Tried it on a tablet? I don't even want to look at Android or iOS ever again
And fruit cake sucks. I wanted fruit not cake. Or vice versa
Its bad on tablet too face facts. FACE THEM.
Also I have a table with windows 8!
Tried it on a tablet? I don't even want to look at Android or iOS ever again
And fruit cake sucks. I wanted fruit not cake. Or vice versa
Alright, this deserves a paddling.
Only just imported the pics into Lightroom tonight, so I felt like sharing one. I'm pretty lazy so hopefully I'll keep up with a few.What's your geotag setup? I was thinking of getting something like a Garmin e-Trex 10. I haven't looked at the software side much, and have only heard of GeoSetter and GPicSync.
Also, more pics from your trip would be cool.
Digestive biscuits are fantastic. Mm Mm.choc digestives or plain??
I started playing through walking dead with my mum. It started out a little rough, mostly because she didn't know any of the controls and couldn't make decisions in time, but she seemed to get into it after a bit. She sided with Kenny a lot more than I did. Said she'd like to keep playing tomorrow, which I think is a first for her in any game. I'm pretty pleased.
Lol you so old![]()
I blame the internet. Silly hippie stuff. Runs on tubes or somebullshit. Give me the ole telegram any day. Worked fine for Ted Copple. Why not for us?Certainly feel like the cranky older man lately. My patience is super thin!
Hmm, did you feel the same?I reckon that may be a product of him having a kid and empathising with him that way.
To be fair, I imagine having to change horrible nappies must take its toll.Certainly feel like the cranky older man lately. My patience is super thin!
Also, Gazunta has good taste in webcomics. And I'd know.
Also also, he has great taste in Poker Smashes. Do you have it on iOS, Gaz? I do! I should contact the guy on GAF who made it, see if he wants to make it more awesome. I don't think I've fired it up since I got my retina-screened iPhone (played it on the 3GS heaps).
Only just imported the pics into Lightroom tonight, so I felt like sharing one. I'm pretty lazy so hopefully I'll keep up with a few.
Using a cheap GPS logger -- the Qstarz BT-Q1000eX -- which is mostly good because it's a lot more accurate than my previous one which died (it wasn't that accurate and when the battery ballooned to twice its size I decided to get a new one) and it lasts nearly two full days on a charge, which is great when travelling since if I don't get a chance one day, it's usually good. Not perfect but it's good enough.
I use their shitty software to export to a GPX, then use GeoSetter. It's pretty good, and you can make it save the information in an XMP sidecar file instead of the RAW (in my case CR2) file if you prefer not to touch the original. Lightroom picks up all that information on import so best to do the tagging before the import (which is why I only imported tonight, since it can be pretty slow to tag CR2+JPEG on a NAS)..
I'm pretty confident that if any of the big three dominate next generation (Asian regions excluded) it will be Microsoft. Neither Nintendo nor Sony can get their shit together and both seem totally detached from non-Asian markets. When Microsoft gets their shit together they knock it out of the park, as a service, hardware, and software provider.
EDIT: Kookas should be compulsory dining for every NeoGAF member.
Lol, I swear I don't! This was another picture I found that coincidentally looked like the other one, which is why I chose it><Ahhhhh christmas shan ahhhhhhhh
i thought you said you didn't know what that character was called
Both you and I posted in the same thread.Yeah, the iOS version was pretty good, and a steal at a buck. I would love to see a Retina / Universal version. God damn, I love that game. I hope he's still making games. Making games is neat fun. Definitely get ahold of him if you can and tell him he made the best game.
Blah. Double post.
OK guys recommend me some 3DS games!
Hmm, did you feel the same?
To be fair, I imagine having to change horrible nappies must take its toll.
I'm still using Lightroom 3 I think, so I haven't tried. I'd definitely look into it, but I'm OK with my process which geotags them before I import them into Lightroom. That way I can feel they're all prepared and ready to go -- I'm sure I'd just forget them otherwise.Sounds like the software is easy enough, which it should be since it doesn't have to do much. On the software side of things, have you tried letting LR4 geotag the photos for you? I saw that demonstrated in a video here and it seemed simple enough. I didn't know this was possible until a few minutes ago, and that would save extra effort and time.
Gollop did Halo?Ghost Recon Shadow Wars - its Advance Wars by the Gollop guy who did Rebelstar Tactical Command and some other alien strategy rpg that others rave over in its modern incarnation.
lol You so slow old manEh, it isn't that bad really. 2mins and you are done.
Resident Evil: The Mercenaries is good score attack fun and doesn't go for much nowadays.
in other news, uni marks are out. Eep.
Super fun night of Planetside 2. Had about 8 of us at one point. Then it went down to 5 or 6, then the silly stuff started. Honorable mention to Doncamatic for trying to pick us up in a plane, doing a flip, and exploding.
You guys are vanu right >_<?Super fun night of Planetside 2. Had about 8 of us at one point. Then it went down to 5 or 6, then the silly stuff started. Honorable mention to Doncamatic for trying to pick us up in a plane, doing a flip, and exploding.
PS. Did anyone else start reading Nedroid when I told them to?
Fuck you all. It's the funniest, most obscure comic I've read in a really fucking long time. You should all check it out.
I'm still using Lightroom 3 I think, so I haven't tried. I'd definitely look into it, but I'm OK with my process which geotags them before I import them into Lightroom. That way I can feel they're all prepared and ready to go -- I'm sure I'd just forget them otherwise.
Not sure about Lightroom, but Geosetter has great filtering to find photos you've not tagged, and tons of options on how you want the tagging to occur (plus it also puts tags of the location in, whether Lightroom does that I don't know).
Urgh, i don't know whether to defect or not, I just got my sunderer cert :|
Not the comic as a whole, but the humour in it sure as hell is.Nedroid is obscure?
There is a difference between 'obscure' humour and 'not funny'.
I've got multiple reflex certs and a number of others too. I'm not going anywhere.
VS were pushing us back in some areas on Indar last night, it was quite vicious and very fun.
I have a shocking admission to make, I haven't played any Walking Deads yet. Can I all the episodes in a single package? Or do I have to get them individually like a sucker?
I don't think you can buy them individually. If you buy from Steam or Telltale you get all the episodes.I have a shocking admission to make, I haven't played any Walking Deads yet. Can I all the episodes in a single package? Or do I have to get them individually like a sucker?
I don't think you can buy them individually. If you buy from Steam or Telltale you get all the episodes.
It was on sale on Steam a few days ago, so you might be better off waiting a month for the Christmas sale if you can wait.
Too late.this just in: do not buy Hitman Absolution.
Nuns in latex was false advertising?this just in: do not buy Hitman Absolution.
I thought this had been in for a while.this just in: do not buy Hitman Absolution.
I thought this had been in for a while.
this just in: do not buy Hitman Absolution.