Anyone playing the on ps4 and my god this ot is dead...
Is "The Saboteur" kind of bugged? In the 2 phase of the last room Nova takes huge amounts of damage without any enemies next to her![]()
Anyone playing the on ps4 and my god this ot is dead...
Is "The Saboteur" kind of bugged? In the 2 phase of the last room Nova takes huge amounts of damage without any enemies next to her![]()
Is "The Saboteur" kind of bugged? In the 2 phase of the last room Nova takes huge amounts of damage without any enemies next to her![]()
I think there are snipers or something. Not a fan of this mission at all.
I too have suffered 'The Saboteur'. Even using Reyna and popping up the defence bubble as much as possible didn't help. Definitely needs a difficulty adjustment.
I thought this was gonna be a Borderlands meets MOBA but man the online is really full on MOBA from a first person perspective.
I have the game on PC but no one to play with tbh.
What is the multiplayer like in comparison to the campaign?
I need to get this finished over the weekend so that I can return it in time, but I'm having trouble finding the motivation. Doesn't help that I contracted some sort of flu.
So what towers and traps and bots are the best?
PvP >>>>>> PvE content in this game imo.
I like playing coop, but Incursion takes the cake.
So many clutch matches and so many possibilties with constant tension - yay
Plays completely different to the PvE stuff tho. Just try it out (and use your fav. char) BUT try to get a balanced team. By that I mean, wait for randoms to pick their hero and then fill up Tanks and healers.
Just when I was loving Meltdown I find the biggest problem with the mode: it's not a mode for support types. A lot of it has to do with this mode being so heavy on taking out enemies as fast as you can and as someone that's invested in playing Miko I have to work extra hard to carry myself.
How does this game compare to Overwatch? I'm new to both.
Naaa, it's totally a mode for support types. A support and a Tank or Melee type can go in together and lay waste to towers very, VERY quickly, and can even mess around with enemies around their own areas.Just when I was loving Meltdown I find the biggest problem with the mode: it's not a mode for support types. A lot of it has to do with this mode being so heavy on taking out enemies as fast as you can and as someone that's invested in playing Miko I have to work extra hard to carry myself.
Naaa, it's totally a mode for support types. A support and a Tank or Melee type can go in together and lay waste to towers very, VERY quickly, and can even mess around with enemies around their own areas.
Miko's stun spore also helps cover the lack of such crowd control on certain classes, or lets you double-up on such a thing for real annoyances in 1v2 fights.
Conversely, a team with a solid Reyna can be impossible to bring down if your team isn't perfect.
How long would you say the campaign is? Seven hours?
It's probably too early to call for most of the balance change one might want to see, but it sure feel like more than a few character need to be rebalanced. ( imho after 2 more days I still think Galilea is currently the biggest contender for the OP title )The userbase, combined with matchmaking is completely killing my enjoyment for this game.
Why should I be forced to play with with 4 idiots every game? Some of them AFK, some of them disconnect, others don't have a clue how to play an FPS, let alone a MOBA, so how the hell can they hope to grasp this one? The learning curve is huge, and I would go as far as to say seems as though the majority rather than the minority of players simply do not get it.
When I play with a team, we stomp, winning every game, against clueless newbies that do not know how to play. When I play alone, I'm bunched with clueless newbies, sometimes against full parties, sometimes against full teams of players with more than twice the amount of experience, then there are rare instances where we get a balanced, decent match.
The other thing that's bother me are the astronomical balance issues with certain characters. Caldarius and Whiskey Foxtrot are unbelievably bad characters. I can do okay with them, always staying positive, with reasonable scores like 8-4, but it's nothing when I can achieve 15-25 kills per game with characters like Thorn, Oscar Mike and Orendi.
This game is a blast. Only dabbled with the story stuff so far, unlocked some people...
But I have some questions...
How're you all partying up for this on PS4? Is there a GAF Community for it?
Also, what mode are people liking the best? Are there any terrible characters I should avoid? OP ones?
I just realised I've forgotten to put my PSN ID up: Menome7
I'm in the UK, so my timings will be based on that. If you see me online and playing Battleborn, just chuck me an invite.
The other thing that's bother me are the astronomical balance issues with certain characters. Caldarius and Whiskey Foxtrot are unbelievably bad characters. I can do okay with them, always staying positive, with reasonable scores like 8-4, but it's nothing when I can achieve 15-25 kills per game with characters like Thorn, Oscar Mike and Orendi.
Damage output to the lane (creep damage) and kills are probably the most influential statistics, and these two characters are terrible in both of these attributes.
How does this game compare to Overwatch? I'm new to both.
Damn it! My ally and I failed at, what looked like, the last wave of Caldarius' mission.
Now I have to start over again!
Consult this post I made regarding the differences between the two.
There's more differences than what I list, but I consider those to be the major differences between the two.
Wow, Overwatch feels incredibly barebones by comparison...
I still don't get why I'm enjoying this game so much.
For me, it's the fact that despite the slight lack of map-options right now, there's always something that'll suit my mood. I can bung on a story mission if I'm feeling antisocial, I can jump into Meltdown and be a sniper or go on Incursion and slice up fools with Phoebe. Whatever role I fancy playing as, Battleborn has me covered.