I don't see the comparison to the birth of the 16-bit market and to compare the two generations in this day and age doesn't make any sense because the market is completely different than it was back then. Also don't forget Sega's Saturn attempt. 1 out of 3 isn't much of a track record to prove releasing 1st equals "winner".
It's still closer than the other two, whether the market has changed or not.
Saturn differences:
- The Saturn came in after a generation of a practically equal footing with its rival. The Xbox is not on an equal footing with the PS2.
- The Saturn didn't just launch early, it was rushed. Extremely rushed. Xenon developers will have known the system is coming out early for a long time by the time it launches.
- The Saturn came up against a brand new, serious and in terms of gaming, unknown competitor. The Xenon (as far as we know) won't.
DC differences:
- Sega had fuck all money to cover any problems, MS have loads.
- The last Sega system was a failure, the Xbox hasn't been.
- The DC launched after a gap where there had been no Sega console on the market at all, the Xenon won't.
- EA will undoubtedly be on board the Xenon, they weren't with the DC. For the casual gamer especially, there's no company more important to have (in the west).
Genesis on the other hand has lots of similarities:
- Coming out earlier than your rivals.
- Coming off the back of a decent, but not hugely successful generation.
- While Sega were never MS, they were much more financially secure than with any of the other systems.