So, when did this turn into a dick measuring contest?!
I don't know. It's pretty ugly
So, when did this turn into a dick measuring contest?!
I'm not gonna read your insane text wall. We all know BF4 has problems but if its bad enough to write an essay just play another game.
but if its bad enough to write an essay just play another game.
Battlefield 4 is universally known to have just about the worst maps for Rush mode in a Battlefield game. Sure there are some decent ones and they are more tolerable at lower player counts, but the vast majority of them simply don't work for Rush. This is to be expected as they make the maps in that game specifically for Conquest Large first and foremost.
In regards to Hardline, I think they made a good decision in getting rid of Rush for this game, otherwise I seriously wouldn't be surprised if it ended up even worse than how it is in BF4. It's a matter of whether or not you want to give players the option to run a mode that really doesn't work with what you are aiming for and aren't likely to put any effort in making sure it plays nicely. DICE Sweden decided to do the latter for BF4, and we all know how that ended up.
"I'm not going to defend my point because I can't admit that Rush sucks in BF4 and have to attack peoples stats or say they suck at the mode despite the fact that one of the most rabid Rush fans thinks the mode sucks in BF4 and is telling me so."
Okay, bro. Here's a TL;DR for you:
Tell me which maps you consider "good" for Rush in BF4 that aren't:
Caspian Border.
Operation Firestorm.
I have... it's called... *drumroll and GASP* Battlefield 4: Sabotage/Obliteration.
"I'm not going to defend my point because I can't admit that Rush sucks in BF4 and have to attack peoples stats or say they suck at the mode despite the fact that one of the most rabid Rush fans thinks the mode sucks in BF4 and is telling me so."
Okay, bro. Here's a TL;DR for you:
Tell me which maps you consider "good" for Rush in BF4 that aren't:
Caspian Border.
Operation Firestorm.
Can you read? your buddy was the one boasting about how he is a great player and probably better than I am. I said prove it.
I also posted a map and an entire map pack that Rush is fun on. I'll add Shanghai to that list as well. I'll repeat one more thing for you: If you don't think its fun You have other options. The Rush servers never seem to be dead when I play so quite a few people must enjoy it.
You mean on consoles right? I thought it was 60 on PS4 at least!Is this still going to be 900p/40fps like Battlefield 4 or have they announced otherwise? These two things really added to the problems of Battlefield 4 for me and many others.
Can you read? your buddy was the one boasting about how he is a great player and probably better than I am. I said prove it.
I also posted a map and an entire map pack that Rush is fun on. I'll add Shanghai to that list as well.
The Rush servers never seem to be dead when I play so quite a few people must enjoy it.
You said i dislike rush because i get mowed down. You brought skill slams into this thread
You mean on consoles right? I thought it was 60 on PS4 at least!
He's not my buddy, pal. I don't have a horse in you twos pissing match. I want you to list what maps you think work for Rush because a majority of Rush's player base think BF4's maps are WEAK.
Siege of Shanghai: Which has a badly designed first set, HAD A FUCKING TERRIBLE SECOND SET (sup Tank in the Underground mall) to where DICE redesigned it. Chokepoint bridge third-set with water swimming (resign fixes this somewhat since A isn't a hell room) and okay-decent fourth and last/fifth set.
Goldmund Railway: Terrible map design of "keep climbing, attackers" while the defense can shut down the first set easy of the tanks don't roll in. Basically the map boils down to "who can abuse the tanks the hardest: Attackers or Defense" as a round.
Dragon Teeth: Terrible map design with choke-points/2-3 lanes and barely if any flanking options.
So it seems you like to NOT have to flank and just shoot fish in a barrel. Thanks for letting me know you have no idea what makes Rush work and I can safely ignore your opinions when it comes to the mode.
Much obliged! <3
"People are playing 64-player Rush and the servers are filled despite other modes getting populated as well! Surely that means the map design for the mode is good!"
That's like saying "Superman 64 sold 1 million copies! Surely that's a good game!"
(In before "TL;DR Wall of Text" etc. flimsy excuses from you instead of defending your point. Because we both know you know I'm right and Rush's map design is terrible in BF4.)
Before you read anything Seks says, read this:
This was my reply to that post:
That's me trying to be nice to him (after a year of knowing his attitude) and trying to be 50/50 and understanding of where he's coming from. He simply told me to fuck myself the second we had a slight disagreement.
Don't waste your time with his posts.
I have no problem admitting that. My bad on that one but I didn't mean it as a skill slam.
I have no idea what your skill level is but subjectively assumed the dismissal of the entire mode might be because of the constant death by of exosive spam on some of BF4s Rusb maps.
So, sorry for the skill comment.
I dont know if you play cte but the cte lead david sirland acknowledged that rush was shit and they spent months trying to fix it before giving up because its not possible without radical redesigns.
PS4/XB1 install size is a little under 12 Gb;
XB360/PS3 is under 4 Gb
I dont know if you play cte but the cte lead david sirland acknowledged that rush was shit and they spent months trying to fix it before giving up because its not possible without radical redesigns.
I have no problem admitting that. My bad on that one but I didn't mean it as a skill slam.
I have no idea what your skill level is but subjectively assumed the dismissal of the entire mode might be because of the constant death by of exosive spam on some of BF4s Rusb maps.
So, sorry for the skill comment.
Yeah don't mind them.I find it amusing that some poeple feel like bein good at a video game is something they can feel proud of and boast aboutMan I love battlefield but what a toxic and immature community, this thread is just disgusting. Thanks for letting me know I need to avoid these threads like the plague.
There way more penises runnig around than I am feeling comfortable with, put that sh@# back in.This thread is hilarious. Whips out penis.
They are probably both bad at the game so they are compensating it by having a dick measuring contest in Public. Not all of the community is like this.Man I love battlefield but what a toxic and immature community, this thread is just disgusting. Thanks for letting me know I need to avoid these threads like the plague.
"I seriously wouldn't be surprised if it ended up even worse than how it is in BF4"
How can you even begin to speculate on something like this?
I dunno. Outside of the left bar it's basically the same mode graphically/functionally. When the beta hits, I hope they don't have that "rank 10" requirement that BF4 has for getting into Commander mode so people can try it instantly and see "just how different" it is. The trailer didn't really inspire much in me.
I really don't understand why people hate on the game. I had a ton of fun on the E3 beta demo. What I have heard from allot of ppl is oohh it should have been BF4 DLC, its terrible, BF4 is better, where is BF Bad Company 3? Dice and EA aren't getting my cash again etc. Just allot of hate but I had a blast with the little bit I played.Why do people hate this game again? to me this looks like a ton of fun.
How can they get any valid data/feedback with a week's beta?
This is basically a network test.
How can they get any valid data/feedback with a week's beta?
This is basically a network test.
Yes sorry I meant for the PS4. Although its advertised as a 60fps game, it is almost never actually at 60fps. Out of all the PS4 games I own, BF4 easily has the worst performance.
They are probably both bad at the game so they are compensating it by having a dick measuring contest in Public. Not all of the community is like this.
Yea, feels like they're doing this for marketing purposes and not to actually get feedback.
See also: Beta release
Beta is feature and asset complete version of the game, when only bugs are being fixed.[152][153] This version contains no bugs that prevent the game from being shippable.[152] No changes are made to the game features, assets, or code. Beta occurs two to three months before code release.[153]
Code release[edit]
Code release is the stage when all bugs are fixed and game is ready to be shipped or submitted for console manufacturer review. This version is tested against QA test plan. First code release candidate is usually ready three to four weeks before code release.[153]
Six day beta.
Five weeks before release.
This isn't a damn's basically a game demo, they would have to go gold at least what...two or three weeks before launch week?
From Wiki:
How funny...this isn't a damn beta.
Six day beta.
Five weeks before release.
This isn't a damn's basically a game demo, they would have to go gold at least what...two or three weeks before launch week?
From Wiki:
How funny...this isn't a damn beta.
The betas for BF3 and BF4 each started about four weeks before release. They can still use them for tweaks, like weapon balance or performance, via a Day 1 patch.
I also don't think a generic Wiki definition of "beta" can be fairly applied to all games.
Thats ok I only have 223 hours. But I have played at ESL One for Battlefield 4 representing Australia and setting a record for ESL One as a whole. But I have no idea what the game is or as good as you. Your little pissing contest with the other guy is just ruining the thread just stop.No compensation here. I just enjoy competition. You are aware this is a game where you simulate unloading an assault rifle in another players face, spraying blood and brains all over the place, right? The whole vibe is "contest". You are right about the community though, in fact this is the only place I have ever encountered so many battle-assholes.
Anyhow, still more than willing to to play against anyone or with anyone in here. After 1,000 hours of BF4 I'm anything but bad at it.
Visceral posted this last night.
We know some of you arent convinced. You think that the only true Battlefield is a military one. While we can respect that, it is one of our goals to convince you otherwise. So heres a quick overview of a couple of the new things that Visceral are adding to Battlefield multiplayer with Hardline.