I'd be slightly hesitant about buying Tactic Ogre and Jet Set Radio. they were both part of the US Vita PS+ so there's a chance that they may be offered sometime soon for AU. If you can, perhaps it might be best to wait a month or two to see if they appear?So I'm looking at getting some PSN games today, for both PS3 and datOled.
Currently the ones in the running are:
Symphony of Jintor's Lack of Gaming Classic History Knowledge
Tactics Ogre PSP
Vagrant Story
Metal Gear Peace Walker
Oddworld Stranger's Wrath and Munch's Oddysey
Jet Set Radio HD Vita
Any others I should consider? I tried the demo for Sine Mora on both systems. I think the PS3 version is better in terms of slow motion dodging.
Suggestions most welcome.
lolSymphony of Jintor's Lack of Gaming Classic History Knowledge
Half Minute Hero (psp game)Yagharek said:Suggestions most welcome.
I'd be slightly hesitant about buying Tactic Ogre and Jet Set Radio. they were both part of the US Vita PS+ so there's a chance that they may be offered sometime soon for AU. If you can, perhaps it might be best to wait a month or two to see if they appear?
Do you like Point and Click Adventure games?Macinarium is no longer on psn+ here, but /i think its on sale. Its good stuff though?
Whoops. I just remembered the word Tactics and knew it was a SRPG. Thanks for correcting my erroneous advice. Carry on with your purchase, Yag.I think the US deal was FF Tactics, not Tactics Ogre. Different games.
Eat it Yag! I come from the world of PCs!
Do you like Point and Click Adventure games?
Do you have a PC? If so, you can get it faaaaar cheaper on PC, especially with the Christmas Steam sales upon us. It doesn't take an awfully long time to complete, either.
Fuck me, Lumines is incredible. The console itself is surprisingly well built and doesn't feel the slightest bit cheap or unrefined.
Maybe it'd come with hindsight, but there are a billion things you can see with the PSP-1000 that could be (and were) trimmed. Not with this.
Only problem is the screen protector that came with the starter kit *only* covers the screen. For some reason I thought it would've covered the whole front of the device. Should that be a concern?
Otherwise, loving the fuck out of it. And that's with only one game (until I'm game enough to update it and hook it to the PS3, wanna make sure I have no CFW options currently left before I update).
I need gift ideas.
My father is supes into chess, triple J, doctor who and occasionally british comedy. I think I've tapped out each of those areas. What's something generic and relatively inexpensive (~$50) that he might like.
My mother recently got into photography. I have no idea what kind of camera she has. I don't know if I'll be able to find out. Is there like an all encompassing photography guidey thing I could get her? Something that'd be useful to a novice without assuming much of the abilities of the camera? I know it can at least focus on things as I've received like 30 fucking flower photos from her with the backgrounds blurred.
Sister's an enigma although isn't incredibly hard to buy for. She likes cider, bad music, expensive shiny things you wear, and lowest common denominator american comedy television.
Hey!Import that Miku game it's probably full of bad music
Vita has Dr Who and Chess games
Vita has 2 cameras
Vita is shiny and expensive, she could probably wear it. Import that Miku game it's probably full of bad music
Will look into the books, thanks.
I guess vitas are on the shopping list right next to the wii u, 3ds and a toaster, so I can have a complete collection of things that don't have games.
Douglas Adams had it wrong. The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is not 42. It's Vita.
I'll file this next to your list of wrong opinions about the eastern shore, brighton boy.
Yag, can I call you Yag? You should play more P&C adventures! Unfortunate that the Vita has come along. Maybe in a month I'll run though a whole heap of recommendations.I havent played a point and click game since Phoenix Wright Ace Attorney (if you can call it one) and before that, Full Throttle. I've heard Machniarium compared favourably (very much so) to World of Goo in terms of atmosphere. Maybe it was just winning indie kudos in the same era, but the association is there in my mind.
I don't see why? You only want to protect the screen which you need nice and clear to see properly.Only problem is the screen protector that came with the starter kit *only* covers the screen. For some reason I thought it would've covered the whole front of the device. Should that be a concern?
Shaneus has you on ignore!What did I tell you!
Yag, can I call you Yag? You should play more P&C adventures! Unfortunate that the Vita has come along. Maybe in a month I'll run though a whole heap of recommendations.
Shaneus has you on ignore!
why, do they have games over on the eastern shore
or do you just set them on fire and then dance around in a circle with sticks in your hand
Man, everything about this system reeks of Dreamcast. Decent but small games library, technically and mechanically perfect with some innovative ideas, but doomed to fail within 6 months of it launching because the competition won in retail based on the success of their previous release.Told you. No square button issues and perfect architect's gates. No loading mechanism noise. It's literally the most 'welcoming' system since Dreamcast's bass wub wub wub as the blue swirl was painted by that little blue dot.
You told me one thing, then another. Bastard.What did I tell you!
Vita.I need gift ideas.
Fuck, I was getting all ready to make Vita the new Kooka's, but it seems I was beaten to it. Too much Lumines.Douglas Adams had it wrong. The Answer to the Ultimate Question of Life, the Universe, and Everything is not 42. It's Vita.
I don't see why? You only want to protect the screen which you need nice and clear to see properly.
I was more thinking the rest of the front of the device. But given that the PSP I have is still in alarmingly good nick (it does have a hard cover, though) I don't think I have anything to worry about with the Vita.
Man, everything about this system reeks of Dreamcast. Decent but small games library, technically and mechanically perfect with some innovative ideas, but doomed to fail within 6 months of it launching because the competition won in retail based on the success of their previous release.
AusGAF moving wholesale over to Sony as Choc leaves, lol
Lol, you guys trying your hardest to justify your vita purchase?
Speaking of which, the Vita doesnt play youtube stuff as far as I know. Might be wrong. Not personally concerned, or maybe there's an app?
Resident Evil Revelations on 3DS for $29
Vita games:So I'm looking at getting some PSN games today, for both PS3 and datOled.
Currently the ones in the running are:
Symphony of Jintor's Lack of Gaming Classic History Knowledge
Tactics Ogre PSP
Vagrant Story
Metal Gear Peace Walker
Oddworld Stranger's Wrath and Munch's Oddysey
Jet Set Radio HD Vita
Any others I should consider? I tried the demo for Sine Mora on both systems. I think the PS3 version is better in terms of slow motion dodging.
Suggestions most welcome.
I don't believe Tactics Ogre was? Perhaps you've mistaken it for Final Fantasy Tactics.I'd be slightly hesitant about buying Tactic Ogre and Jet Set Radio. they were both part of the US Vita PS+ so there's a chance that they may be offered sometime soon for AU. If you can, perhaps it might be best to wait a month or two to see if they appear?
Apart from that, the list seems good. Machinarium may still be part of PS+ for PS3 or has that ended?
Only problem is the screen protector that came with the starter kit *only* covers the screen. For some reason I thought it would've covered the whole front of the device. Should that be a concern?
The Hori protectors are great and super easy to put on straight. The Vita is still super sensitive with it as well. I got the starter kit as well, but ended up using a Hori instead of the one that came with it. If you don't want to spend money on it the official one should be fine though. I mean I've been using my iPhone for over 2 years without a protector at all and it doesn't have a single scratch.Told you. No square button issues and perfect architect's gates. No loading mechanism noise. It's literally the most 'welcoming' system since Dreamcast's bass wub wub wub as the blue swirl was painted by that little blue dot.
I ordered the hori protectors last week (still havent shipped yet so I'm keeping it in the foam slip for now). I'll let you know how they go but my main concern is the screen rather than the rest of it.
Yeah, there's a YouTube app, which recently got an update and it's quite good.I think the key difference is Vita has a back catalogue c/- PSN that is really fucking good. Dreamcast was reliant purely on 18 months of stellar first party releases and a handful of third party games like Soul Calibur and Code Veronica.
<Insert something about Nintendo blocking youtube here>
Speaking of which, the Vita doesnt play youtube stuff as far as I know. Might be wrong. Not personally concerned, or maybe there's an app?
Oh, right. Thought that was one of the games that was missed.
Oh, right. Thought that was one of the games that was missed.
I want a kindle app for vita
Transfer - 3.5/5 (the laser scene was incredibly jarring, switching between crisp closeups and a blurry, muddled mess of a full shot that looked like the contents of an empty ice cream container)
Movie - 5/5
Transfer - 3.5/5 (the laser scene was incredibly jarring, switching between crisp closeups and a blurry, muddled mess of a full shot that looked like the contents of an empty ice cream container)
Movie - 5/5
Prinny's pretty cool!I guess I'll get Disgaea: Afternoon of Darkness and Prinny since they're on sale on US PSN.
I explained it in the very post you quoted.=
By Rob Crilly, Islamabad5:37PM BST 11 Aug 2011
In an extensive analysis of open-source documents, the Bureau of Investigative Journalism found that 2,292 people had been killed by US missiles, including as many as 775 civilians.
The strikes, which began under President George W Bush but have since accelerated during the presidency of Barack Obama, are hated in Pakistan, where families live in fear of the bright specks that appear to hover in the sky overhead.
In just a single attack on a madrassah in 2006 up to 69 children lost their lives.
Chris Woods, who led the research, said the detailed database of deaths would send shockwaves through Pakistan, where political and military leaders repeatedly denounce the strikes in public, while privately allowing the US to continue.
"This is a military campaign run by a secret service which raised problems of accountability, transparency and you have a situation where neither the Pakistanis nor Americans are clear about any agreements in place and where the reporting is difficult," he said.
Borrowing a link from beast in the thread about the latest school shooting. It's about drone strikes in Pakistan, one of which killed 69 children. Obviously this is over years of activity, but it is nevertheless tragic and unacceptable.
Read this and be appalled:
edit: shit, article is from 2011 and completely unspoken about in our media since.
Yep. Absolute failure of the media to maintain any semblance of integrity or objectivity. I don't begrudge the US media their coverage of the shooting, but the lack of coverage of this shit prior to the shooting and in non US media is simply infuriating.
Borrowing a link from beast in the thread about the latest school shooting. It's about drone strikes in Pakistan, one of which killed 69 children. Obviously this is over years of activity, but it is nevertheless tragic and unacceptable.
Read this and be appalled:
Man, I'd hate to change the topic, but it's things like this that get me irritated by 9/11 conspiracy theorists, anti-flouride/anti-vaxx nutters. We should be focusing our energy towards criticizing our world governments for real things that actually have evidence backing it.
I paid by Paypal, with a different email address no less, and had no issue. Maybe try again now?Actually, looks like they don't like my PayPal. Oh well, someone else will have it around that price soon enough. Don't really need to be chucking stuff on the backlog at this point anyway.
Aww, that's my favourite one =[
I was pretty shocked by how bad it is compared to the rest of the movie. That one scene is the one that really suffers, most of the rest of the movie is in the range of fantastic to very good.Well that's disappointing.
Yeah one of the Universities over there released a study on them not to long ago. Also one of their students started a twitter account to tweet each drone attack in Pakistan, showing how prevalent the double tap was with the drone attacksBorrowing a link from beast in the thread about the latest school shooting. It's about drone strikes in Pakistan, one of which killed 69 children. Obviously this is over years of activity, but it is nevertheless tragic and unacceptable.
Read this and be appalled:
I was pretty shocked by how bad it is compared to the rest of the movie. That one scene is the one that really suffers, most of the rest of the movie is in the range of fantastic to very good.