i think) its a bloody good time to be a couch potato
Kirby102 said:Hey AusGAF,
Sorry for posting this, but can you guys do me a favour?
My friend is asking for some responses for her assignment, it's about ethics and religion...
So could I ask you guys to help me and her out, by filling it out?
You don't have to do it... but it would be awesome of you all
- hope I don't get banned for these things D: -
Murder, what if you're in the military etc.Neverender said:Who's going to not tick murder and assault and all the obvious ones? Seems a little redundant.
Kirby102 said:Murder, what if you're in the military etc.
Yeah, fair enough, I should get her to improve on it.FreeFallin' said:If your friend wants to get at that then she shouldn't use the term Murder, she should use Military Kills/Deaths (but make the phrase more coherent).
Kirby102 said:Yeah, fair enough, I should get her to improve on it.
I apologise for the poorly worded survey, it's limited to what I was presented with... so I guess make use of that? Sorry![]()
I just saw Thor as well. I hated it. Thor started out as a dick and never redeemed himself. Also, Loki was all over the place as far as bad guys go.Rezbit said:Just saw Thor. Pretty good fun! God DAMN Home and Away dude got buff!
Jintor said:Urgh. One of those 'I'll start something eventually' days where I don't start anything ever. I guess I did the general household stuff but I seriously don't feel like starting this assignment due on Wednesday. :T
legend166 said:Guys, help me pick what game I play next. Some I've started and some I haven't, but I haven't got very far in any of them:
Alpha Protocol
Chronicles of Riddick
Dirt 2
Misadventures of PB Winterbottom
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Neverwinter Nights 2: Platinum
Prince of Persia: Two Thrones
Prince of Persia 2008
Puzzle Agent
Titan Quest Gold
Dirt 2 is ridiculous amounts of fun, despite how XTREEAMMME the presentation is. Looks awesome, too.legend166 said:Guys, help me pick what game I play next. Some I've started and some I haven't, but I haven't got very far in any of them:
Alpha Protocol
Chronicles of Riddick
Dirt 2
Misadventures of PB Winterbottom
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Neverwinter Nights 2: Platinum
Prince of Persia: Two Thrones
Prince of Persia 2008
Puzzle Agent
Titan Quest Gold
legend166 said:Guys, help me pick what game I play next. Some I've started and some I haven't, but I haven't got very far in any of them:
Alpha Protocol
Chronicles of Riddick
Dirt 2
Misadventures of PB Winterbottom
Need for Speed: Hot Pursuit
Neverwinter Nights 2: Platinum
Prince of Persia: Two Thrones
Prince of Persia 2008
Puzzle Agent
Titan Quest Gold
Danoss said:I used to think you were cool man.
Fredescu said:I don't know what gave you guys the impression that cookie likes video games. "Ok but not great" is comparatively high praise.