Fredescu said:hour and 20 from Sydney to Wollongong. Not that much different is it?
Yeah... I'm most likely gonna buy it, even if it's been hard to find it cheap. Everyone will get it on PC, yeah?Rahk said:So Brink is sounding pretty awesome. Maybe we can get some AusGAF games going? At least one session...
I'm keen for that, though I've bought mine from ozgameshop, so it'll be a bit after launch. I don't think I'm the only one doing this, I'm sure there are a number of others. I'm looking to brink as a game to play regularly and hoping it lives up to what I want it to be.Rahk said:So Brink is sounding pretty awesome. Maybe we can get some AusGAF games going? At least one session...
The list was only for games from companies that are price jacked on Steam and therefore warrant waiting for a sale or getting it gifted. I'm not blaming CD Projekt RED for anything (other than, perhaps, for choosing Namco Bandai for local distribution). It's not a mark against CDPR, but if Namco Bandai are going to continue to distribute CDPR's games in Australia then it's best to start looking for importing/gifting options.reptilescorpio said:Bit rash to blame CD RED for a publishing dispute. They had it for $45 on GOG and Steam for quite a long time before they were pressured to put the price up. Also Ubisoft gets a pass? After their last stab at PC DRM? They thankfully dropped it but I wouldn't be surprised if they try again soon. At least TW2 only has Day One protection, don't even need a retail DVD in the drive. Not to mention the way they treated the original Witcher.
Jintor said:Or good old international Steam gifting.
Seems that way, only $47 from ozgameshop. I might take that option.evlcookie said:As usual, Importing it from ozgame or something for cheaper and uncensored is the best way.
That was for people who bought it themselves before it was known it would be censored.evlcookie said:Going by previous posts, It looks like L4D2 may have gotten changed for some people? So I have to wonder if the same thing might happen here.
I don't go via the Shire, but man, and hour and a half? From where? On a horse? My brother lived in Cronulla for the longest time. From the Ryde area or Hills area it would never take me more than an hour unless there was an accident on the M5 or something. Don't you live in the Inner West? It's just down the road. Liverpool before that? You wouldn't go via the Shire to Wollongong from there, it's quicker to take the Hume and then Picton road.Mar said:But from my experience, you'd take 1 and a half hours in peak to get from Sydney to the Shire. From there, I have no idea what it's like, and you've got a long way to go yet.
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Rahk said:That was for people who bought it themselves before it was known it would be censored.
All gifted copies have remained uncensored.
Fredescu said:I don't go via the Shire, but man, and hour and a half? From where? On a horse? My brother lived in Cronulla for the longest time. From the Ryde area or Hills area it would never take me more than an hour unless there was an accident on the M5 or something. Don't you live in the Inner West? It's just down the road. Liverpool before that? You wouldn't go via the Shire to Wollongong from there, it's quicker to take the Hume and then Picton road.
I know the M5 can be pretty crap with all the tunnel screwups, so if it's seriously taking you and hour and a half to get to another suburb, take M2>M7 and get out of Sydney that way. It may look a long way on the map, but there is never heavy traffic on the M7. Once your past the Beecroft tunnel it's usually plain sailing even at peak. I can't imagine where you'd have to be in Sydney for that to take longer than an hour and a half to be out of Sydney. Like I said earlier, maybe the far Nor East like Palm Beach.
Fredescu said:Ah, yeah I feel for you. The M5 is easily the worst M.
Or rather, I felt for you*. You have it nice now. I now live and work in the West. 10 minute drive to work is sweet.
* More correctly, I feel for your past self.
Sutton Dagger said:My iMac arrives next week, so just trying to get the low down on steam. How easy is it to set up controller support? Can I use the 360 wireless controller? If I buy a game on steam for Mac, do I also get the Windows version?
Norwest business park. The local traffic is actually kinda poor, but I get to work non standard hours so it's not so bad.Mar said:Whereabouts in the west if you don't mind me asking?
Hm... I thought it was MP only, guess not. Might have to give it a go if I can run it.Danoss said:I'm keen for that, though I've bought mine from ozgameshop, so it'll be a bit after launch. I don't think I'm the only one doing this, I'm sure there are a number of others. I'm looking to brink as a game to play regularly and hoping it lives up to what I want it to be.
If done it should be good, our AusGAF gaming sessions are few and far between but are great when they do happen.
Edit: Remz: here for $38
Nice. I'm going to break soon.mandiller said:Here's the latest gizmo I've picked up, I thought I'd share
Me too and I already own a Kindle 2. The contrast on the Kindle 3 is hard for me to resist.Fredescu said:Nice. I'm going to break soon.
My L4D was gifted during the thanksgiving sale and it is still the unedited versionevlcookie said:Going by previous posts, It looks like L4D2 may have gotten changed for some people? So I have to wonder if the same thing might happen here.
I expect the people on the forum will have details within the first hour of release going by how hardcore some of those people are. I usually grab a DVD crack but this is the first time I will be downloading a pirated fix for quite a while. Ah PC gaming, you certainly are a mysterious mistress.Fredescu said:I have a feeling it's going to be fairly easy to "fix". Probably just a file replacement or something.
I know it has been said to death but the game is a lot better with FemShep.Megadrive said:ME2 with McDongs Shepard!
It has rave reviews from others on AusGAF, just waiting for the dollar to peak.mandiller said:Here's the latest gizmo I've picked up
There's a normal wifi model and then a cheaper ad supported model. ($25 less)Bernbaum said:Quick question: I have no interest in 3G. Is the Wi-fi only model ad-supported? That sounds like such an obnoxious intrusion of something I consider to be a personal experience - reading a book.
Ta.roosters93 said:There's a normal wifi model and then a cheaper ad supported model. ($25 less)
Amazon also gives you the option to pay the $25 later if you get sick of the ads which is nice.
Last-minute mother's day shopping: RESOLVED.Gazunta said:It's free comic book day everyone, get your ass to your local comic shop and enjoy goodies!
I'm heading into melb cbd, got a link or any extra info?Gazunta said:It's free comic book day everyone, get your ass to your local comic shop and enjoy goodies!
Bernbaum said:Quick question: I have no interest in 3G. Is the Wi-fi only model ad-supported? That sounds like such an obnoxious intrusion of something I consider to be a personal experience - reading a book.
I would probably just pay the extra $25 so I never have to worry about it in the'll be asked to endure "advertisements on the bottom of the device's home page and on its screen savers."
I would if Geelong had a comic book store. There is one on Brunswick Street in Melb that I enjoyed but it is way too far to go.Gazunta said:It's free comic book day everyone, get your ass to your local comic shop and enjoy goodies!
With Paul Verhoeven? Awesome, I always enjoy it when he gets more time on Triple J Like when he took over breakfasts from Tom & Alex this week. Has great taste in music, anyone who plays The Naked & Famous followed by Dead Letter Circus is alright in my book. Hopefully they avoid the childish acting that drew me away from Good Game. Please no memes.Bernbaum said:Junglist is back on TV: