Anyone having server issues? I was not able to open my battlepack nor log into the companion website to change my emblem.
Are you on consoles? Down on the dpad.Is there a way to switch default firing modes on weapons? The Sweeper defaults to full auto but I much prefer the single shot. It's annoying to remember to switch it every match.
PSA. PC Premium is on sale through Amazon for $30.
Is there a way to switch default firing modes on weapons? The Sweeper defaults to full auto but I much prefer the single shot. It's annoying to remember to switch it every match.
Mode was dead by the time I got the game.
Just started the campaign...does it get better or do I just suck for now...those scout ahead for a tank missions are dreadful on top of being hard as hell even on I really need to stealth in a Battlefield game...?
Just started the campaign...does it get better or do I just suck for now...those scout ahead for a tank missions are dreadful on top of being hard as hell even on I really need to stealth in a Battlefield game...?
They Shall Not Pass is now out in the CTE. The new weapons will be awarded via assignments - here are the requirements for all:
Ribeyrolles Factory (has a bipod): 50 kills with the Automatico 1918 Factory + 20 headshots with the MP18 Optical.
Sjörgen Inertial (semi-auto shotgun): 50 kills with Model 10-A Slug + 15 kills in a round with the M97 Trench Gun Hunter.
RSC 1917 Optical (6 round medic weapon with a horrible fire rate because reasons): 15 kills in a round with the Autoloading 8 .35 Factory (aka second best gun after the Marksman variant) + 75 heals
RSC 1917 Factory: 50 kills with the M1907 Sweeper + 50 revives
Chauchat Low Weight: 50 kills with the Lewis Gun Supressive + 75 resupplies
Chauchat Telescopic: 15 kills in a round with the M1909 Benét-Mercié Telescopic + 10 kills with the mortar
Lebel 1886 Sniper: 5 headshots in a round with the Russian 1895 Sniper + 10 periscope spot assists
Lebel 1886 Infantry: 50 kills with the Gewehr M.95 Infantry + 20 spot flare assists
Trench Fleur: 50 kills with the US Trench Knife
Cogwheel Club: 50 kills with the Club
Nail knife: 50 kills with the shovel
I think it might be impossible for me to play scout using a scoped rifle. It's so dull. I mean, sniping is great, but I'm permanently affixed to my Gewehr M.95. Aggressive scout is best scout, and it's so goddamn fucking satisfying getting bolt loaded rifle kills over distance with only iron sights to guide your aim.
Yes you do need to stealth especially on higher difficulties. And yes it's not that fun in a Battlefield game.
Ugh i hate this assignment shit....
I hated it in BF4, Hardline and in Battlefront.
I payed for the DLC i should get the new stuff how i want it. Why even have the Warbonds in the game...
Ugh i hate this assignment shit....
I hated it in BF4, Hardline and in Battlefront.
I payed for the DLC i should get the new stuff how i want it. Why even have the Warbonds in the game...
Are battlepacks broken? I bought premium last night and opened the first battlepack. Took 30+ seconds to load up the video clip (terrible). Went to open up the second and waited 30+ seconds again only to be greeted with an error screen saying that it couldn't be open..and then was left with one less unopened battlepack. Nice.
Waited a day thinking it was a server issue it I just tried again and I still can't open any. Now I'm scared I'm going to lose another one if I keep trying. I'd expect this around launch but the game has been out for 4 months now, right?
Multi-player down for anyone else? UK ps4
Ugh i hate this assignment shit....
I hated it in BF4, Hardline and in Battlefront.
I payed for the DLC i should get the new stuff how i want it. Why even have the Warbonds in the game...
Its funny, most people were complaining because there wasn't enough stuff to unlock or grind out towards like in previous battlefields. Can't please everyone I guess.
I think it might be impossible for me to play scout using a scoped rifle. It's so dull. I mean, sniping is great, but I'm permanently affixed to my Gewehr M.95. Aggressive scout is best scout, and it's so goddamn fucking satisfying getting bolt loaded rifle kills over distance with only iron sights to guide your aim.
In the base game there isnt. I had everything within the first 2 weeks the game was released. Even the sniper class and i never even use it. Adding more 'class' levels that amount to basically nothing other than a bigger number isnt my idea of fun grinding.
Grinding is fun when you get something good from it. Like a really rare nice skin or something.
The base game has nothing compared to BF4. Its a gigantic step backwards.
I think it might be impossible for me to play scout using a scoped rifle. It's so dull. I mean, sniping is great, but I'm permanently affixed to my Gewehr M.95. Aggressive scout is best scout, and it's so goddamn fucking satisfying getting bolt loaded rifle kills over distance with only iron sights to guide your aim.
.100% agreed. I'm not a big fan of the sniper class, but this set-up here is money.
The base game has nothing compared to BF4.
*Worlds tiniest Violin*
Personally, I'm all for them going back to the Bad Company 2 method. My only complaint is the fucking unlocks taking forever. 82 hours and I'm only level 7 in each of the four infantry classes. #WTF.
Yeah, me. Must be due to the bayonet kills community challenge. Poor server must be dying giving out all those battle packs lol.anyone else not have access to Battlepacks or scrap?
Yeah, me. Must be due to the bayonet kills community challenge. Poor server must be dying giving out all those battle packs lol.
Reduce gas nades for 2 to 1.
Thank fucking god.
lol they are still nerfing the Hellriegel. They are just going to delete it at this rate.
Increased Impact grenade minimum time before explosion from 0.7 to 1.0 seconds
Increased Incendiary grenade minimum time before explosion from 0.67 to 1.3 seconds
Increased Mini Grenade damage from 65 to 72
Decreased inner blast radius Light AT Grenades from 2.0 to 1.5
Decreased inner blast radius Assault AT Grenades to 1.5 from 2.0 Reduced Tripwire INC ammo from 2 to 1 to better account for its high damage and AOE
The crossbow launcher now regenerates all its ammo even when not reloaded
Increased autoreplenish time from 15 to 25 seconds
K bullets now resupply in 2 s rather than 5
Reduced suppression by friendly gas and prevented coughing at low levels of gas suppression
Other changes:
Reduced Smoke, Gas and Mini Grenade ammo from 2 to 1
Ammo pouches currently no longer resupply grenades
Hellriegel 1915:
Increased 1915 horizontal recoil from 0.8 to 0.95
Overheating now cancels ADS
Increased moving hipfire dispersion by 0.25 degrees
Eh I already felt grenade resupply was already slow as fuck.
Example: Let's say that the passive resupply of the single frag grenade is 30 seconds. If you are spending 1s in the area of an ammo crate you'll shorten that time with 3s (if my math isnt shoddy). Essentially, spend full 10s in an ammo box radius and you'll have a new grenade. But every second spent in the radius speeds the process up - so even if you can't stick around, it's worth the time to get to the crate. This hopefully makes crates more valueable, and thus causes more points income for the support as well.
On the flipside - if you throw your grenade, and stay alive, but don't enter any crate radii for the full duration of 30s, you'll get a new grenade.
OMG. I just read this again and they are trying to fix grenade spam by automatically resupplying grenades every 30 seconds. You will never run out of grenades. You dont need Support to resupply anymore. How fucking stupid is this?
This is what the DICE dev had to say:
I dont even know wtf they must be thinking when they added this. This is the most bizarre fucking thing i have ever seen. Reduce grenade spam by making grenades resupply every 30 seconds without ammo crates. This cant be real. What am I missing?