So, the Ferrari 308! - As mentioned in the last OT, been on at the owner over email for the last few years on and off about selling it, last weekend he finally caved and we promptly arranged for me to drive down and check it over, which was supposed to be yesterday (Thursday), it's a roughly 450km drive, which on the toll roads is about 6 hours of driving depending on traffic, so I set off at 8am, hoping to arrive there around 2pm, ended up arriving at 3pm because a huge section of the expressway in Aichi was moving really slowly.
I rock up to the door and ring the bell and get no answer, call his phone - no answer, alright cool he may just be out getting groceries or on a train/bus someplace, i'll wait - so I go chill in my car and wait, gets to 4pm and i'm pretty pissy at this point, only got around an hour and change of light left and the dense foliage near to his garage makes it already kinda dark there, so I try his phone again, still no answer, give up and go try to snap some pics of it at the very least and the garage doors locked tight, around about this point my wife calls to tell me a friend of ours wants to meet up about selling their car that evening, so I reluctantly give up, hop in the car and hit the nearest gas station to top up, just as i'm pulling out of the gas station my phone pings and it's an email from the guy saying hes changed his mind and doesn't want to sell it anymore.
So the whole drive home i'm thinking, was the dude home the whole time and just not answering because he changed his mind and didn't want to deal with saying so face to face?, i'm a pretty chill guy so if he had just come out, had a look around the car with me and just outright said look im sorry but ive changed my mind, sorry for dragging you all the way out here, i'd be bummed still but at least i'd have the respect of being told it face to face, hiding behind your sofa and hoping the situation passes is just.. lame as hell.
Ended up back home around 11pm, whole day wasted, meet up with friend shortly after and hoon his evo 9 around the roof of a parking garage for a while, then took it up into the Dakenodai mountain pass for some extra fun (one of my favorite runs and the nicest mountain run within a short distance of Tokyo), think the car was excellent on the mountain but a little rough on standard roads, wifes interested to the point that shes currently sat behind me looking up pricing on performance parts (oh god what have I done).
So all in all a shitty day with a huge headache (thanks, tools bouncing around the entire time) that ended fairly nicely, but Evo 9's need some quad rally lights for nightime mountain runs, that's for damn sure. It's a shame about the 308 though, Was quite willing to pay the man there and then and get it on the back of a trailer the same day if it was in decent condition, hell even joked with my wife about being prepared to grow a tom selleck stache and wear a hawaiian shirt to complete the package.
Here's hoping he changes his mind and/or fixes it himself before the thing is lost to time.
If any of you find yourselves up in the Tokyo area with access to a car I wholeheartedly recommend route 70 mountain pass north of Hadano.