Bullshit. You'll be answering endless questions about and ultimately selling so many copies of Imagine: Petz that you'll beg customers to end your life.
True story.
EatChildren said:
Uncharted 3 on the other hand can fuck off. The stealth encounters are much worse in my opinion. I had my companion NPC fuck shit up by deciding "NOW I'M GOING TO SHOT STUFF" twice, and the
first boat section
is unequivocally terrible stage design if you try to stealth it, due to poor communication to the player of how the level will play out and bad checkpointing.
I now hope my previous comment does not come true. I really, really, really think that, over time, after the hype dies, we will see the favourable opinions turn into ones lamenting the drop in quality from Uncharted 2.
I say this as someone that has given up (temporarily) on the game. That would not have happened 2 years ago; I played that game in 2 or 3 sessions and enjoyed it so much I overlooked every negative it had.
This game? Sloppy control. Contrived (repetitive) Moments of Action Drama. Frustrating fights with at least 2 or 3 bullet sponges. Companion NPCs seemingly afflicted with some sort of debilitating neural disease. Awesome Set Pieces. Better than average voice acting...
I really hope I'm wrong and I go back to the game and love it. I really do. Secretly though, I'm steeling myself for playing through the game hoping against common sense that it gets better.
Doesn't run fantastically on my PC but I think I need to upgrade my CPU. Still playable on ultra settings though and looks great. Volition have really nailed the gameplay on this one, I can definitely see myself enjoying pissfarting around in this game for many months to come.
I just saw a great documentary on SBS called immigration nation, which was about the white Australia policy. Its an ongoing series, AUSGAF, try to check it out.
I just saw a great documentary on SBS called immigration nation, which was about the white Australia policy. Its an ongoing series, AUSGAF, try to check it out.
Bought this monitor today for $178 after my discount through work. 23 inch, IPS and fancy swivel stand! Hopefully it will be okay for gaming, just looking forward to the bigger screen.
Hell yes! Saw this email pop up on my way to work! Only 8 more hours until Steam downloads it! And then another 45 minutes to decrypt! Yay! Maybe it will be ready for after work tomorrow! Yay!.
Only took me about 5 minutes to decrypt, I knocked off for a cuppa, came back and it was ready to go.
The game's fucking amazing though, I've been playing nonstop for the last four hours. It's so much more difficult than #2 though, it's pretty ridiculous.
I went north to some decker gang territory and took out one of their gang activities - they called in some specialists to attack me - these specialists were like something out of an anime - they zip zagged around the place with twin smgs and mjolnir. They kicked the shit out of me.
That's not to say they're unkillable, but with all the enemies streaming at you, it's hard to concentrate on one or the other.
23 inch seemed like the perfect size for me and I was pretty sold on the feature to turn the screen 90 degrees to read like a book. Not that I will ever use it but it will be cool to show off. Plus free postage and it will arrive this week which is nice for a weekend of Saints Row 3.
Need to go to bed but the game is almost finished downloading. Fffffffffffffffff
Also just finished the Paris BF3 level, much much better. Captures the COD spirit a lot better. Too short though and the hand-to-hand QTE are fucking horrible. Worst I have ever seen.
Fuck BF3 single player...seriously. It takes all the strengths of the multiplayer (and that which differentiates it from CoD) and throws them out the window. That does not make sense. Chewbacca is a Wookee who lives on Endor. That does NOT MAKE SENSE.
Fuck BF3 single player...seriously. It takes all the strengths of the multiplayer (and that which differentiates it from CoD) and throws them out the window. That does not make sense. Chewbacca is a Wookee who lives on Endor. That does NOT MAKE SENSE.
Uncharted has forced stealth? As in if you're caught you need to restart or just impossible to do without stealth? I loved the fact that in U2, you chose how you would approach a situation.
Well I'm rockin a virtual machine as you can tell.. so completely converting a machine to a mac.. i wont be able to help. HOWEVER, if you want to just run vmware with this prebuilt image im using and just always run it in fullscreen? sure why not.
Upgrade means I can finally study well for my exams.
Megadrive said:
Well I'm rockin a virtual machine as you can tell.. so completely converting a machine to a mac.. i wont be able to help. HOWEVER, if you want to just run vmware with this prebuilt image im using and just always run it in fullscreen? sure why not.
Yeah, a virtual machine is what I'm interested in (don't like the Mac OS) but I was mainly wondering about how it all performs since it's being emulated, especially the App simulator.
Okay. SRTT. It is a bit of a letdown in some ways. But damn if it isn't a blast to play anyway. Holding me over till Skyrim finally arrives quite well! Needs a MP freeroam though.
Fuck BF3 single player...seriously. It takes all the strengths of the multiplayer (and that which differentiates it from CoD) and throws them out the window. That does not make sense. Chewbacca is a Wookee who lives on Endor. That does NOT MAKE SENSE.
Pure junk. I might not like Call of Duty much but stuff like Battlefield 3 just shows some devs don't 'get' what makes games like Call of Duty fun. Battlefield 3's campaign is a slide show of pretty set pieces and nothing else. The jet level is the best example. Absolutely gorgeous, but so bare bones in gameplay it demands less interactivity and involvement from the player than even the most restricted of rail shooters. That level is literally an excellent case for when a video game stops being a video game and becomes a tech demo instead.
VOOK said:
Vooks is coming to Sydney next Tuesday... and Tuesday only.
I just saw a great documentary on SBS called immigration nation, which was about the white Australia policy. Its an ongoing series, AUSGAF, try to check it out.
Thanks for the heads up. I missed this when it was on the first time, despite really wanting to see it, so I'll definitely catch it this time. Now I'm off to SBS On Demand to watch it...
Edit: Oh, looks like the whole series is up there already so there's no reason to wait to finish it off... yay.
Its official, Saints Row 3 has one of my top 5 fuck yeah moments in games.
Early game spoiler: When you
jump out of a chopper and Kanye West's "Power" starts playing
Listened to the song on my way to work this morning and got a massive shit eating grin across my face just reliving the moment.
Anyway, quick question for AusGAF PC people:
First I want to state that I know next to nothing about building PCs, I built my current one a few years ago and have since upgraded my video card once since then.
I'm having some issue with Saints Row 3 chugging a fair bit, and from reading some other people's experiences I'm wondering whether I should be upgrading my CPU.
I'm pretty sure this is my CPU (I'm 99% sure this is the one, I'll check the exact model number when I get home tonight).
I have 5 gigs of RAM and a GTX 260. I don't seem to have any problems running most games on high, Skyrim for example runs really well on Ultra with only some slow down outdoors.
If a CPU upgrade is on the cards, what would be a recommended upgrade to go along with this setup? This is my motherboard. I know this probably needs to be upgraded as well soon but a full upgrade isn't going to happen any time soon!
EDIT: Never mind, it looks like i have to upgrade my mobo as well if I want to do any kind of meaningful CPU upgrade.
I honestly didn't realise how long it had been since I built my PC!