Yeah sorry about that thanks for the answer.TheSeks said:ITT: Duckracer doesn't read the whole OP.
Joined the group. And thanks for listing that configurator, had no idea about that.Mr. Snrub said:Did I miss anything?
GAF Bad Company 2/Vietnam Quickstart Guide!
- Install Bad Company 2
- Download, install and update Punkbuster using PBSetup
- Download, install, and use the GAF Mumble server when playing Bad Company
- Download, install, and configure Bad Company options using Evil Mind's Configurator. NOTE: I think you need to launch the game prior to using this, so the config paths are built
- Join the Steam GAF Bad Company 2 group
- Read the GAF War Advices in the Bad Company 2 OT
- Start collecting ears for your necklace!
Darkness said:Not really liking the maps much so far. Choke points and people being super easy to kill sucks.
i made gif overview of the configuratior a while back, you may use it if you likeMr. Snrub said:Did I miss anything?
GAF Bad Company 2/Vietnam Quickstart Guide!
- Install Bad Company 2
- Download, install and update Punkbuster using PBSetup
- Download, install, and use the GAF Mumble server when playing Bad Company
- Download, install, and configure Bad Company options using Evil Mind's Configurator. NOTE: I think you need to launch the game prior to using this, so the config paths are built
- Join the Steam GAF Bad Company 2 group
- Read the GAF War Advices in the Bad Company 2 OT
- Start collecting ears for your necklace!
Calion82v said:Couple of things: (PS3)
- I like how instead of saying "Epic Fail" when you commit suicide, it says "FUBAR". :lol
- I pretty much enjoy all the maps so far, especially Hill 137. The scenery with the second set of M-COMs is astounding.
- I've already gotten used to the damage change. It seems appropriate.
- Loving the fact that you can take down Helis with any standard firearm now. I already have taken down one. :lol
AleeN634 said:Oh man, Hill 137 in Rush is so epic when it opens up to the totally destroyed hillside.![]()
Dynamic3 said:Enjoyed the PS3 domination.
Does anyone else notice the significant amount of time it takes for a vehicle to explode after it's health hits 0? Way too much time to bailout imo.
1stStrike said:If we could get some teams that could actually stand up to us then it'd be a lot more fun.
Jtrizzy said:I really really think we should get rid of the gaf clan tags on PS3. It's obviously scaring people off, so then we get to the point where its 10 on 2. Then, even if people join they are just going to back out as soon as they see ten guys with the GAF clan tags.
1stStrike said:- As mentioned before, the helicopters are useless right now since they're so easy to shoot down
hylje said:Can't really agree on this. Offense devastated defense and their morale couple rounds now on Phu Bai Valley. Good pilot, 2 good gunners and 2 engineers constantly repairing it (when pilot stops moving the chopper it can be almost instantly repaired). On last set of coms it's rather unbalanced when the second helicopter spawns and you have 2 of these in the air.
I remember in a short run the gunners getting 44/0, 28/1 and engineers getting +3000 points just for repairs. Those machineguns demolish people almost instantly and has little dispersion.
Jtrizzy said:I really really think we should get rid of the gaf clan tags on PS3. It's obviously scaring people off, so then we get to the point where its 10 on 2. Then, even if people join they are just going to back out as soon as they see ten guys with the GAF clan tags.
Jtrizzy said:I will say knucklesandwich was a true warrior tonight. He was on the other team all night it seemed.
1stStrike said:Yeah, if you don't have the entire team shooting at you - any time they brought a helicopter against us it barely got off the ground for more then 30 seconds.
Exactly. I do the same. Seks that wasn't me that revived you, but I hate it when that happens. I never play medic personally.OldJadedGamer said:If i'm not playing in a clan at the time and just playing with randoms, I will drop 100% of the time if I see the entire other team is in a clan. No matter who it is.
Wait, what did I do?TheSeks said:5 Kills
Razor210 said:Wait, what did I do?
Also, the tank with the slower rate of fire machine gun needs a buff for its gunner. It's weaker than regular weapons.
Finally, helis need more health.
abuC said:Game of the night, we were down to 1 ticket after the crate was armed, Seks drives his tank right up to the crate and lets the flamethrower light some people up while his gunner sweeps up the rest. We had 1 ticket for about 20 seconds, I heard someone say "Nobody better die" as he said that one of our teammates ran by on fire :lol The GAF machine ended up winning that game, about 5 people died as soon as the crate exploded too.
I was in the tank the whole time. I was actually about to get out and arm, and then I saw you do it, so I was all "ok, we're good" and we still won, so your sacrifice was not in vainTheSeks said:*tank goes to B, I'm SMH other GAF person putting us in enemy territory when I'm going for kills*
(B isn't armed)
"I'll just get out and arm it."
(Does so)
"Time to book it back to the tank and hold it."
(Do--oh wait, no I don't)
"WTF, Razor spawned in the tank. SMH."
When I'm getting 8-9 hit markers on one person, let me take out my machine gun and put it on top of the tank. I'd be more effective that way."My M48 Stats"
Kills: 3
"My T-54 Stats"
Kills: 4
Roadkills: 1
If the stats were working, I'd probably have about 10 each on them. And that's just within hours of play. I say "LOL NO" and "YOU SUCK AT GUNNING" in that case. Because the gunner when placed right is DEADLY. I don't even need V Warhead to mow down half the enemy in the tank.
Yeah, its kinda gimmicky at the moment, but at choke points, its practically trolling. Flames in your face don't let you see anything.I really wish the flamethrower in the tank AND infantry had more range and set/destruction the cover of the enemy. It would be more useful than a gimmick defense circle flaming thingy.
Honestly, vehicles seem kinda useless to me. The heli is a gimmick, tanks are way less effective than in BC2, and the maps are geared towards infantry. Let the offense actually use their machinery properlyWhy, so they can circle strafe like BC2? No thanks. Small arms fire taking them down with no anti-air options is more than enough. You just need a good pilot and a defense that doesn't know what's up.
All I could think was "NOBODY RUN OUT AND TRY TO BE A HERO" :lolabuC said:Game of the night, we were down to 1 ticket after the crate was armed, Seks drives his tank right up to the crate and lets the flamethrower light some people up while his gunner sweeps up the rest. We had 1 ticket for about 20 seconds, I heard someone say "Nobody better die" as he said that one of our teammates ran by on fire :lol The GAF machine ended up winning that game, about 5 people died as soon as the crate exploded too.
:lolTheSeks said:If I remember that round right, I had that tank up for that second (1 ticket left) set AND all the way to nearly the end set of the final on Hill 113.
They were so pissed by me getting that last crate, they decided to go on a mission to RPG the hell out of my tank as I kept repairing it and backing it up (so slow. :/) to do that. I kept that tank up, and I felt good holding that crate. I was all "FUCK YEAH! *fist pump in air*" as it fell. :lol
Razor210 said:When I'm getting 8-9 hit markers on one person, let me take out my machine gun and put it on top of the tank. I'd be more effective that way.
Yeah, its kinda gimmicky at the moment, but at choke points, its practically trolling. Flames in your face don't let you see anything.
Let the offense actually use their machinery properly
AbuC said:If you didn't do that we definitely would have lost, nobody was going to run up on the fire breathing tank. I think flight of the Valkyries was playing while you were sitting near the crate too.
how can you not like the kill speed? weren't you the one who wanted the 25% damage boost back?TheSeks said:Still not liking the kill speed on these maps.
And no trophy unlocks for winning the four maps yet. WTF, DICE. :|
Dreamgazer said:7 Ace pins tonight![]()
No one seems to be using the AT-mines at the moment, which makes GAFers driving over them much easier tonight![]()
The syringe revives.......too fast(?). Not that I would complain about that, but I honestly no longer need to aim to revive someone.
Still not going to look forward to gold staring sniper rifles, but i'll deal.