Woot. Found out a friend at work is moving to a different department so she is going to try and get me into her old job. Which is cushy and awesome.
Fredescu said:
Google Maps says an hour and 10 from Geelong to Melbourne and an hour and 20 from Sydney to Wollongong. Not that much different is it?
The train from Southern Cross to Geelong central is only an hour. The ring road means people going from Melbourne to Waurn Ponds at the very southern end of Geelong takes the same time as going into central Geelong too.
Clipper said:
Just went home to get my incoming package
Those book ends look FAB, wish we could at least get the CE here without the game.
Frawdder said:
News to me and it sucks. Adding to the list:
Take 2
CD Projekt RED
Bit rash to blame CD RED for a publishing dispute. They had it for $45 on GOG and Steam for quite a long time before they were pressured to put the price up. Also Ubisoft gets a pass? After their last stab at PC DRM? They thankfully dropped it but I wouldn't be surprised if they try again soon. At least TW2 only has Day One protection, don't even need a retail DVD in the drive. Not to mention the way they treated the original Witcher.
Fredescu said:
They've confirmed that the version on GoG will be censored too. I think I'm going to go with a Steam gift.
I'm sticking to retail for the CE goodies and the GOG version as the change is inconsequential to me. I don't mind if I have to accept some gold for finishing a quest before I get to bang some chick. I would prefer CD Projekt to be able to give us the game they wish but hey, we live in a democracy. Sometimes I'm on the wrong end of the popular train of thought.
Kritz said:
Still waiting on my package from Valve Store.
First they screw everyone over with the ARG. Now this! Valve are the devil! Ever since they got involved with EA it has been one paddle up the arse of the consumer after another!
Shaneus said:
Love how Geelong doesn't even rate a mention. Bastards.
Not worth a mention.