Sweet. Within 12 hours of getting a Vita I now have custom firmware on there and *all* the Lumines titles for both PSP and Vita
(happy camper)
YOU CAN DO ALL THAT BUT YOU WON'T ACCEPT MY FRIEND REQUEST!!! YOU'RE JUST LIKE THE REST OF THEM!!Sweet. Within 12 hours of getting a Vita I now have custom firmware on there and *all* the Lumines titles for both PSP and Vita
(happy camper)
before click on it ill assume its something disgusting
I feel like I'm cruising for a ban if I keep on reading these imbecilic OT posts.
I can bear cpp-is-whatever talking shit about used game sales, because it's just used game sales.
But encountering a true all-rounder dumbass in the wild is an amazing thing.
I feel like I'm cruising for a ban if I keep on reading these imbecilic OT posts.
I can bear cpp-is-whatever talking shit about used game sales, because it's just used game sales.
But encountering a true all-rounder dumbass in the wild is an amazing thing.
Can't find button to cancel order on JB website.
Is Never Say Never Again in the set? If so, just watch that since it's the same movie.Okay, I wanted to watch Thunderball tonight but they royally fucked up the sound mix really fucking bad.
Don't forget, there's an email from Sony which will get you a free 8gb card. And when I traded in that All-Star Battle game, I think because I joined their club or whatever I got $22 for it which was enough to cover Lumines ES.Ordered Vita + LBP + Fifa + Starter Pack for from JB Hi-Fi last week. Got message telling me they were out of stock so I have to wait a while. Afraid it might not make it before Christmas.
Willing to cancel my order and just buy from EB now. Can't find button to cancel order on JB website. Have no choice but to wait patiently..
I'm still not sure on PSN yet, whether it can be used without potential bannings or whatever. Gotta wait for someone to fill me in on the Vita CFW thread firstYOU CAN DO ALL THAT BUT YOU WON'T ACCEPT MY FRIEND REQUEST!!! YOU'RE JUST LIKE THE REST OF THEM!!
Yagharek: If you wish, add me on PSN, too: Planet_JASE
Link to a post? Curiosity etc.I feel like I'm cruising for a ban if I keep on reading these imbecilic OT posts.
I can bear cpp-is-whatever talking shit about used game sales, because it's just used game sales.
But encountering a true all-rounder dumbass in the wild is an amazing thing.
Yagharek: If you wish, add me on PSN, too: Planet_JASE
I feel like I'm cruising for a ban if I keep on reading these imbecilic OT posts.
I can bear cpp-is-whatever talking shit about used game sales, because it's just used game sales.
But encountering a true all-rounder dumbass in the wild is an amazing thing.
Yeah, I gave up on him. I didn't realise he was the same wanker I got into it with a while ago on gaming. Truly an amazing specimen.
Hang a lantern on them and put them on the ignore list. Lets other people know that the poster is known to have mental retardation and stops you getting riled up by seeing their posts! Win win!
Ordered Vita + LBP + Fifa + Starter Pack for from JB Hi-Fi last week. Got message telling me they were out of stock so I have to wait a while. Afraid it might not make it before Christmas.
Willing to cancel my order and just buy from EB now. Can't find button to cancel order on JB website. Have no choice but to wait patiently..
Is Never Say Never Again in the set? If so, just watch that since it's the same movie.
Ahh! So cute! Looks a whole lot like my cat, same coat and same eye colour! Have you named it yet?
Sanity are better for postage than JB hifi.
Link to a post? Curiosity etc.
San!ty still exists!?!?!
It's like when Philip Jensen or George Pell tell us that "people thinking of themselves as individuals" is why everything is shit.
Just his shit on this and following pages
It's like someone took a Courier Mail or Daily Telegraph letter to the editor and made it longer, dumber, more pompous, less empirical etc. Dipshits who think they have the universal answer to society's problems and, would you fucken believe it, it magically joins up with their way of thinking. It's like when Philip Jensen or George Pell tell us that "people thinking of themselves as individuals" is why everything is shit.
I know! I bought a cd (really) from them a few weeks back. Shipping was quick, price was pretty good. It's almost as shocking as getting good customer service from telstra
Another Tasmanian? Invading bastards.
I have a feeling you have the same morbid interest in Murdoch letters to the editor that I do, it's only reason I buy the - not necessarily evil but endearingly imcompetant - Hobart Mercury.
You don't have this
Edit: and the biggest proportion of bogans per capita
Letters to the editor (admittedly, not to newspapers and definitely not to Murdoch papers) are my area of research. I do find them fascinating, whether good or terrible, fluent or incomprehensible.
Awwww at Tassie pic. Should get down there next Christmas.
My uncle owns a few houses up at Coles Bay. Used to go up there once or twice a year. Generally don't any more for one reason or another. But it's always a bit of fun. Bit too many giant spiders and jumping ants for me, though. And dead things along the beach.
I always liked going fishing, though. And cooking up some abalone.
Does paypal take a while to show where payments came from? I sold 2 things tonight. I checked my PP and I have money in it but it doesn't say any transaction was done. So I have no idea which person it's from. Should that update soon?
What other letters to the editor are there in Australia ? (Honest question). Tas Gaf might share my wonder at Margaret Ratcliffe's monumental stupidity.
No, not strayan stuff. Correspondence sections of European and American literary and scholarly journals.
There is, incidentally, a Gold Coast-based cock called Frank Hainsworth who writes imbecilic letters to the editor to pretty much every Australian newspaper going, pays to have books of his own letters privately published, and then donates those books to public libraries. Fascinating, awful creature.
San!ty still exists!?!?!
Slightly more duck themed.Sending an invite now. Slightly metal gear themed.
More than that, the company that owns Sanity bougth out the franchisee of HMV over here, converting all their stores into Sanitys!San!ty still exists!?!?!
It a new house, environment and strange people are around. Sometimes it takes a day or so for an animal to become comfortable.so shes not eating much so far and im a little worried.
she ate some of her dinner last night, but hasnt pooped (anywhere we've found it!)
and i put her breakfast out for her at 8am but after being playful and running around like a mad man most of the night now she's just sitting under the couch![]()
It a new house, environment and strange people are around. Sometimes it takes a day or so for an animal to become comfortable.
Just give Michaela's Boobs some time.
Edit: It's good that you're worried, too. Just try to think of the changes that Michaela's Boobs is having to deal with and give her time![]()