Seems totally fine on Xbone.
Cool, thinking I might bite. Thank you.
Seems totally fine on Xbone.
Been thinking about getting this but a couple of questions:
1. Can I play single-player/campaign only if I want? Not really interested in the mp.
2. Is it always online? Or can I play it offline?
3. How does it run? Any difference btween the consoles? I have both a PS4 and X1, don't know which version to get. (More friends on PS4 if that counts).
I'm playing on ps4. Some of the textures are dreamcast level and in the prologue, looking at the wrong computer console up close will tank the fps. In meltdown the fps drops when there is a ton of action or going up against Montana. It is very noticible! I wish I had pals who game on PC -_-What version are you playing? No issues on the PC.
I'm playing on ps4. Some of the textures are dreamcast level and in the prologue, looking at the wrong computer console up close will tank the fps. In meltdown the fps drops when there is a ton of action or going up against Montana. It is very noticible! I wish I had pals who game on PC -_-
Weird, I haven't noticed anything like this on Xbone, and I've seen Montana ALOT in pvp!
How is the game on consoles? I've seen some posts that the framerate dips are bad? Is it really noticeable?
Seems totally fine on Xbone.
I see Montana in almost every match. Is he hard to use? He is listed as an advanced character.
Been thinking about getting this but a couple of questions:
1. Can I play single-player/campaign only if I want? Not really interested in the mp.
2. Is it always online? Or can I play it offline?
3. How does it run? Any difference btween the consoles? I have both a PS4 and X1, don't know which version to get. (More friends on PS4 if that counts).
Been playing splitscreen with my son quite a bit and it plays totally fine.
Lmao, what a terrible tweet. What does that even mean?
Is there any way to skip the short videos before signing in on PC? I tried renaming just about every file I thought it would be but no dice.
Also the sniper can take down the first sentry by himself from the relative safety of his base.
They added it since people were asking for it.
Am I able to play the campaign with Phoebe off the bat, or do I have to unlock her like in the beta?
Unlock like every other char.
If you've purchased the DD or played the beta on PS4 you've got 1 free unlock I think.
Unlock like every other char.
If you've purchased the DD or played the beta on PS4 you've got 1 free unlock I think.
Can you coop it now too?
How do you use the free unlock?
I have no clue, played on PC.
Just read this on reddit some time ago.
This game came out?
Been thinking about getting this but a couple of questions:
1. Can I play single-player/campaign only if I want? Not really interested in the mp.
2. Is it always online? Or can I play it offline?
3. How does it run? Any difference btween the consoles? I have both a PS4 and X1, don't know which version to get. (More friends on PS4 if that counts).
I'm probably gonna regret it but I just bought it. Basically it's the last game before the end of August that I wanna play and that I must buy it order to do, so I said fuck it![]()
Damn this game is so fun, especially Incursion mode. It's crazy addictive, there's so much to earn to and unlock.
They really need to increase punishment for leavers though, can totally ruin matches.
People who leave can't match make till the match they left finished. Coupled with the fact that you can't switch characters on the main screen. My gf picked random by accident and we had to leave that match.
Though i did learn you can bypass the matchmaking stop if you log out and sign back in the gearbox servers
On a serious note, I have not kept up with this game at all. I thought it was a pure MOBA type of game. Trying to get a quick grasp on this game and wondering if the co-op side is like Left for Dead or any other similar title?
The best thing I can compare it to is a more complex Monday Night Combat with co-op story missions that have a mild Borderlands flavor.
I know I am in the minority but I think the character unlocks are awesome. I love how long they take and how hard they are. But I can easily see peoples point that a lot of time will be spent on some maps that maybe aren't the best to get a character they want. Wish the maps were just a bit better personally.