The Legend of Zelda: Skyward Sword
The way the thing opens with a crescendo is so amazing.
Uncharted 2 - "The Road to Shambhala"
Undertale's credits theme is also a very good one that hasn't already been mentioned. So many cool variations on the themes you hear throughout the game.
RE3 "Staffs and Credits" for me. Love it.
I see your Streets of Rage 2 ending and raise you Streets of Rage 3 ending.
Probably Shenmue 3's Credits will last 2 hours
I've always had a soft spot for Pokemon Gold/Silver's credits theme. It's so damn catchy. The remake's remix is also good, but it lacks the energy of the original.
Came here to post this. One of the best ending songs for one of the best games.
fuck, completely forgot about this.Starsailor "Way to Fall" at the end of MGS3: Snake Eater. Don't know if you wanted original compositions made for the game but damn I love it to death.