Do story missions count as matches for the sake of unlocking characters?
yeah they count.
Do story missions count as matches for the sake of unlocking characters?
Benedict feel so good to play yet sooo weak.
Galilea is SICK.
I don't really understand her ult (seems like an escape?) but the shield stun is so good
Benedict weak??Unless they have nerfed him since the open beat, I disagree.
yeah they count.
I'm currently waiting for a decent +ReloadSpeed item to solve this issue ;SWell, he's pretty hard to use in general. The way the rocket launcher reloads means he either has to pause for awhile or take a DPS drop-off, so you have to manage your ammo properly.
I think they're asking whether or not they count as wins with X faction for unlocks. Do they?
Well, he's pretty hard to use in general. The way the rocket launcher reloads means he either has to pause for awhile or take a DPS drop-off, so you have to manage your ammo properly.
Do story missions count as matches for the sake of unlocking characters?
He needs to reach level 4 or so to get going, it's true. He doesn't have a good, constant DPS but he has a good burst. And the game favors a bit more the burst characters imo, you to unload your damage in 2.5 seconds, before the enemy gets to retreat. Add to that his primary damage is ranged aoe, good against the creep waves.
Played incursion most of the night. Such a fun mode when you have two equally skilled groups. Seems to be just the right blend of Fps and MOBA.
I love his survivability, and he is good against creep, but I find him pretty weak yeah.Benedict weak??Unless they have nerfed him since the open beat, I disagree.
Lost my first Incursion match last night. I was 5-0 until that point. The game is a lot of fun. I wish the characters leveled up just a tad bit faster (not in-game but overall level) since I don't get much time to play due to work.
Also tried the Saboteur level last night with randoms and got destroyed. That is a hard mission.
This is exactly how I feel with about every game that comes out these days. I wish I was not my age... when I was younger I could sink the right amount of hours into all these fun games that I need to but it certainly gets harder as you get older with these games.
I used to game a lot...but with a 2 year old, work (with 2 hour total commute) there just isn't enough hours in the day lol.
PS4, though it does seem to be a server issue. I got out after a while and tried to find a match again and it went much faster
I got into a CO-OP story mission straight away but after that I've had nothing.
Caldarius is fun to play but so under powered
It does unlock them, yes.Haven't seen the last mission yet, no.
Does completing the missions in multiplayer unlock them in single player / private? I did a bunch of missions but haven't done the Void's Edge yet so I'm gated there, but I might solo it quick...just curious if my other multiplayer plays will count for unlocking subsequent missions when I finish that one.
Caldarius is fun to play but so under powered
Yeah I see folks picking him all the time, but I dunno, both his ranged weapon and melee both seem pretty weak. I'm not really sure what his strategy is.
Hit and run, be really annoying. His air dash gives him some good mobility. Never really view him as a killer, seems to be a few like that.
Wow i tried dodging into that level like 5 times in a row glad I saw this.Oh, I see. You can only play the last mission in MM after beating all the other ones.
Also, I can confirm that the Saboteur is easier solo. Failed several times with people, aced on my first try alone.
Nobody's talking about the crap performance on PS4? Should be optimized better than the beta.
Nobody's talking about the crap performance on PS4? Should be optimized better than the beta.
Play support like Miko. Focus on upgrading turrets, healing, and blocking enemies with your poison hat. Pick off stragglers who try to invade your base.I actually suck so bad at this game I feel sorry for my teammates. What's the best way to get the hang of the characters?
She is hard to learn. You can't just go berserk on enemies until the right moment. I don't understand how her shadow works.I think I went 2-5 my first game with Galilea but the next one I was 8-0 killing tons of minions and towers. She has no escape though, makes me wonder how other people who use her are so damn hard to kill.
What issues. I have it on ps4 and I've been very impressed
What issues. I have it on ps4 and I've been very impressed
I have to say, I'm really enjoying the character designs here. I'm honestly pleasantly surprised by Gearbox's team. A healthy amount of variation all around and the female side of the cast is surprisingly well represented.
Just look at the different complexions, body types, and personalities on display. Heck, I'm seeing a distinct lack of cheesecake in general. Why isn't anyone talking about this, especially compared to other games of its type?
Right now seem to be playing this more than the O game. I think the mechanics and the Moba feel has a better play for me right now. That might change, but this game is good.