Such a funny show the stripping didn't do much for me (strippers on TV yea its kinda boring) but all the little funny side things they did were cool that crazy asian martial artist was a fave
Yeah, that's a pretty big thumbs down from me, too. And CHEATS? How very EA of them. Only reason I can think of that they'd do that is to cash in on the stupid fools who thought cheating made Just Cause 2 better (then complained that they did everything too quickly or it didn't have longevity or something, probably) but rather than wait for an unofficial TSR they just released it themselves, charging $3 for it.
Is it coming out on consoles or is it PC only?
Hopefully it doesn't affect multiplayer or online or whatever.
Sex was full on softcore porn, I know this because in my youth I made a secret VHS tape featuring it with just the nudity, along with a bunch of SBS sex scenes.
That stuff was pretty common back then though between Silk Stalkings and Lorenzo Lamas in Renegade TV movies.
Hell the Terrance Stamp/David Bowie show The Hunger was pure erotic horror stories with Twilight Zone twists
None were as full-on as Real Sex on the old Comedy Channel though.
It's weird as we are getting more conservative as a nation as years go on
I just saw the interview with Jim Maxwell on abc re Roebuck. Poor guy was struggling to hold back tears. The extra details that came out today just make the whole thing even more sad.
Red Faction was great until they fucked it with armagheddon. I don't know how they screwed the pooch on that one. Everybody loved it because it was an open world game, what made them say "FUCK IT, LET'S CONCENTRATE ON THE STORY"?
Saints Row is sublime btw. Not that I've booted up the Third yet.
Really? I'm trying to stealth my way around this citadel and it's terrible. They don't give you any tools for it. I can't even crouch and moving from cover to cover is a complete pain.
Really? I'm trying to stealth my way around this citadel and it's terrible. They don't give you any tools for it. I can't even crouch and moving from cover to cover is a complete pain.
Uncharted 2 is one of the few games I thought managed to blend optional stealth into the encounters and level design in a way that didn't come across as half arsed and sloppy. Uncharted 2 was cool in that you could play it as a straight up shooter, sometimes straight up stealth, or a mix of the two. There was a good feeling behind plotting your attacks and making your way through an area without alerting a single guard.
Uncharted 3 on the other hand can fuck off. The stealth encounters are much worse in my opinion. I had my companion NPC fuck shit up by deciding "NOW I'M GOING TO SHOT STUFF" twice, and the
first boat section
is unequivocally terrible stage design if you try to stealth it, due to poor communication to the player of how the level will play out and bad checkpointing.
In terms of stealth, Uncharted 2 was like Goldeneye Wii. Completely optional, never contrived and you did get rewarded for trying it. But you could still go mental in a shootout in both games and have just as much fun.
Uncharted 2 is one of the few games I thought managed to blend optional stealth into the encounters and level design in a way that didn't come across as half arsed and sloppy. Uncharted 2 was cool in that you could play it as a straight up shooter, sometimes straight up stealth, or a mix of the two. There was a good feeling behind plotting your attacks and making your way through an area without alerting a single guard.
Uncharted 3 on the other hand can fuck off. The stealth encounters are much worse in my opinion. I had my companion NPC fuck shit up by deciding "NOW I'M GOING TO SHOT STUFF" twice, and the
first boat section
is unequivocally terrible stage design if you try to stealth it, due to poor communication to the player of how the level will play out and bad checkpointing.
Until I'm told otherwise I'm just going to assume Elena wasn't even in the game until late into development, because not only is her face messed up, but her personality is dead. If she didn't have the voice and title of Elena she could be replaced with any other generic female character and nobody would be able to tell the difference. She's just kinda...there, only not.
Sure beats walking around for ages, to go do a quest. Oh look, the area is too high for me. No probs, I'll go to this other area heaps far away in the other direction as that's where my other quests are. Oh look, this area is too high for me also. Umm, yay?
Sex was full on softcore porn, I know this because in my youth I made a secret VHS tape featuring it with just the nudity, along with a bunch of SBS sex scenes.
That stuff was pretty common back then though between Silk Stalkings and Lorenzo Lamas in Renegade TV movies.
Hell the Terrance Stamp/David Bowie show The Hunger was pure erotic horror stories with Twilight Zone twists
None were as full-on as Real Sex on the old Comedy Channel though.
It's weird as we are getting more conservative as a nation as years go on
Whelp, time for a new job. Head office are making expectations that can't be met and my managers think we can shuffle the work loads around to focus on what is necessary but that has already resulted in other areas falling away, causing us to refocus on them, and so on.
Floating Me, the band started by the bassist of Karnivool, the ex-drummer of Cog and the grungers from Scary Mother, is actually really damn good. Highly recommend picking up their self titled album.
Bought this monitor today for $178 after my discount through work. 23 inch, IPS and fancy swivel stand! Hopefully it will be okay for gaming, just looking forward to the bigger screen.
Hell yes! Saw this email pop up on my way to work! Only 8 more hours until Steam downloads it! And then another 45 minutes to decrypt! Yay! Maybe it will be ready for after work tomorrow! Yay!
No way, I'm really looking forward to the eventual modern day AssCreed just to see how they can get away with the style in the current/future world. Think third person Mirrors Edge but with gadgets and knives and shit. Also you are the descendant of Adam or some shit. It wouldn't be shit. Also I think Nolan North deserves a shot at voice acting more than a bit actor, he deserves that headline act shit.
Choc said:
i've had access to Halo Anniversary since Thursday
Regenerating health in FPS is one of my most disliked mechanics going around. To me it is lazy game design because the dev no longer has to design a 'level' that takes into account health management.
Edit: I will also add to the opinion frenzy and suggest that Halo is an awful game and is only popular because it was the game that people justified their xbox purchase with in the early days. I played it later on PC and it was a constant yawn fest.
Disagree on both counts good sir. The regenerating health mechanic I would argue is part of FPS moving from PC to console, with the change brought about by NOT HAVING F5 ON A CONSOLE. In PC land you could save at every conceivable point of a game, which was something that developers had to keep in mind all the time. Games were designed around the ability for the player to hit F8 if they weren't happy with how shit was going down. It didn't matter how difficult an FPS got because you always had that magical button to take you back 30 seconds to when you had full health and a shitload of ammo. Removing this ability and using checkpoints means that if you get shot to shit you pretty much can get into a 'restart the whole damn thing' spot.
The use of checkpoints is a whole other discussion with pros and cons but I will focus on the affect on the health system for now
Having to adapt to the console market has led to the uptake in regenerating health, the benefits of which are that the developer is always in full control of a players life. They can spawn enemies that will overcome a player unless they offer up some cover or the player is able to take them down twitch style. No health packs means now not having to scurry around looking for precious health or making an inventory of health items. Giving the developer more control means they can focus on making the experience more 'immersive'
I know people hate that word but it is going to be the driving factor of the next ten years of high profile games
and encourage a play style that lets go of the notion that you must control everything to feel safe.
I loved Deus Ex but I ended up pressing F5 at least 200 times. If I got caught I would reload and instantly have that chance again. Imagine how much more of an impact your decisions would make if you didn't have that chance to reload, as well as what changes the developer would make to take advantage of this unpredictable situation. A similar, but different, example is The Witcher 2. You can F5 your way through but the decisions that change aspects of the game often don't take effect until a few hours down the line, making the prospect of reloading an older save a much harder decision with the loss of game time and the acceptance that everything hasn't turned to shit (or not been fun) since the decision was made. The set pieces and chases in games like Uncharted 3 lose their feeling of danger knowing that if you die you only have to go back 2.4 seconds
Both a blessing and a curse as it avoids people getting stuck on sections of the game they probably don't give a shit about while also making them almost pedestrian in their impact once viewed once or twice
but trying to introduce them alongside a health pack system brings in questions about how damage should be incorporated into those sequences that are so outlandish compared to regular combat that the player should have lost easily 100 points of life after falling from those distances, etc.
The main problem is that a lot of copy cat developers have adopted the regenerative health system without understanding what the point of it is. Extra scripted events are required to make the quick relief mechanic remain a positive for the character rather than making it just one less thing for them to worry about. I would love to see more FPS games use health packs but even the few that I have played lately with them haven't used them effectively. In this day and age they shouldn't just be lying around. They certainly shouldn't look the same. Why bother trying to make a photo-realistic game if all the utilities are going to look identical, all it does is draw you out of the moment and remind you that it is all still just a game and you need to grab that health pack because you are about to have an enemy encounter/just survived an enemy encounter. The weapon placements of Duke Nukem Forever were horrible for this, it was if they just pulled up the level editor and dropped them along the most effective path to glory.
tl;dr - good games will use different mechanics in good ways. shit games will be shitty.
Also Halo CE was pretty mindblowing back in the day. Most importantly it controlled like a wet dream, secondly it was a sci fi epic for the James Cameron generation. Sure, the story was stupid and the music was designed entirely to make you think you were a god but it all came together perfectly. Almost Valve like in its polish. Couple that with the impressive graphics for the newly released console and the stunning out door areas with vehicular combat and an incredibly enjoyable pistol to head shot bad guys with and you have a really great game. Doesn't hold up fantastically well though. The first few levels are the best and once you get into corridors it becomes boring and mundane. Also The Flood are just annoying as shit with no redeeming quality.
Integrity Maziwisa, 24, was in a Zimbabwe orphanage when Roebuck met him. "My brother, Psychology, was the first of the guys that Peter brought to Pietermaritzburg and sponsored," he said. Roebuck paid for his education.
Brother have awesome names. I somehow feel that I short-changed my son calling him Oliver now.
Also the bit about Jim Maxwell going outside the room with the second cop and then Roebuck jumping from the window sounds horribly suspect even though he probably jumped himself. Conspiracy theorists will have fun with it.
Choc said:
Halo anniversary is better than any FPS produced in the last 5 years
I assume you are talking SP? Crysis was better. Half Life 2 Ep 2 was better. Hell, I would even say that Timesplitter 2 was better even though that came out only a year after Halo. I will also have the unpopular opinion and say that Far Cry 2 was better.
Choc said:
It's worth playing the game through again in HD with HD graphics and better music. It's also not the full RRP
Eh I already own the original and the graphics don't look quite as good as I had hoped so I will wait for $20 price point on this. Much more interested in the direction of Halo 4 and if they will COD it up with big set pieces.
EatChildren said:
Halo will be better than Episode 2 when Bungie goes back in time and removes the long stretches of copy/paste corridor shooting junk. Then there's all the other, better shooters too.
You forget that Chocs dad works in the Sony warehouse now, he can get a hold of whatever Sony stuff he wants for the low low price of nothing!
codswallop said:
I bought COD7 and AssBro full price last year, bought COD8 full price this year and will buy AssRev full price today. They're the only games I've bought full price since the start of 2010.
More like a 12 month cycle publishers best friend! Should hold out and become a 12 month behind cycle chap like myself. Looking forward to picking up Black Ops and AssCreeBro for $56 total. Basically I am almost a publishers worst nightmare. Only one rung up from the dudes who rent in the revenue accrual chain. Actually maybe even they contribute more, I haven't seen the latest figures for rental games.
... I think they learnt too much. How many games did Bethesda release on the Xbox? Morrowind. How many on the 360? 3. How many Uncharted games? 3. How many Mario releated games this generation? In the last 5 years alone you have 27. Activision have taken this strategy to heart so strongly that they have already destroyed the Guitar Hero and Tony Hawk franchises with 12 month cycle main releases as well as numerous spin offs. I am surprised that they still only do one COD every year, Infinity Ward being gutted kind of scuttled their idea to do an Uncharted version at Sledgehammer.
The COMPLETE mods have fixed most of the issues I had with Clear Sky and made Pripyat even more enjoyable. Looking forward to Stalker 2 as long as it still hits next year, Metro was a real disappointment for me.
codswallop said:
But I've loved Assassin's Creed since the very first. I didn't find it boring at all
Brofist. Loved the first Ass of Creed. Even got the 1000 and enjoyed every minute of hunting Templars and flags. AssCreed2 was a huge step up though. Expanded on everything perfectly. Only thing I wasn't big on was the hidden pistol. Didn't jell with me on the setting. Still haven't played BroCreed, will arrive in 2 weeks.
Also this talk of worlds makes me want another game that takes place on the back of a turtle.
legend166 said:
Hmmm, interesting.
If he actually was a sexual predator you'd have to assume there'd be stories coming out from those young people he helped right? I mean most people don't just rape once.
Most of the replies coming out of the people he helped over there seem positive rather than negative overall. Could be selective of course. Since he has passed though I would expect more people to come out about it.
Shaneus said:
Saints Row 3 is playable on PC roight now. Wonder if it's worth me firing it up over a remote connection?
The child has broken most of mine so we only get items from Harris Scarfe now. Currently looking at a glass of comforting Southern! Goes down easy. Just like your mum.
Gez said:
I found a WA server to connect to getting 1mb/sec. Was getting 10kb/sec everywhere else.
If I was mature I would wait until the weekend to buy a video game as there is tons of shit I should get done around the house and since I have been working all day the mature option would be to spend some quality time with my son who is fast becoming a boy rather than a baby.
Shaneus said:
That's AC6 which is the oooold one. Not the new one. But yeah, I didn't mind what I played of it. Ran out of time on the first mission but it was a nice bit of fun. Haven't put any more time into it to give you a better impression, though.
And that will be the last time you touch the game right? Once it gets shuffled out of the console and into the labyrinth of backlog it will never feel the warm, comforting touch of man again.
trinest said:
Then rent a car and drive 500 miles to see trinest.
And then walk another 500 miles and end up at my door.
RandomVince said:
I'd like to see an FPS do what Xenoblade did: regenerating health outside of encounters/battles. In battle - if you need health, you have to do it yourself (ie in an FPS, administer a medkit).
Quite a few RPG's on the PSP did this. I think maybe Crisis Core did too? Same system for Costume Quest too. I really like it since you don't have to worry about stopping the flow of the game to run around pixel hunting for a damn item so you don't have to freak out about dying as soon as you enter the next area. I could see the next Half Life using that kind of health system and not pissing off the fanboys once they see it in action.
Kritz said:
Just watched In Time. Boy, it was impressive just how dumb that movie is.
I did get a laugh out of all the "time" puns, though. It was if the Matrix 3 was crossed with BTTF 2.
Fixed. It looks like a piece of shit and the last game by Black Box didn't do too well. Plus it comes out at the worst time of year. Who the hell has money for another NFS title with BF3, UC3, MW3 and SkySword3 all coming out around now?
I originally just wrote SS3 but then got sad when I realised that it didn't mean System Shock 3
Also doesn't help that Forza 4 just came out and Gran Turismo 5 got a boost with the recent major patch. Would have been better to release in the March period.
Choc said:
the entirity of MW3 was directed by michael bay, i am sure of it
I'm sure Michael Bay shit his pants playing MW3, so shocked that his movies were a shitty imitation of what a scuttled ship in IW was able to achieve with the help of the brand new studio Sledgehammer. Michael Bay hasn't done anything worth while since The Rock, Bad Boys 2 was okay in a super cheesy way.
HolyCheck said:
Guys, let's talk about the problem that is text only gaming reviews.
Does anyone read reviews anymore?
I sure as heck don't. But I do watch reviews, mainly because I like seeing more game footage.
Fuck no, I don't want to spoil myself on the game. Watching a video look on Uncharted 3 would remove a huge part of the enjoyment of the game. Think about in Oblivion the first time you step out of the sewers and you see the huge, wide open world. That was pretty much the best moment in the game for me (the Oblivion gates looked hella cool though). I play games for the experience so having the feel of a game spoiled in a visual/audio manner would irritate me. Same reason I rarely look at trailers.
codswallop said:
Aww, Ozgameshop no longer has the Skyward Sword LE, which included a MotionPlus that I need to play the game. I fear this MotionPlus thing is going to be an annoying hurdle delaying me from picking up the game.
Keep checking LOGS as they have run that bundle several times now when they can find more stock. Would be highly surprised if they don't run it again before release.
giri said:
Written reviews, in theory, should also give the person time to structure and articulate any criticisms or themes, very well. In theory.
Would love to see sites go back to dot points on mechanics and such. Even if the dot point is 300 words I just want it set out so that the reviewer knows that they are doing a critical review, not a PR piece.
Choc said:
even though a bajillion print magazines hit my desk, i only read edge generally.
Too much other stuff on the internet that distracts you. Same reason I can't watch a movie at my desk, too much potential that distracts me. Also I only get Game Informer for the pretty pictures to admire on the toilet.
Shaneus said:
AusGAF tells me what to buy, nowhere else. Which is why I fucking hate reptilescorpio and his incessant nagging and spruiking of Ozgameshop.
Yes. We get it. You like Shinji Mikami. Just shut up and stop making me buy games, damnit.
Stop your gas bagging and buy Shadows of the Damned already. It just got it's final price drop down to $36! On that note I decided to pick up some new copies of some PS2 classics while I grab BroCreedAss.
Can't fault those prices for brand new copies.
Choc said:
why was metal gear HD classified seperately?
METAL GEAR SOLID 3: SNAKE EATER - HD EDITION Computer Games MA 15+ 10/11/2011
METAL GEAR SOLID 3: SNAKE EATER 3D Computer Games MA 15+ 10/11/2011
Pretty sure it is separated in Japan aside from the LE. Also MGS 2&3 share 1000 gamerscore and Peace Walker has 1000 according to x360a. Haven't been keeping track myself. Might pick it up early next year to see how it goes on the new consoles. Already played them to death.
What are the postage costs? Would love to pick up all the books even though I already have the first 2. I think I remember the postage being ridiculous just like the Telltale store.
Axiom said:
It's weird as we are getting more conservative as a nation as years go on
Sex is bad, violence is cool.
Jintor said:
Red Faction was great until they fucked it with armagheddon. I don't know how they screwed the pooch on that one. Everybody loved it because it was an open world game, what made them say "FUCK IT, LET'S CONCENTRATE ON THE STORY"?
They did the same with Red Faction 2. Fuck that was mediocre. Focused on linear corridor fighting with army dudes. Jason Statham voiced a dude. GeoMod was wasted on that game. Original RF ran rings around it.
EatChildren said:
Until I'm told otherwise I'm just going to assume Elena wasn't even in the game until late into development, because not only is her face messed up, but her personality is dead. If she didn't have the voice and title of Elena she could be replaced with any other generic female character and nobody would be able to tell the difference. She's just kinda...there, only not.
To be honest I am hoping I end up outside the top ten posters just so I can feel that I have been more productive on the 20 odd day lifespan of this thread by closing time. Even though I won't have been.
Frawdder said:
Already more than 500 posts in thread and reptilescorpio attempts to quote and reply to all of them.
Thread has been open for 20 hours. We have had 600 posts. That's 30 posts an hour. We only need 666 (omg lolz) hours until the next thread, which is 27 days.
That's up four days from my estimate, and pretty fucking close to Clipper's graph estimate.
... I think they learnt too much. How many games did Bethesda release on the Xbox? Morrowind. How many on the 360? 3. How many Uncharted games? 3. How many Mario releated games this generation? In the last 5 years alone you have 27 Activision have taken this strategy to heart so strongly that they have already destroyed the Guitar Hero and Tony Hawk franchises with 12 month cycle main releases as well as numerous spin offs. I am surprised that they still only do one COD every year, Infinity Ward being gutted kind of scuttled their idea to do an Uncharted version at Sledgehammer.