I fucking hate this game sometimes!
Start a game of conquest. Get thrown in with a bunch of noobs that don't know what they are doing. No matter what squad you pick, there always is at least one moron sniper camping on a hill for the entire game.
Change servers. What do I get, even bigger retards.
2 wookies shooting tracer darts at each other in the base camp. :-/
I somehow manage to convince them to jump in a jeep with me and take B since there are 2 LMG fuckers camping on the hill who took me down 30 sec ago.
I drive up there, jump out, while those two stay in the jeep right next to the guys.
I kill 2 and the 3rd one gets me. In my when I want to respawn I notice the 2 woolies are still alive in the jeep and haven't moved an inch!
I spawn and clean up B.
For some reason there's a level 3 tank whore who somehow knows where I'll spawn every single time...
My team sure does trace the bastard, but never fires a single missile at him.

After dying 5 times and shooting 8 missiles at this tank as he repairs it, I finally take him out.
Starting to make a comeback. The game throws me to the title screen.
Jump into another server.
Get coupled with 2 Frenchies who at least know what they are doing, but they are yelling and fucking singing though out the match. WTF. :-/
No problem, I just mute them.
Start capping bases and blowing up tanks left and right and soon I'm at the top of the list.
The damn game crashes my PS3! Aaaaaaaaaaaaaarg.
BF3 better not have this kinda shit.