It is perfect weather for iced tea! You can add fruits and stuff too to mix it up if you are poor like me. If I don't have any drink ingredients lemon in water tastes alright too.
It is indeed. I make this one in 2L batches, and is as follows:
- Add 4 teaspoons of Yerba Mate to 1L cold water. Leave in fridge overnight (8 hours).
- Filter tea from water.
- Mix 2 parts Yerba Mate Iced Tea with 1 part Orange Juice and 1 part Pineapple Juice.
- Enjoy.
Be aware that whilst Yerba Mate (pronounced Yerba Mah-tay) is a herbal tea, it does contain caffeine. It's quite different and most people who try this without knowing what straight Yerba tastes like will think it's a weak juice mix with an interesting, unexpected taste in the background. Very refreshing.
Brewing the tea as above, also known as 'cold brewed' eliminates bitterness since it's hot water that does it. You can of course mix it with any juice you like or have it without, as well as use different types of tea. I'll be trying different types of Oolong this summer to try and get the strength exactly right.
Nothing wrong with a bit of lemon added to water, it's lovely. I have filtered water most of the time, and once the taste of additives has been removed it becomes so moreish. It may sound odd for water to be 'moreish', but it totally is.
I find most soft drinks way way too fizzy, and they make my teeth feel gross. I only really drink them in mixers now (Lemon, lime and bitters is the exception!). My problem right now is milk. Milkshakes are really great when you're hungry but its not meal time, although I've been drinking a bit too much recently.
I generally stay away from soft drinks, but I might have a little bit when I'm mixing something together for a visitor, which isn't often. Lemon, lime and bitters is brilliant, but not the pre-mixed kind; Angosturo bitters with Schwepppes Lime Cordial and Schweppes Lemonade makes it perfectly.
Milo will be the end of me if I let myself have as much as want. On top of a normal Milo, it's worth whipping up the occasional Milo milkshake: just use more Milo than normal, milk of course, add ice cream all to a blender and mix. It's amazing. I don't keep ice cream in the house, cause I'll make too many of them.
Excuse the long post, I quite like tea and stuff.