I would say the fact that it wasSo would you call my 3-word impression earlier a spoiler?
I've only ever used Commsec and I don't even remember why.What service would i use to invest in shares? Online one would be nice and easy I would imagine.
TheI also like the picture of ME3 on r/gaming and the guy seems totally spot on with the text in that picture. Cause it's trueeee.
I like RPGs. As the games they create become less RPG I become less interested. I did like ME2.Do people feel that bioware has started to go down hill in the past few years? Maybe since DA2 or even earlier?
I liked some parts of DAII (the story parts, pretty much).
I loved ME1 and ME2 and will probably love ME3. Not going to play the demo though, I enjoyed going in to ME1 and 2 blind and I want to do the same thing. Having said that, I don't care about people posting impressions, I will make up my own mind when I play it.
But yeh, Bioware has gone downhill. Even though Dragon Age: Origins was awesome, I started to think something was up with them when that marketing campaign came out (this is the new shit etc).
Also Jade Empire was cool.
The? Or another one? Link?jersey effect
Ok yeah, I was thinking short term trading. Your points are perfectly valid. But still, it's worth pointing out the current risks in the market. If cookie feels that his, I dunno, ~4.5%? return on his savings isn't doing it for him, long term investment in shares could be a decent idea since some analysts predict almost 15% this year or something.This is for a long term investment. The uncertainty makes it a good time to buy. If you buy when things are good there's a chance you'll overpay. There are so many different strategies within shares themselves that to dismiss it as a whole seems strange. Are you suggesting leaving all the eggs in one low paying basket as an alernative? That seems strange advice.
Absolutely. There's a lot of homework to do first.Not dismissing shares, just need to be wary.
And cookie, this might already be obvious to you, but it's a good idea to diversify. Don't put all your monies into just one sector. ie dumping everything into banks like you said lol.
One day I'll get educated about shares ;__;
storms a comin
They cover the basics at the ASX: http://www.asx.com.au/resources/online-courses.htmOne day I'll get educated about shares ;__;
They cover the basics at the ASX: http://www.asx.com.au/resources/online-courses.htm
<Omi> woo brown out
<Omi> nearly everyones pcs went down
<Omi> cept mine
<Omi> 8)
«--- Omi ([email protected]) has Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
Using this logic, would you buy THQ now?Buy low, sell high!
Using this logic, would you buy THQ now?
Then it wouldn't be low anymore! Broker markot would tell you to stay away!if there was strong indications they were being bought, yes
Oh. It's such a common phrase. There's no way to know you meant the Simpsons. Give us some contextual quotes!Also I was just doing a simpsons joke >.>;
THQ maintaining the UFC and WWE Licence and keeping it away from others is the key to them surviving
Do people feel that bioware has started to go down hill in the past few years? Maybe since DA2 or even earlier?
all im saying is
when was the last time you saw a kmart with PS3s on the shelf.....
absolutely they still sell them, but they are not being pushed at all by Kmart
I haven't seen one on shelves in a long long time nor have i seen a catalogue across my desk with PS3 in there for aw hile (nor 3ds for that matter)
edit: jambowned, send me the fully paid receipt in PM and i shall dispatch
What the hell's up with my Twitter? Taking fucking forever to load both here and at home. Can't even log out, it's taking so long to load. Nobody else seems to be experiencing this either...
<Omi> woo brown out
<Omi> nearly everyones pcs went down
<Omi> cept mine
<Omi> 8)
«--- Omi ([email protected]) has Quit (Read error: Connection reset by peer)
What the hell's up with my Twitter? Taking fucking forever to load both here and at home. Can't even log out, it's taking so long to load. Nobody else seems to be experiencing this either...