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Batman Beyond: Batman of the Future Thread

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wow.... they put a lot of heart into this series... i loved it as a teenager bu i never got to see the ending to it.


I think Epilogue is the cheesiest thing ever and i can't believe how people worship it. They injected Batman's semen into another man's testes. That is beyond silly.


PhoenixDark said:
Great show. It was pretty....shway

That reminds me. I need to start using the word 'schway' in conversation again.

I remember the spelling from the episode in which the blonde chick emails the phrase "This is very NON SCHWAY!" to her teacher.
I refuse to ackowledge Epilogue as cannon. Batman Beyond ended with Return of the Joker; the JLA episodes were just bad dreams.


karasu said:
I think Epilogue is the cheesiest thing ever and i can't believe how people worship it. They injected Batman's semen into another man's testes. That is beyond silly.

Yeah actually well it would have been cooler if Batman slept with his mom.


karasu said:
I think Epilogue is the cheesiest thing ever and i can't believe how people worship it. They injected Batman's semen into another man's testes. That is beyond silly.
I... I don't think that's how that happened.


Shockgamer said:
I refuse to ackowledge Epilogue as cannon. Batman Beyond ended with Return of the Joker; the JLA episodes were just bad dreams.

Ok what's so wrong with Epilogue?

I mean, I would have an issue with it if Batman/Bruce was personally responsible for it, but yeah I could see the world trying to preserve the idea of Batman.


ghstwrld said:
Er, does this mean Bruce is the father of Terry's kid brother as well?

Would have been interestin if he became Robin.
A brother dynamic duo.
Though we don't need two sarcastic teens/tweens.


Penguin said:
I would eventually get to Batman Beyond Return of the Joker.
For now, I shall do season 2 part 1 soon.
Your thread is not clear enough. Not even close. It's downright confusing.


The second season of Batman Beyond also happens to be really different from first and third as it consists of 26 episodes instead of 13.

So to make all of them even, shall do season 2 and 2.5 over time.

Wit that said
Batman Beyond: Season 2 Part 1


I think Timm hates sewer people, its the only thing that could explain this episode and The Underwellers from TAS.

12)Terry's Friend Dates A Robot

The hooky title out of the way, this episode isn't that special. The villain if you can call it that is a bitter robotic girlfriend... How often do you get to say that, though?

11)Hooked Up

It is sort of like a Mad Hatter episode or something, it deals with people who get addicted to a machine that allows them to live out their fantasy. OF course, Teri's friend, Max, gets addicted and yeah...


This is Batman Beyond: The Spiderman edition continued as we are introduced to a Kraven like character who comes to Gotham to hunt the ultimate prey in Batman.

9)Earth Movers

This is an interesting story, but also oddly creepy and disturbing.


Teenagers are dumb. So dumb in fact that they have no problem splicing their DNA with animal DNA because it is all the rage! Yeah, that's the premise of this episode. Seeing Batman transferred into a Man-Bat type creature was sweet though.


Its a cool premise and interesting use of Shriek's powers.

6)Hidden Agenda

So we are introduced to Max, who is trying to decipher the identity of the real Batman, along the way she begins to think that Terry is a Joker.. and we are left with Max finding out his identity and becoming an unofficial sidekick.


A group of Jokerz steal a prototype jet or something, and go on a rampage. Its kind of cool seeing that there are different sects of Jokerz and that they don't have much power.

4)Lost Soul

More evildoers need to think long-term and transform their body into a computer program to take over someone in the future and continue their reign... and if that doesn't work take over the super powered suit of the future's hero. It was cool seeing Terry wear the Robin mask.

3)Mind Games

This episode is rather dark on a huge level as it deals with pretty much kidnapping and abuse as we learn of this powerful psychic who is taken by a group to exploit her abilities. We also get a giant teddy bear.


The return of the geek from season 1, who has jacked up and has some of his abilities left over. It was an interesting episode with him first using his powers to make the students believe the school was haunted, and then the reveal and eventual return.

1)Once Burned

This is like Batman/Catwoman done on the high school level and done really well. We see why these two are doomed never to be together, and how far the Royal Flush gang is willing to go to prove loyalty.

That's it for part 1 of season 2 as a whole, I thought it was just okay so far part 2 seems much improved.

Though way too much Max. :lol


Just bumping so hopefully more posts in between this and season 2.5

Also Amazon has season 1 and 3 for 15 and season 2 for 18 bucks if anyone is interested.


Yeah, I wasn't a huge fan of the first part of Season 2, although I didn't have a problem with Max. But she could get a little too sarcastic. Kinda a Robin sans heroism.
Any word on Batman:TAS, this show, or Justice League coming out on Blu-Ray?

I watched Batman: Mask of the Phantasm on DVD and Batman: Gotham Knights on BD and I was overwhelmed at how dusty, grainy and artifacting the former was in comparison to the gorgeous latter.
I really liked Batman Beyond back in the day. I thought it was a great addition to the Batman universe with some really good episodes. It also ended well with Return of the Joker being one of the best things to come out of any Batman animated movie or series. Heck, I was even into the spinoff of Batman Beyond, The Zeta Project. Did anyone else watch/like that?

As far as the Justice League series goes, they lost me when they started following all the other characters. I tried but my problem with them is there are sooooo many DC superheroes that I don't know or care about at all and it's hard to watch a series when so many episodes are centered around these smaller characters. I wanna watch Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, etc not some random hero that only comic geeks know.
You can imagine my response when I heard there would be a Batman cartoon... IN THE FUTURE!

Who knew it would turn out to be so damn great? It's a shame there wasn't more of it. I need to grab the DVDs someday. (And I should actually see Return of the Joker...)

Also, Bruce being Terry's dad is beyond lame.


Night_Trekker said:
You can imagine my response when I heard there would be a Batman cartoon... IN THE FUTURE!

Who knew it would turn out to be so damn great? It's a shame there wasn't more of it. I need to grab the DVDs someday. (And I should actually see Return of the Joker...)

Also, Bruce being Terry's dad is beyond lame.

You definitely need to watch Return of the Joker. Especially if you can find the "uncut" version with extra Joker-violence. It's a great story that also has a lot of BTAS stuff in it.
Tamanon said:
You definitely need to watch Return of the Joker. Especially if you can find the "uncut" version with extra Joker-violence. It's a great story that also has a lot of BTAS stuff in it.

Yeah, that's one reason I haven't bought it yet. Which version is uncut?


suaveric said:
What? Tell me more.

It had been rumored for a while, and then Timm finally confirmed it on Toonzone.net back in 2005


better clear this up before it becomes apocryphal "fact":

the catwoman bbeyond dtv thing was NEVER scripted, it never went beyond a 45-minute impromptu plotting session between glen murakami and myself....nothing was ever even written down on it....

in its original (if nebulous) form, it was too similar to both "mask of the phantasm" and "return of the joker" in several key plot-structure points....but even before we had a chance to iron any of that out, the home video dept's unbridled apathy towards any more bbeyond dtv projects made the whole thing moot....

as we were plotting out the tail end of the current JLU season, i brought the basic idea up to my co-producers, we quickly realized how it could make a really nifty off-the-wall "bonus" episode (as merlin missy correctly surmised, we did have BUFFY's "restless" episode in mind, season-finale-wise....also, the "flashback" structure was very much inspired by tim minnear's excellent FIREFLY episode "out of gas", as well as the "three cathedrals" episode of WEST WING)....it actually works WAY better as the coda to this season than as a stand-alone bbeyond film, in fact we were able to solve a lot of of its inherent problems by grafting it onto the cadmus plot....

to avoid spoilers, i'll come back here after "epilogue" airs this weekend and talk more about what we planned to do with it in its original form (plot details, etc).....


Did he post anymore after Epilogue aired? :D

Marty Chinn said:
As far as the Justice League series goes, they lost me when they started following all the other characters. I tried but my problem with them is there are sooooo many DC superheroes that I don't know or care about at all and it's hard to watch a series when so many episodes are centered around these smaller characters. I wanna watch Batman, Superman, Wonder Woman, Flash, Green Lantern, etc not some random hero that only comic geeks know.

I can understand that, but it was the opposite somewhat for me, it opened me up to the world of DC beyond just like Batman, Superman and the usual.

It was how I was introduced to The Question and Booster Gold, and they became two of my favorite DC characters. It also introduced me to others who I was indifferent to like Hawk and Dove, but eh whatcha gonna do?


TreIII said:
...wait, what?! O_O

I loved this toon back in the day...was heart-broken when it "ended".

I followed the image back to the source. Looks like this is just some fan's design, not based on anything that was real. It's still pretty cool looking.


Amazing show. My girlfriend still has a crush on Terry to this day which she constantly reminds me of. :lol

Season 2 has some quality issues, maybe because they tried to make too many episodes at once, but Season 1 and 3 are pure gold. Love love LOVE Batman Beyond. I really wish we had gotten that second movie.


Sorry to my good buddy Penguin I'm finally making my way into this thread as a TAS lover

btw...I wonder what a futeristic catwoman woudl have looked like...

LOVE LOVE LOVE the series this and Batman: TAS were truly some of the greatest things I've watched as a child growing up. See now I LOVED the new animation style with this, it just WENT with the futeristic theme...the old series and this style not so much.

Max wasn't in The Joker Returns right? She got shafted for the movie :(


Haha well I finished season 2 ages ago, just kept on getting dicked over with my work schedule, and this is just going off memory at this point.

Batman Beyond Season 2.5

The second half of the season is much stronger than the first half to be sure. Wonder if that was intentional.



Yeah the kid in the suit is the main villain of the episode. Let's take a minute for that to disgust. This combines two of the show's trademark villain of the week as well as teen problem concepts.

12)Where's Terry?

Terry has gone missing (from Bruce and Max anyhow, the audience knows exactly where he is), and the dynamic sidekicks must team-up in order to find him. You learn that Bruce really doesn't like Max, and even uses her as bait in an awesome scene, but I think The Late Mr. Kent does the ep better.

11)Sentries of the Last Cosmos

I'm not a huge sci-fi fan per say so the fact that this episode is poking fun at that whole subculture really does nothing for me. I mean the villains are cool, I guess, but the episode just seemed... passable.

10) The Eggbaby

I actually think this episode has some redeeming concept. Though the villains are awful, I do enjoy seeing Terry with the egg.


Things go south for everyone, some people try to make due while others apparently turn to a life of crime to maintain their lifestyle. Go figure.

8)The Last Resort

Terry's friends start getting sent to some special camp because their parents can't deal with them. The man in charge is basically breaking their wills... why is it no adults ever have noble goals for teenagers? :lol

7)Sneak Peek

So yeah this reporter REALLY wants to get the story... badly... and he finds out Terry and Bruce's secret but of course, his powers run amuck before he is able to reveal it.

6)Ace in the Hole

So we learn the origins of Ace the bathound as well as why he is so important to Master Bruce.


The Stalker is back but this time he teams up with Batman to stop the release of a virus. A fun episode that still hints at a brewing rivalry.


Mostly a Max-centric episode which would cause most to hate, but the inclusion of the robot was a next touch and we did end up with the spin-off series.

3)Final Cut

So Curare is fighting for her life and doing a pretty damn good job of it until she returns to Gotham and runs up against you know who. This is one of the few episodes where we get to see Terry stand for himself as Bruce is AWOL.

2)April Moon

Teenagers will do anything for kicks on this show including using an untested drug, mixing their DNA with animals and getting addicted to a virtual world so I guess having body parts replaced with robotics for kicks isn't that far out. I like this episode, but really like the end. Don't screw with someone and than go to them for help.

1)Eye Witness

Like ON Leather Wings, its nice to get an episode with Batman on the opposite side of the law for a bit. And it was a pretty convincing con if not for Bruce and his multitude of gear.

Well there is Batman Beyond season 2 in a nutshell. And due to some pre-mature postalution some of you may have seen this post while it was in the works. I apologize. :lol


Random bump with a question

Does anyone know the deal with the show being dubbed Batman of the Future in Europe and stuff?
Was Beyond too violent?


This thread did better than The Batman not as good as TAS.
Next up is Superman, which shall be fun as I've seen random episodes here and there, but can't say was an avid follower who saw them all.


We are at the final season of the show, which had some fun episodes. Sadly, it was canceled before its time so that Timm and company could work on Justice League... I love love Justice League so I can't fault them for that.

13)Curse of The Kobra 2

This was in a way a very Max centric episode, and I was just never the biggest fan of the character. Its like they wanted someone like robin without the costume.


Oddly, one of worse episode in the season also happens to be the last to air. Not to say it was a bad episode, but it just lacked something.


We get Terry's version of Two-Face, a foe he is responsible for creating and a former friend. This is his second appearance and deals with Terry's inability to take him down until he finally turns on him.


This is the final episode produced, and such an odd one to go out on as it features Mad Stan who never played a huge role in the series and Zeta, which was a cool spinoff.

9)Speak No Evil

I've never got DC's love of talking monkeys, but this episode featured one who was seeking revenge against a poucher.


A really well done episode with a nice twist, and one of TAS' classic the bad guy isn't done so the person who screwed them over better sleep lightly endings.


Should be further down on the list, because the plot is forgettable and I saw it like 3 days ago, but the interaction between Terry and the electric girl are nice, and even Dana's growing jealousy is funny.


We finally learn how Terry ended up in juvy as well as get some info on his past dealings.

5)The Call 2

Started off as a fun episode with discovering Superman's betrayal, but I never liked the Starro threat.

4)King's Ransom

The Royal Flush gang returns and their is backstabbing afoot. It is always nice to see the group as they seemed to have made the most progress throughout the show. Ace is still Terry's Catwoman though she has turned over to a hard-working side now.

3)Curse of the Kobra

We get to see Terry train under one of Bruce's old partners, though I had wished it was someone from TAS instead of some random unless missing some connection.

2)Out of the Past

Episode starts with Batman the Musical, which I hope they make one day. :lol And sets the tone for the episode with Bruce feeling worthless until an old love return.... and let's just say he has one really demented foe.

1)The Call

The Justice League Unlimited (I don't know why they gave themselves that name) are in town, but there's trouble in paradise as it seems like someone from the inside may be causing damage to the team. Who could it be? Does Terry have what it take to be a Leaguer?

And that my friends is Batman Beyond, there is of course the mega-sweet movie, which I get an excuse to watch again, but for now.


Penguin said:
This thread did better than The Batman not as good as TAS.
Next up is Superman, which shall be fun as I've seen random episodes here and there, but can't say was an avid follower who saw them all.
I've been watching Superman lately, and it's really good.


Brotherhood of Shipley's
Apharmd said:
Been rewatching this series. I forgot how good (and damned creepy) this series can get a lot of times.

It's good, but I really wish that this and Batman: TAS had long story arcs. It would make the show infinitely more rewatchable.

Sidenote: If you want to see a great comic to cartoon adaptation, complete with long story arcs, check out The Spectacular Spider-Man. It's great.


Guzim said:
I've been watching Superman lately, and it's really good.
Well of course it is, its from the Timmverse.

Its weird, I'm watching the first volume, and this is the first toon in my series that is actually bright.

I mean all Batman stuff usually takes place at night, its quite a thing to be able to see.
I liked the heavyness of alot of the episodes... Earth Movers, April Moon, fond memories of them all.

And let us not forget the epic line in Out Of The Past:

Terry (to "Talia"): "You're creeping me out!"
Bruce: "Hey, you didn't kiss her!"

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