What about
AusGAF 8: A bunch of Karmicheal Hunts
AusGAF 8: A bunch of Karmicheal Hunts
Liberal senator George Brandis uses parliamentary privilege to suggest Julia Gillard broke criminal laws while working as a lawyer in the early 1990s.
... In The Dirt FilesWhat about
AusGAF 8: A bunch of Karmicheal Hunts
AusGAF 8: Cunt
AusGAF 8: A Few Good CuntsAusGAF VIII: Den of Cunts.
Although the obvious downside would be that the thread would probably be NSFW. Employers probably wouldn't like someone's browser history filled with verbal cunt.
What about
AusGAF 8: A bunch of Karmicheal Hunts
I know. I could eat white bread forever, especially fresh out of the bread maker white bread. Best with butter, vegemite or good ol' avocado.White bread is great. No wonder it's fucking unhealthy.
That really is pretty terrifying.They make you happy? The poll results are terrifying.
If 15% of the population is against vaccination then that has dire consequences for dangerous diseases such as bordatella petussis (Whooping cough), MMR for example. If unvaccinated kids are allowed out in the general community then they run the real risk of passing those diseases onto people who are too young to be vaccinated. Newborns cant be immunised against whooping cough for something like 6 months, and are incredibly vulnerable to the disease which can kill.
If one of these homeopathics sociopaths lets their little disease vectors run around infecting other people, then they sure as fuck ought to be prepared for wrongful death/death by negligence charges when they kill another person's child through their wilful ignorance.
I would play the crap out of that game. Great stress release. They can yell things like "brainwashed by big pharma!" as they burn up.I smell an indie game.
AusGAF 8: A Few Good Cunts
As opposed to the last few pages showing up in the history anyway?
Question for AusGAF Vita owners:
What are the following games like?
Wipeout 2048
Shinobido 2
Everybody's Golf
Little Kings Story
What size memory cards are there and what else would you recommend considering?
(n.b this isn't a shopping list, this is a list for comparison and trying to make a decision over what to do)
Question for AusGAF Vita owners:
What are the following games like?
Wipeout 2048
Shinobido 2
Everybody's Golf
Little Kings Story
What size memory cards are there and what else would you recommend considering?
(n.b this isn't a shopping list, this is a list for comparison and trying to make a decision over what to do)
So FarCry3 is $68 @ Big W. I might pick it up in the morning on my way to work. I'm shocked its getting such great reviews. I hated FC2 with a passion, this one seem to be doing everything right.
It really should be Octocunt.
It's 8, like AusGAF 8 (octo = 8).
It's cunt, because cunt is awesome.
It's a reference to a James Bond movie, because what cunt is a colloquialism of is the same as "pussy".
Mine is about a futuristic amusement park where cunts are brought to life through advanced cloning techniques.
I like this.AusGAF 8: The Lucky Cuntry
AusGAF 8: The Lucky Cuntry
AusGAF 8 - Vook's Revenge
Man, can we rename this one The Phantom Mook?
Yes to Jase's suggestion
I like it!AusGAF 8 - Billy and the Cuntasaurus
I like Revenge of the Vook.
Who is Book? Green Eggs & Ham?I was thinking Phantom because Book got banned.
Ghost Recon Shadow Wars - its Advance Wars by the Gollop guy who did Rebelstar Tactical Command and some other alien strategy rpg that others rave over in its modern incarnation.
Mario 3D Land - bite size Mario Galaxy level design (minus the gravitoids).
Ocarina of Time - it may as well be called the Director's Cut. Or Final Cut, if you're a Bladerunner fan.
Dead or Alive Dimensions is decent.
The port of Super Street Fighter 4 is great.
Pac-Man & Galaga Dimensions is a decent compilation that can usually be had pretty cheap.
Mario Kart 7 is a lot of fun.
Theatrhythm Final Fantasy is fantastic if you're an FF fan.
Resident Evil: The Mercenaries is good score attack fun and doesn't go for much nowadays.
Donkey Kong 94 is on the Virtual Console.
(I recently dropped every single one of the webcomics I used to read because I don't find webcomic humour to be that funny anymore.)
Who is Book? Green Eggs & Ham?
I was thinking Phantom because Vook got banned.
Please stop with your crappy spam.Who is Book? Green Eggs & Ham?
Are the Pac-Man / Galaga games straight ports of the original or are they like the recent XBLA games?
I must beg forgiveness, for I am struggling to cope with no DSLAM.Please stop with your crappy spam.
Everyone knows that The Vook Strikes Back is the most enjoyable yarn.
Short on patience, I truly am.I must beg forgiveness, for I am struggling to cope with no DSLAM.![]()
Wow that thing is the epitome of Nintendo's online strategy, cannot connect to the internet, what a weird thing.
AusGAF 8: The Lucky Cuntry
YAY WiiU tomorrow.
Part of the gang watches on as an amazing enemy pilot picked us off one by one
Phantom ATVs
This one gets my vote.What about
AusGAF 8: A bunch of Karmicheal Hunts
You can get it on Steam for $69 AUD or gifted on Steam from CDKeys.com.au for $47.