I got schooled by a Pendles earlier. Orendi's face felt some damage, at the least 
It won't go F2P until at least all the season pass content is out. Can't fuck over those who bought that.
Great post on gaming side chrono!
Maybe a couple people will actually check it out instead of just being on the hater train.
Ok guys, I love Boldur now, he is amazing.
I feel like I have to try way less hard to murder people with him as opposed to calderius
Gaf hate for this game is embarrassing
Gaf hate for this game is embarrassing
Question, how populated is Xbox One version? Including the season pass content. Pondering how long matches take to set up.
Pretty populated on Xbox. Can get games pretty fast.Question, how populated is Xbox One version? Including the season pass content. Pondering how long matches take to set up.
Pretty quick for me all the time, less than a minute for a match 90% of the time.
Pretty populated on Xbox. Can get games pretty fast.
Since I still see many level 100s that don't seem to know this information, I think I will spread it here now.
PSA: When being attacked by a melee character, use quick melee (middle mouse button) to knock them away from you. Using it will at least double your survival time in a melee assassination attempt made against you. Using quick melee gives you a much greater chance to either escape, kill the melee character or for your allies to save you.
For example, Pendles appears behind you:
1) Quick melee him away from you.
2) Start moving away from him and attacking back.
3) If he closes the distance again, repeat steps. Else, end process.
Note) Also ping the Pendles, so your teammates will notice and help you, hopefully.
I have fought off and killed Pendles from full health by myself as Miko (and others). Quick melee is invaluable, use it!
I'm surprised often when I play melee assassins by how rarely I am knocked back. Most everybody simply back pedals away slowly and let's me hit them.
Seems like people just give up as soon as the first sentry is gone. Like if the accelerator is gone no one tries building a new one so units can help with defense. No one will go for thralls or turrets either.
So much to do other than run straight to a firefight you won't win without help.
Other than minor gripe i'm having fun with mellka. She is so versatile that im still having trouble deciding how to play her and outfit her gear.
Yea it is definitely hard to comeback, but if a team can have one good push after their first sentry is down and keep on the pressure a comeback is feasible especially if people actually communicate. Swear if at least 2 people have mics there is better defensive play from everyone. I guess im just tired of the quick surrenders from a person when things aren't going their way. Rather have the person just rage quit instead of spamming it and not trying to do anything when everyone else is trying.Not that I give up, but once the first sentry is gone it's hard to come back. People use the sentry as a 'safety zone', a lot of supports line Alani depend on being able to back up to that area to escape pressure, while pushing out damage and support into the lane. With the first sentry gone it becomes incredibly difficult to successfully push out because the risk of doing so is much greater. Taking the sentry often leads to increased deaths for your team, which has a snowballing effect.
The only way to turn the tide is by taking their sentry, but it's hard to get the creeps there since it's so far and the enemy can place any number of turrets between them and it. So the only come back potential is when the sentry is on relatively low HP, and you can burst it down quickly.
That's why I've stopped playing Incursion. I feel that it's too difficult to come back and matches can become one sided too easily.
Threw on some attack speed, and skill damage items (and reload) onto Caldarius and he is even more amazing now.
The attack speed gets really crazy after using his charge move with the 20% melee attack speed talent; that stacked with the gear is pretty crazy burst.
So you play Meltdown and Capture instead? I feel like Incursion is the main PvP game mode and even if it's not going well I can still have fun most of the time.That's why I've stopped playing Incursion. I feel that it's too difficult to come back and matches can become one sided too easily.
I'm suprised nobody has bumped this thread yet, seeing as a new Battleborn has just been released. Can't play him yet but I see him in almost every match.
So you play Meltdown and Capture instead? I feel like Incursion is the main PvP game mode and even if it's not going well I can still have fun most of the time.
So is this game still worth getting for PC? Or is it 30 minutes que?
I'm suprised nobody has bumped this thread yet, seeing as a new Battleborn has just been released. Can't play him yet but I see him in almost every match.
So you play Meltdown and Capture instead? I feel like Incursion is the main PvP game mode and even if it's not going well I can still have fun most of the time.
Not that particular problem but yesterday I couldn't join a friend's game and he couldn't join mine. Connection timed out, NAT was open for both of us though and it has always worked before. Also I was unable to find any other players yesterday after about ten minutes of waiting, though I only tried Incursion. We figured it was an Xbox problem (party chat had issues too) and played something else.I was buying an epic pack on Xbone and the marketplace page said UPR packs were like half off but Igot a server error any time iin tried to buy, but could buy other packs fine. Anyone else experience this?
It came out at a shitty time so basically everyone missed it.Sorry for the necro-bump, but as someone who has clowned on this game since release, I picked it up for dirt cheap from Best Buy's pretty good. Only played one match (a raid, I guess?) and nearly half the team dropped because they "needed lore," but it was fun.
I can't see myself playing it all the time (those matches go on for a while), but it's not bad. Even the sorta garish art style works within context.
Sorry, Battleborn![]()
Sorry for the necro-bump, but as someone who has clowned on this game since release, I picked it up for dirt cheap from Best Buy's pretty good. Only played one match (a raid, I guess?) and nearly half the team dropped because they "needed lore," but it was fun.
I can't see myself playing it all the time (those matches go on for a while), but it's not bad. Even the sorta garish art style works within context.
Sorry, Battleborn![]()
Tons of people did it, but just as I said time and time again, it really is a great game which those people will eventually realize once they actually try it out![]()
I was surprised how quickly I found a match (PS4), given all the talk of low player population.
I've never played a MOBA proper, but the whole mechanic of leveling up your character as the match progressively gets more difficult is clever and works pretty well for this game.
No idea how I'll get enough credits for these characters, though. Or if I can ever handle all of Miko's quips (that voice, woof - fun to use, though).
It came out at a shitty time so basically everyone missed it.
Gearboxes own fault sadly.
New PvP mode and Story mission out soon, gonna jump in again then I reckon. Always enjoy it.
Well, yes Blizzard did do that. That's competition though. Business is rough.I mean it was to a degree. I mean Blizzard intentionally scheduled their release around the same time as this game. They overlapped their closed beta with battleborns open beta, then their open beta with battleborns launch.
Whether intentional or not it seemed like they did this with little opportunity for Gearbox to react. But, I mean Gearbox needed to be confident in their product too, so it's not as if they could shy away from the competition.
It's a shame it didn't have a different release window, because a lot of Battleborns new and unique ideas got muddled with what other games were offering. They lost their marketing message and people couldn't see the difference from one to the other. Battleborn was a very unqiue game but I feel it needed a more isolated marketing window to really convey it's value to its consumers, because it's not a game whose value springs out at players within moments. Depth of the games mechanics and gameplay systems are where Battleborn shines, but side by side next to Overwatch, it's easy to see why that message didn't come through.
Trailer for Attikus and the Thrall Rebellion, which drops today.
Really interested in seeing the new taunts and skins. Does anyone know if there's any new gear? Also a new versus mode, Faceoff. Sounds kind of like Kill Confirmed from CoD.
Huge meta changes to lots of characters in the update today.
Trailer for Attikus and the Thrall Rebellion, which drops today.
Really interested in seeing the new taunts and skins. Does anyone know if there's any new gear? Also a new versus mode, Faceoff. Sounds kind of like Kill Confirmed from CoD.
Huge meta changes to lots of characters in the update today.