ASYLUM seekers sent to Nauru by the Howard government - and the families of those who died after being returned to Afghanistan - could now sue, lawyers have told the Herald.
George Newhouse, of Shine Lawyers, said the firm is investigating whether there was a class action for the wrongful removal of detainees from Australia to Nauru on the basis that the minister's declaration of Nauru ''as a declared country'' under section 198A of the Migration Act was invalid.
Mr Newhouse said there may be statute of limitation concerns, but this and other issues were being compiled into a brief to the former Federal Court judge Ron Merkel, QC.
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The opposition wants to reopen Nauru for offshore processing, but the federal government has argued last week's High Court decision not only knocks out its Malaysia deal, but also prevents the removal of asylum seekers from Australia to Nauru and Papua New Guinea.
Stephen Estcourt, QC, in a written opinion for the Edmund Rice Centre, agreed yesterday that the High Court's ruling meant that removing asylum seekers to Nauru or Papua New Guinea under Section 198A was invalid.
Mr Estcourt told the Herald this opened the ''distinct possibility'' that asylum seekers sent to Nauru by the Howard government could sue.
''They would have been removed under a statute that didn't allow their removal
The potential is there for not just wrongful removal, but wrongful detention,'' he said.
The agreement between Australia and Nauru signed in 2001 ''cannot be practically enforced or relied upon''.
The Edmund Rice Centre director, Phil Glendenning, said nine Afghans who had been held on Nauru and were sent back to Afghanistan died, including children. Others developed mental illness. ''Having seen what Nauru did last time, we just can't go there again,'' Mr Glendenning said.
Mr Newhouse sued the Howard government on behalf of Vivian Alvarez Solon, who was illegally removed from an Australian immigration detention to the Philippines in 2001, and was awarded $4.5 million. Another client, Cornelia Rau, who was wrongfully detained, was awarded $2.6 million.
The Immigration Minister, Chris Bowen, said yesterday the 335 asylum seekers who had arrived after the Malaysia deal was signed would be processed in Australia. ''That's the right thing to do,'' he said.
The immigration department said it was looking at options to school a large group of unaccompanied teenagers.