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AusGAF 5/5 - Everything's Amazing and Nobody's Happy, a rental at best


We don't know why he keeps buying PAL, either.
What the hell's up with my Twitter? Taking fucking forever to load both here and at home. Can't even log out, it's taking so long to load. Nobody else seems to be experiencing this either...

You're not using Tweetbot.
BoB's vita bomba thread (and my freshly dead) PS3 reminded me where i have bought my systems from.

It astounds me ive bought 3 systems from EB in the last decade or so. I import most games or get from JB or Big W.

Most recent to oldest
3DS- Target
360 slim- EB
PS3- Harvey Norman
Wii- Big W
360- EB
DS- k mart
gamecube- k mart
Xbox- toys r us
Ps2- EB
Dreamcast- Chandler's

I may even have bought more systems than games from EB.

Dead Man

BoB's vita bomba thread (and my freshly dead) PS3 reminded me where i have bought my systems from.

It astounds me ive bought 3 systems from EB in the last decade or so. I import most games or get from JB or Big W.

Most recent to oldest
3DS- Target
360 slim- EB
PS3- Harvey Norman
Wii- Big W
360- EB
DS- k mart
gamecube- k mart
Xbox- toys r us
Ps2- EB
Dreamcast- Chandler's

I may even have bought more systems than games from EB.
PS3 - Game, bought the GTAIV edition, swapping the game for... Orange Box I think.
PS2 - Can't remember LOL
N64 - Target
PS1 - Myer

Those are the only consoles I have bought with my own money.


PS1: World 4 Kids
GBA: Target

Everything other console I own was given to me or bought overseas.


3DS: Dick Smith
Wii: Big W
360 no.2: EB
360 no.1: Target
Gamecube: Harris Scarfe (scored some elite bargains there, good times.)
PS2: Cashies
SNES - Grace Bros.
GCN - Kmart
GBA - Kmart?
PS2 - Toys R Us
DS - Big W
Wii - EB
3DS - Dick Smith Electronics
PS3 - Big W

Don't remember where we got our NES or N64 from. I remember the SNES because we got it on a trip to Sydney and had, I think, initially planned on getting a Mega Drive before being talked into the Super Nintendo by the sales girl. My 360 was a birthday present which I think was gotten from EB. Everything else (Sega's stable of systems, PSP) I got second hand.


I honestly can't remember the last time I bought a gaming system. Hmm let's see.

iPad - birthday pressie from the wife
Wii - Birthday pressie from the wife
360 - Bonus from work
DS - birthday pressie from the wife
GameCube - free with mobile phone contract
PS2 - given to me by someone who was replacing their broken PS2 and said "if you can fix it you can keep it" (took me five minutes to fix, score)
PS1 - Sony gave me one when I started at TV Week
GBA SP - wedding pressie from the wife

...huh thinking about it the last system I bought was the Saturn, and that's only because my friend who worked at Kmart kept one for me on the day Ozisoft told retail to clear out all Saturn stock for whatever they could get.

...and also thinking about it my wife spoils me.


3DS at EB
360S at eb
Wii at eb
Ps3 slim at eb
Gift 360 at game
Dsi at jb
Launch 360 eb
Phat PS3 at Harvey Norman
Xbox at hn
GC at eb
Ps2 at Sonex
Dreamcast at Harvey Norman
Imported psp
Other older stuff at Kmart and Harris scarfe.

I'm going to cut back in future.
Shares are a bit iffy now though given the current environment. I think there's still too much uncertainty in the market that could hurt the average investor.


Yeah, still haven't really progressed from where I left off in SJ though. I did put in Etrian Odyssey and play for a bit. That game is still awesome, but super tough. Might actually open my copy of EO3 and start that instead since I don't think I can be bothered respecing my EO party and grinding back the levels.

Oh that's a great idea, EO3 is really good, the best one imo. Tough but accessible and some really interesting party combinations you can come up with. A friend and I finished it with totally different parties and tactics, which is a good sign i reckon.

SJ I get through in little fits and bursts. I think a big part of the fun for me is picking classes and growing them to work together, something I don't really get from the demon fusion system.


Are we mentioning where we bought our shit?

Lets see, from memory:

XBOX 360 - EB Games Online
3DS - Dick Smith Online
DS Lite - EB Games
DS - (that is a good question, I think it was either BigW or Kmart, or even Target)
Wii 4 - Target
Wii 3 - N/A (Nintendo)
Wii 2 - N/A (Target)
Wii 1 - Target
Brothers Wii - Target
GameCube - No Idea but it would of been one of the 3 department stores.
Xbox - EB Games
n64 - BigW
Gameboy Micro - ebay
GBA - No Idea/either of the 3 DS
GBC - ^
GBC - ^
GB - N/A (Cusions Console)
GB - N/A (Mums Console)

and thats where my memory stops...
How was the distillery Vince?

Underworld soundtracks have been poor since the first one, wtf Danny! Started so brightly then turned to poorly mixed rubbish.

Man that Vita Bomba thread on the gaming side, some people got no idea.
Nobody cares about Australia :(

Vita so bomba makes me sad.
I don't see it bombing after all the money Sony put into it. PSP and 3DS started out rough too, it will come into its own around the 12 month mark like the others.

Spoiler that shit.
I hear it is the third part of a series and has shooting and is Unreal.

Do people feel that bioware has started to go down hill in the past few years? Maybe since DA2 or even earlier?
Jade Empire. I was confused. It looked like a Bioware game and felt a little like a Bioware game but by the end of it I was convinced it was created by one of those 'This Ain't Bioware AAA' companies, with the same damn writer as the 'This Ain't Lionhead AAA' company that did Fable 3.

It made a lot of sense when they said that DA: Origins had been in development for years and years. It had a few issues but laid the groundwork for a series with huge potential, which was then ignored by the sequel.

Thanks Sony USA Product Management Team, no longer require debug :D
So we get TM Black too?

It lasted 4 1/2 years (without needing a repair or otherside skipping a beat). My original 360 lasted just short of 5 years (with 2 free repairs). 360 slim went 10 months before going in for a repair. Wii still going strong, despite only getting played once a year. Both of my original xboxes still work. That shit was bulletproof (despite being riddled with lead inside).
They don't make em like they used to my boy. Back in the day we could beat the shit out of brothers and sisters by swinging a console around our head and STILL the damn thing would work when you plugged it in. I blame unions.

Using this logic, would you buy THQ now?
Fuck yes. Well, at the very least I would see what you get out of it. Relic would HAVE to be worth grabbing, especially if you want to create any kind of successful RTS in the future. Volition have done well in the open world genre with SR 2&3 (although RF went to shit (again)).

THQ maintaining the UFC and WWE Licence and keeping it away from others is the key to them surviving
I thought sales of both franchises had plummeted? Depends on the cost to keep the licence, I wonder how much the UFC charges these days.

Oh. It's such a common phrase. There's no way to know you meant the Simpsons. Give us some contextual quotes!
It was the first thing I thought of!

Yeah, Kmart do seem to be going ultra cheapo. They hardly have any electrical stuff any more.
KMart here has a shelf of games arranged by price. Only a few full price ones and the rest are between $20-50.

SMS - Some department store in Adelaide, too young to remember
Atari Lynx - there MUST have only been one retailer stupid enough to stock that bomba
Gameboy Pocket - Target
Gameboy Colour - Target or KMart (probably KMart as I remember them having the Pikachu N64 as well)
PSOne - KMart
PSTwo - Some cool looking games store in Adelaide, names don't ring any bells
GBA - Target
DSPhat - Target
Gamecube - some warehouse on eBay for $40 brand new (they had about 300 for sale)
360 - Harvey Norman, traded in a Wii at EBGames towards a replacement, EBGames for the slim/Kinect bundle 3 months ago when they beat JB's price (with gift cards)
PSP - EBGames (exclusive Crisis Core retailer)
Wii - second hand from a mate who played it twice
PS3 - PALGN forums (did not receive), EBGames (price matching JB with gift cards)
Let's see...

NES: ToyWorld
Megadrive: K-Mart
SNES: Myer (during release week)
GBA: K-Mart
DS: K-Mart
GameCube: EB
Xbox: K-Mart
Wii: EB (at midnight launch)
Xbox360: EB
GameBoy: Second-hand from Hi-Tech Game Centre

But you were perfectly normal at MelbGaf.. I sense LIES.
It's one of the skills they teach you in Frankston schools. How to act normal. Only works for short periods of time.

That and knife fighting.


Currently polling second in Australia's federal election (first in the Gold Coast), this feral may one day be your Bogan King.
Because it's always nice to hear both sides of an argument (even if one is full of shit), MCV Pacific has a few statements from the current PALGN management as to how he felt about the staff/management issues, and his perspective of the chain of events.


C64 - hand me down from relatives
Master system 2 - no idea, gift
Snes - local independent
N64 - fitzgeralds (Harris scarf)
Ps1 - second hand
Ps2 - KMart, was a gt3 box that had been returned, bargain at 200
Ds lite - eb
Jap ds lite - import
Wii - gift from wife

That's it I think. PC gamer mainly :p
BrisGAF - There are a bunch of sales going on at indro. Not necessarily games (although I did buy a bunch, none of which I was planning on getting but they are all excellent) all the shops are clearing the decks before it shuts down


Distillery was good. Didn't have time to do the tour, but lunch was amazing. Had my first whiskey, full nip, on ice, original noir I believe. Haven't had whiskey since a cheap and nasty one as a 17yo. So I still get the minor gag.

BUT... I did taste flavour from it and it wasn't nasty. So I bought a 500ml bottle of their single malt peat (as opposed to half peat). I'll consider that as my test/acclimatisation whiskey. I'm sure its an acquired taste, but for now I'm still a wine drinker.

Tips for drinking it are welcome. Mix it? Dry? Room temp or chilled?
Gamecube - 2nd hand EB Games
Playstation 2 - 2nd hand from EB Games and from private seller
Playstation 3 - 2nd hand from private seller
Gameboy Advance - 2nd hand from EB games / eBay / Cash Converters / eBay
DS - Target
Wii - 2nd hand from private seller
DSi - EB Games
3DS - Amazon US

I bought the bolded new.


Distillery was good. Didn't have time to do the tour, but lunch was amazing. Had my first whiskey, full nip, on ice, original noir I believe. Haven't had whiskey since a cheap and nasty one as a 17yo. So I still get the minor gag.

BUT... I did taste flavour from it and it wasn't nasty. So I bought a 500ml bottle of their single malt peat (as opposed to half peat). I'll consider that as my test/acclimatisation whiskey. I'm sure its an acquired taste, but for now I'm still a wine drinker.

Tips for drinking it are welcome. Mix it? Dry? Room temp or chilled?

BrisGAF - There are a bunch of sales going on at indro. Not necessarily games (although I did buy a bunch, none of which I was planning on getting but they are all excellent) all the shops are clearing the decks before it shuts down
What's shutting down? The whole of Indooroopilly Shopping Centre?
The fuck? 18months? When does it officially shut? I can't seem to find any info about it. Only that some gates and carparks are currently unavailable.

Sorry, lots of question. You are the holder of information. You have more info than the internets. Powerful, you are.
MW2 was the good one, wasn't it?
Nope, the weakest one of the trilogy. Was a good first run, it has too many irritating moments though.

Distillery was good. Didn't have time to do the tour, but lunch was amazing. Had my first whiskey, full nip, on ice, original noir I believe. Haven't had whiskey since a cheap and nasty one as a 17yo. So I still get the minor gag.

BUT... I did taste flavour from it and it wasn't nasty. So I bought a 500ml bottle of their single malt peat (as opposed to half peat). I'll consider that as my test/acclimatisation whiskey. I'm sure its an acquired taste, but for now I'm still a wine drinker.

Tips for drinking it are welcome. Mix it? Dry? Room temp or chilled?
Fuck that sounds great. You are starting out at the upper echelon so anything less than $50 a bottle will taste like garbage to you.

Drinking it out of this glass with this ice ball. Keep the bottle at room temperature.
The fuck? 18months? When does it officially shut? I can't seem to find any info about it. Only that some gates and carparks are currently unavailable.

Sorry, lots of question. You are the holder of information. You have more info than the internets. Powerful, you are.

Not sure when they close. I asked an attendant but she knew literally nothing. I'd say soon though, a bunch of stores, especially on the bottom floor, are having clearance and "end of lease" sales.
Anyone know the purpose of the recent 360 dash update? I have a feeling from the wording it's to improve security for third party apps (like EA's FIFA)...

Edit: Sounds like it's to fix the colour space issues. I'd rather them fix the security flaws over the colour issues.

Drinking it out of this glass with this ice ball. Keep the bottle at room temperature.
I endorse this event and/or product. The glass has a nice heft and spheres of ice kick arse.


Tips for drinking it are welcome. Mix it? Dry? Room temp or chilled?

The best tip is to drink it whichever way you like most.

Now to enter elitist jerk mode. The best way to drink it is either neat or with some water. The higher the percentage of alcohol, the more water you will want in there. 40% is the lowest it will go and still be allowed to be called Scotch. No water is really required here as it has already been watered down, though depending on what it is, sometimes a drop or two can help it to open up.

When you pour a dram of Scotch and add water (or not) let it air for about 10 minutes, this allows the full flavours to present themselves to you when you get into it. Take your time, there's no rush. Smell it, just inhale gently, you don't want to overwhelm yourself, try the gentle inhale whilst passing the glass under your nose. Sip it, roll it around on your tongue and experience the different flavours and enjoy (and get used to) the burn. Don't be discouraged if you can't pick flavours or scents out to begin with or even after many months of drinking Scotch, it's all part of the journey.

To begin with, since you haven't been drinking Scotch this way, you'll initially be getting used to the burning sensation. It can be difficult to begin with, but you will acclimatise soon enough. Buy something cheaper, perhaps Teacher's (that's my preferred blend, quite malty) or something similar around 40% and use that to initiate yourself in the burning sensation. Have one dram per night with water (maybe a few drops or a teaspoon or two) and gradually decrease the amount of water you put in until you are having it neat. You will soon come to like it and discover that the burn can be a characteristic on its own.

The reason I'm not mentioning ice is that it inhibits the enjoyment of a good single malt whisky for me and many others. It mutes the flavours of the whisky without diluting it at all. Think of how different a beer tastes cold vs warm, except whisky tastes best at room temperature, so drinking it with ice is essentially the equivalent to drinking a warm beer. That said, I have scotch blends (like Teacher's mentioned above) with ice, but never a single malt because to me it's a waste.

You can take as much of this as you like as snobbery, but it should at least be a good starting point for you to get into drinking it and finding what you like best. The world of scotch whisky is vast and well worth exploring.

Also, Hellyers Road is great! I'm jealous of your visit there, I hope to go there some day. I have their "original" single malt and it really is something else, gentle and creamy with a rather long and aggressive finish. Fantastic.
Danoss knows what he's talking about!

I acclimatised to the burn with a bottle of Glenmorangie 10. A small glass of an evening with a splash of water for a couple of weeks. Then moved on to some smokier Islay malts (Ardbeg, Laphroiag and then Lagavulin).

Drinking good scotch really is liking drinking wine, once you get a nose for it you can pick up more and more complexity. I drink all my scotch neat these days, and can't imagine putting ice in any of my favourite malts!


I would buy Ridge Racer if it wasn't, you know, a quarter of a game. And Katamari is still Katamari so I'll probably pass.

Been hearing really good things about Lumines so I'm starting to get excited about next week!

Mr_Appleby said:
Oh that's a great idea, EO3 is really good, the best one imo. Tough but accessible and some really interesting party combinations you can come up with. A friend and I finished it with totally different parties and tactics, which is a good sign i reckon.

SJ I get through in little fits and bursts. I think a big part of the fun for me is picking classes and growing them to work together, something I don't really get from the demon fusion system.
Yeah I heard about EO3 being a good and proper sequel, which is why I'm going to skip EO2 even though I have it somewhere in my pile. Plus EO3 comes with that rad poster with the skill trees and everything so there's less chance of wasting points in the wrong skills!


Hmmm had never heard of it, but it is right near my home.. So its tempting

Come along man, for at least one of the nights. It's friday and Saturday night. I'll be there with my wife and two other friends who are flying in on the Friday. Always good to catch up with new people and I'm sure it'll be awesome.


can't believe i missed this tid bit in the Qantas announcement today

They are cutting their LA route. No more flights to Los Angeles from some time this year

what makes this all the more interesting that it is one of their subsidised routes in that the Government restricts which airlines can fly that route from Australia

Where as London is open slather.


bought kingdoms of amalurururururur today

the combat is orgasm inducing. nice to see a game with a non brown grey colour palette too


can't believe i missed this tid bit in the Qantas announcement today

They are cutting their LA route. No more flights to Los Angeles from some time this year

what makes this all the more interesting that it is one of their subsidised routes in that the Government restricts which airlines can fly that route from Australia

Where as London is open slather.
It's just Auckland-LA route I think.


Does anyone remember when the 360 launched back in March 2006 and Big W were so awesome they had every launch game for $79 bucks? On top of my Collectors Edition of Oblivion from DVD Crave I went to town buying about 5 games from them purely because I had cash and the games were cheap.

How times have changed.

I still have my pre-order bonus sports bag they gave me too lol.
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