Just added funds to my account. I'm ready!
are you saying PC gamers need a headstart?Stallion Free said:Holy shit, that's fucking lame.
Did that 3 days ago :loleternaLightness said:Just added funds to my account. I'm ready!
we're all working together hereThe Faceless Master said:are you saying PC gamers need a headstart?
They all have the same: 3 which is pretty lame compared to how massive and long maps like Arica Harbor and Oasis are. Hopefully Hastings will be longer, but I'm guessing it will be the same 3 set shit.Shai-Tan said:I'm annoyed by several of the Rush maps that only have a few stages. And on PC one of the longer maps tends to end in the first stage every time.
I'm saying I want the fucking 5th map I paid for (they did advertise said map before the game released so it's not some nice bonus, it was a dick move where they said here is content finished we are holding back for no real reason).The Faceless Master said:are you saying PC gamers need a headstart?
Stallion Free said:I'm saying I want the fucking 5th map I paid for (they did advertise said map before the game released so it's not some nice bonus, it was a dick move where they said here is content finished we are holding back for no real reason).
Stallion Free said:I'm saying I want the fucking 5th map I paid for (they did advertise said map before the game released so it's not some nice bonus, it was a dick move where they said here is content finished we are holding back for no real reason).
Do you honestly think that people are changing the way they play to unlock this map?OldJadedGamer said:They did the same for 1943. I'm indifferent about it cause I know it will unlock soon and forces people to use teamwork instead of being jerk offs.
Crakatak187 said:If it's the combination of 3 platform we'll get it soon.
Not sure actually, the only game I have added so far is the new Medal of Honor which I bought on D2D. I'm kicking myself because I had MoH Pacific Assault which I never finished back in the day due to having too crappy a computer. I went to play recently and realized I had lost disk 4 so I threw it in the trash, CD key and all.DMczaf said:Is there a list of CD-Keys that work on EADM, or is it just all games that are available on EADM?
5840 Mbyodathesoda said:How many gigs required on the HD for this? Pretty stoked for it but might need a larger HD first.
How much was it? Im getting this for my brother for xmas, but its too late for amazon so im trying to find the cheapest version that still includes the vip code.-Yeti said:Going to Gamestop today to buy BFBC2 and then getting the expansion on PSN. Can't wait!
It's been too long.
Animator said:I am going to wait for some impressions before I jump in. Don't want to make the same mistake I did with onslaught mode.
iam220 said:It's bc2 but with new weapons and new maps and some attachments taken out. Also more infantry focused. That's all there is to it. If you want more of bc2, buy it. if not, don't.
Jtrizzy said:How much was it? Im getting this for my brother for xmas, but its too late for amazon so im trying to find the cheapest version that still includes the vip code.
they've been saying four maps all along. they announced the 5th map along with with the promotion to unlock it.Stallion Free said:I'm saying I want the fucking 5th map I paid for (they did advertise said map before the game released so it's not some nice bonus, it was a dick move where they said here is content finished we are holding back for no real reason).
ProudClod said:So, yeah, I was right. The game crashed as soon as a map finished loading :'( Any recommendations for a budget card/processor to run this baby?
ProudClod said:I bought BF: BC2 for PC yesterday, and pending on how well it runs on my PC, I will buy Vietnam as well. The problem is I'm absolutely terrified about bad performance. I'm installing it as we speak, so I guess I'll know soon enough. I have a dual core 4000+ AMD, a GeForce 7800 GT and 4 gigs of RAM. Definitely not enough, right?
ProudClod said:So, yeah, I was right. The game crashed as soon as a map finished loading :'( Any recommendations for a budget card/processor to run this baby?
iam220 said:Oh wow, that's like a mid range rig from 2006, so yeah .... you'd be lucky to get 20 frames on the lowest settings.
budget? You'll need the party pack. New mobo, cpu, ram, gpu ..
ProudClod said:I'm assuming mobo means motherboard? Not sure why i'd need one. It has all the slots I need. Double PCI-E is probably the most important thing, which I have. I have twice as much RAM as BFBC2 shows as recommended, so I should be good, right? Which leaves new CPU and GPU.
1-D_FTW said:Does this game have unlockable perks or not?
I keep getting killed with people who have specialties equipped. Is this just their default setup and meaningless or do you actually get to use perks when you level up in Vietnam. I'm level 1, so I wouldn't know.
iam220 said:Well since you're running what is now an ancient dual core, you'll need to upgrade your motherboard if you want to buy any of the "off-the-shelf" cpus. As they won't be compatible with the motherboard you currently have. Also, since the newer motherboards accept only ddr2/3 ram and you probably are still on ddr1, you'll also need new ram.
Yes, there are unlocks which are shared with bc2. So if you already unlocked everything in bc2, you'll have it in vietnam as well.
Mafro said:M40 is an absolute beast. Have they fiddled with the bullet damage/player health or something?
richiek said:The Recon class seems heavily nerfed now. I understand that there are no motion mines, but you can't spot enemies anymore? Weak.
:lolCozMick said:Disappointed that there ain't no unlocks.
It's what keeps me coming back for more, now it'll be a "buy it when i'm bored" expansion![]()
iam220 said:Yes, there are unlocks which are shared with bc2. So if you already unlocked everything in bc2, you'll have it in vietnam as well.
ProudClod said:Gah. Should've done some research before I impulse bought the game. At least it was 6 bucks.
Mr. Snrub said:This generation...
iam220 said:Seriously, how is withholding content and making you "work" for it a good thing? I ... I ... just don't get it.
Yup, I got the prompt too.Mr. Snrub said:All the weapons are a bit more lethal than the guns in BC2, including the M40:
What is this crap? Of course you can spot enemies, with any character, any weapon, any vehicle.
This generation...
You can also unlock BC2 unlocks by playing Vietnam. My brother was playing Vietnam and got a "You have unlocked an item in Bad Company 2" prompt.
Stoney Mason said:Yeah I don't like the map design. So many arbitrary you can't go there because its black on the mini-map areas. Feels even more so in that area than regular BC2. If you're going to do that you might as well design it with natural looking borders that achieve the same effect.
iam220 said:Seriously, how is withholding content and making you "work" for it a good thing? I ... I ... just don't get it.
dygiT said:People die when I snipe them with Magnum Ammo now. Thank you DICE!
TheSeks said:I can understand the developers reason: It's to make players play with the "new guns" they unlock before settling in on the gun their comfortable/broken with. But yeah...