will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Probably haven't decided if he'll be in the next game explicitly so they didn't want to sign someone to a contract?Ephemeris said:It irks me that Nightwing doesn't speak.
Probably haven't decided if he'll be in the next game explicitly so they didn't want to sign someone to a contract?Ephemeris said:It irks me that Nightwing doesn't speak.
Those both bugged the hell out of me, because I knew the answers but just couldn't find them.Mecha_Infantry said:Struggling on a trophy!
The Two for One DA Special- I am in the area with lots of bars ans strip clubs but everything I scan comes up empty
Secondly the "Betting on something something, and now the family is flying SOlo in the Amusement Alley"
Any help out there?!
Darknessbear said:Ooo the flying Solo thing has to do with Robin I believe. And there is a poster (pretty big) behind a building for a High Flying trapeeze act. Dont remember exactly where...
KevinCow said:Those both bugged the hell out of me, because I knew the answers but just couldn't find them.
First is Harvey Dent/Two-Face, second is The Flying Graysons. Best advice is to keep an eye out for them, and beat up Riddler informants in the meantime. They'll show where riddle solutions are on the map.
Did you buy it new, used or rent? The Catwoman stuff actually bookends the game if you activate before the game starts.Salmonax said:Great. Permanent pop-up ads in games. I'm sure I'll get Catwoman after I finish the game, but what a ridiculous decision.
Mecha_Infantry said:Thanks guys. I will keep on looking. The only thing is I do beat up the snitches, but is it the ?'s that appear on the map?
I completed the game with 45% as I wanted to do the trophies and what not afterwards so I will run through the riddles and the other side missions (I presume I Can still do the side missions even though I've finished the game?)
artwalknoon said:Played another hour today. Loving it and I've gotten used to the controls now. I love the feeling of zipping around the "city" and gliding everywhere. But I have one question, presumably for those who are further than I am:what are all those green brain things that I find laying around? They don't register in detective mode but they are always highlighted by a green circle. I've been blowing them up with the foam thing but that's all.
Ryaaan14 said:I skipped out on Arkham Asylum mostly due to laziness and lack of disposable income, but I finally thought I'd give in for Arkham City given the continued rave reviews.
The game is literally built upon my every weakness. I tend to lose orientation in video games, and in this game I get lost as FUCK. I have serious issues with the UI and the amount of missions, side missions, objectives, and points of interest. I find myself pressing buttons on the controller like I'm performing surgery since gliding and grappling with accuracy is apparently a gift I do not possess, and I seem to miss a shitload of key objectives for quests (I refuse to play the whole game in detective mode).
I'm going to finish the game to at least get my money's worth, but I have some serious issues with this game that seems to have never been addressed by any friend or gamer on the web. I just hope that somehow I can overcome this by the time I'm halfway through the game.
lol @ the cape punching someoneKinyou said:comic strip
I've stopped playing already so I can't take a picture.BeautifulMemory said:I need a picture to understand better
artwalknoon said:I've stopped playing already so I can't take a picture.I'm just confused. Maybe it figures into the story later or something?it just looks like a pile of brains on the ground usually I notice it where there are a bunch of thugs standing around. It always gets highlighted by a green circle but I can't interact with it other than blowing it up. Maybe its actually supposed to be a pile of poop?
Are you pressing LT+X by accident in battles?artwalknoon said:Played another hour today. Loving it and I've gotten used to the controls now. I love the feeling of zipping around the "city" and gliding everywhere. But I have one question, presumably for those who are further than I am:what are all those green brain things that I find laying around? They don't register in detective mode but they are always highlighted by a green circle. I've been blowing them up with the foam thing but that's all.
I'm not sure, what happens if I do that?Rez said:Are you pressing LT+X by accident in battles?
artwalknoon said:I'm not sure, what happens if I do that?
LiK said:Quick explosive gel
Hmm, I'll test this out tomorrow and report back. Do you have this ability from the start cuz I've only played about 2 hours so far.LiK said:Quick explosive gel
Glad to see you're done man. You haven't been too pleased with those campaign challenges lately lol.Buckethead said:108/108
I know people have said already, but just in case, here's some more help.Mecha_Infantry said:Struggling on a trophy!
The Two for One DA Special- I am in the area with lots of bars ans strip clubs but everything I scan comes up empty
Secondly the "Betting on something something, and now the family is flying SOlo in the Amusement Alley"
Any help out there?!
Dude.overcast said:Glad to see you're done man. You haven't been too pleased with those campaign challenges lately lol.
CrocMother said:Not being able to use the weapon break combo with Nightwing/Catwoman can be fucking frustrating.
Trying to 3-star Prison Riot and it seems everyone has a knife, shield or stun baton.
Buckethead said:Thethings are pretty pointless. Oh well. Got the achievement.Calendar Man
You don't have to re-collect the Riddler trophies on NG+ do you?
keltickennedy said:Just saw that the PC version is delayed again. Fucking seriously....this is pissing me off.
RPGCrazied said:Tell me how are you suppose to get the trophies that areoutside the city walls?
keltickennedy said:Just saw that the PC version is delayed again. Fucking seriously....this is pissing me off.
keltickennedy said:Just saw that the PC version is delayed again. Fucking seriously....this is pissing me off.
Source? Is it just till the 22nd like Steam says?keltickennedy said:Just saw that the PC version is delayed again. Fucking seriously....this is pissing me off.
I think he means from the 15th to the 22nd (and equivalents for other regions), and that was a delay from the console launch in and of itself.comrade said:Source? Is it just till the 22nd like Steam says?
I just did too.Buckethead said:108/108
BY2K said:No sure, but do you need to go see the Calendar Man today?
BY2K said:No sure, but do you need to go see the Calendar Man today?
Proposed Law said:how do i activate the identity theft cases? I've only found two so far. I've done everything else beside riddler stuff (240 so far).
Nope. I add it to the many pluses it has over AA for me.zoner said:Anyone else feel like they throw WAY too many variables in combat now?
I had something similar happen to me after the first case. I had to look up where the second was supposed to be. When I got there, it triggered.Proposed Law said:how do i activate the identity theft cases? I've only found two so far. I've done everything else beside riddler stuff (240 so far).
I do with the Trigger + Y/B/X stuff but the rest is fine.zoner said:Anyone else feel like they throw WAY too many variables in combat now?