So they patched in map voting but it only in Custom servers? Might as well not have bothered, then.
Also, why the hell do Operations servers STILL end after one match? Why would anybody join a match in progress when there isn't a new round afterwards?
They're making it really hard to sell me Premium when their game is so freaking difficult to actually play. I'm constantly in loading screens because it's so tedious to find a good match. Could be so easy though, I really don't get it.
GOAT patchImproved performance in the menu system.
So they patched in map voting but it only in Custom servers? Might as well not have bothered, then.
Also, why the hell do Operations servers STILL end after one match? Why would anybody join a match in progress when there isn't a new round afterwards?
They're making it really hard to sell me Premium when their game is so freaking difficult to actually play. I'm constantly in loading screens because it's so tedious to find a good match. Could be so easy though, I really don't get it.
I dont want map voting, I want regular servers with a rotation.
Where is it listed what the total XP requirements are? Couldn't see it in the notes. Interested in what my 4.1 million medic score would mean if they had made previous XP count.
Still no Rocket Gun buff :/
Uhm a Rotation is already there?
I want map voting. So i dont have to play garbage maps like Suez or Fao anymore.
Uhm a Rotation is already there?
I want map voting. So i dont have to play garbage maps like Suez or Fao anymore.
It also gets really boring when there is the same rotation every time. I don't always want to know which map comes next.
Gas play is great and a total non-issue. It's an integral component of crowd and space control on capture points with, in my opinion, and nicely balanced interlocking of pros and cons across all four classes.
Fine with the reduced time though. No issue with them dispersing a little bit quicker, and from the few matches I've had tonight I didn't notice them disappointing too quickly.
It's still decent enough imo - you just have to be careful with the angles and whatnot. The addition of ricocheting shots made it less simple to use (while making the tank hunter attack plane worth fuck all against tanks because lol balanced)
If you want to instagib a tank on your own, close range is still the only option, which is... fine, I think? But I usually play with at least one other guy, so one of us plays support and presto, instantly replenished anti tank grenades (again, balanced) and unlimited rocket gun ammo.
I don't think I've ever seen a map worse than this one.So i dont have to play garbage maps like Suez or Fao anymore.
Take your total and divide it by 45k for medic, 50k for assault/support, 30k for scout.
you'd have enough XP for level 91 and some
Anti Tank grenades are awful. You really cant expect to have a Support guy always near you, thats just not going to happen.
It really isnt. Im not asking for a big buff. But something like 16-17 current damage to 19-20 damage would be something.
With the cheap self repair stuff a tanker has, the rocket gun needs to be more effective. Especially when you have K/D farmers sitting near the map edge etc.
Anti Tank grenades are awful.
Cheers. Hmm. Doesn't look like you get the sparkly effect as demonstrated in my screens?
Do you get the water reflect blur as per my gif?
Did they really not fix the revive glitch?
I don't quite know why on earth Dice thought it was a good idea to let people instantly replenish health with a panic button, but it doesn't change my (admittedly not well stated) point:
The AT rocket gun does the amount of damage it does so that no player could just snipe tanks from 200m on their own. I've still seen tanks go down in ~3 seconds from them, but if it's a single assault versus a (heavy) tank, then yeah, the tank will get away. That's intended as far as I can tell and I think it's better than the alternative.
Using them against soldiers all the time and they are great for this
Does experience earned before the patch count towards the new class level cap?
I don't quite know why on earth Dice thought it was a good idea to let people instantly replenish health with a panic button, but it doesn't change my (admittedly not well stated) point:
The AT rocket gun does the amount of damage it does so that no player could just snipe tanks from 200m on their own. I've still seen tanks go down in ~3 seconds from them, but if it's a single assault versus a (heavy) tank, then yeah, the tank will get away. That's intended as far as I can tell and I think it's better than the alternative.
Thing is, in 20vs20 or 32 vs32 matches a tank has not to fear a good Assault player because the tank is usually already facing 3 assault players which is more than enough.
But i agree that 2-3 points up im DMG would not unbalance the rocket gun.
Reduced gas duration from 22 to 15 seconds.
That's nothing! Why not give 1 gas grenade, not 2! People will still spam those things![]()
Yep. it's ridiculous how they still dont get it. Do they not play their own game? I guess people who dont play operations or rush dont see this, but when you have people fighting just two and most of the time over one flag, you have many chokepoints just filled with gas. And it's not just gas, it's the grenade spam. Everyone has a million grenades and if you have a support guy with you in chokepoints, everyone has unlimited grenades.And here we have another problem....
Does experience earned before the patch count towards the new class level cap?
Something is a bit weird to be honest, at least on Xbox.
If I go in game and view my class ranks then it shows my levels as follows
Assault 28-29
Medic 22-23
Support 50
Sniper 50
Yet in create a class all are showing rank 10. Even more bizarre is I've only played one match as medic and support, support received no xp in the class rank where as medic now shows it's 10 and a bit (despite showing as 22-23 in game via weapons and gadgets).
Even more bizarre is my assault class has somehow received some xp even though for my first game I only played medic and support.
Something ain't right, that's for sure
And i disagree with your points
And here we have another problem....
Yep. it's ridiculous how they still dont get it. Do they not play their own game? I guess people who dont play operations or rush dont see this, but when you have people fighting just two and most of the time over one flag, you have many chokepoints just filled with gas. And it's not just gas, it's the grenade spam. Everyone has a million grenades and if you have a support guy with you in chokepoints, everyone has unlimited grenades.
A shooter should put the emphasis on shooting. the grenade spam in this game, at least in operations is ridiculous. the fact that medics now spawn with 3 fucking crossbow grenades is beyond me. They need to make it so grenades cant be resupplied and definitely limit gas grenades to once per spawn. If you want to kill or suppress enemies, use your gun. it's a shooter. not a grenader.
Thank you.
A perfect fix for the gas grenades is really really simple imo:
Have it do friendly damage.
Like this, people arent going to throw a bunch of it if they know it was affect them (or kill them) as well. Is this not obvious enough?
looool... on pubs?
Last night, my cousin said he cant take out a tank because he was playing support and i nearly snapped at him lol. they can carry anti tank mortars, anti tank crossbows, anti tank limpet charge. What more do you freaking need? Just what exactly do people carry with them in their second ability slot? Medics i can understand but support and snipers should always carry anti-tank stuff.
the only thing i would change here is removing that stupid fucking ricochet mechanic. it makes no sense whatsoever. it's just a stupid silly borderline sadistic mechanic.
Yep. it's ridiculous how they still dont get it. Do they not play their own game? I guess people who dont play operations or rush dont see this, but when you have people fighting just two and most of the time over one flag, you have many chokepoints just filled with gas. And it's not just gas, it's the grenade spam. Everyone has a million grenades and if you have a support guy with you in chokepoints, everyone has unlimited grenades.
A shooter should put the emphasis on shooting. the grenade spam in this game, at least in operations is ridiculous. the fact that medics now spawn with 3 fucking crossbow grenades is beyond me. They need to make it so grenades cant be resupplied and definitely limit gas grenades to once per spawn. If you want to kill or suppress enemies, use your gun. it's a shooter. not a grenader.
Amen to that. On top of that the Assault weapons are by far the best at hip firing in the game so it just unbalances the classes even further when gas is spammed. You can have an entire objective covered in gas infinitely in Operations. Why would anyone on the attacking team use anything but Assault if they're playing the objective? Gas doesn't add a cute extra strategic layer to the game, it just flatout makes it tedious and less fun.
It does turn your teammate's screen green, makes the screen swim around, and affects weapon accuracy. Makes it very hard to shoot. They just don't take damage.Wait, friendly gas doesn't affect teammates?! This is the second time my mind has been blown this week (the first time was when I discovered that you can use your parachute from a long fall, not just when bailing out of planes).
Wait, friendly gas doesn't affect teammates?! This is the second time my mind has been blown this week (the first time was when I discovered that you can use your parachute from a long fall, not just when bailing out of planes).
Like i said, because throwing them (as an attacker) will literally do nothing to your team all the while might get you a few kills. Question is: why would they NOT spam them?
Oh definitely. I am saying for the second slot, use an anti tank option which you do since you carry around a limpet charge. my cousin said he was carrying nothing that could help us take out the tank. And seeing as how pretty much no support players ever mess with my tanks, he's not the only one.Carrying that stuff takes up an item slot (specifically ammo), which is WAY more important for Support than a crossbow or mortars. When I play support I run with an ammo crate and limpet charge, which pretty much limits my options when I run into a tank.
Uhm a Rotation is already there?
I want map voting. So i dont have to play garbage maps like Suez or Fao anymore.
Im not following. If your teammates end up dying because of your gas grenades, then people would start thinking twice about throwing them every 2 seconds.
I know for me, as soon as i see im not taking any damage from one then i just run in and clear the area and i have a huge advantage cause i dont need to put my mask on. If you were to take damage from friendly gas too, youd think twice about it. Which is kinda the whole point of that grenade.
You shouldnt be able to just run in without a mask on just because its a friendly gas nade. Thats the main problem with it.
edit: attackers have all the advantages of throwing them at the defenders because they get none of the gas disadvantages when doing so.