I am a little bit confused
1) Why did he not want to take the job?
2) Why does he not work in the same law firm where his brother works? Why did they want him to accept to work for another unrelated firm?
3) Why did he take the job in the end?
4) Also why is he getting his own car, office etc.?
Did I miss something inbetween seasons?
I am a little bit confused
1) Why did he not want to take the job?
2) Why does he not work in the same law firm where his brother works? Why did they want him to accept to work for another unrelated firm?
3) Why did he take the job in the end?
4) Also why is he getting his own car, office etc.?
Did I miss something inbetween seasons?
His brother was an asshole to him and didn't even want to work with him.
You were getting mugged off then.They were almost as expensive as a whole PC back then, so doubtful a law firm would be handing them out, even to partners.
I was pricing them out for trade show kiosks back then and you were looking at 700-800 for tiny 15" ones.
The typical street price is currently just under £280, while for some brands such as Samsung and Philips, it is closer to £240.
It's not that simple. Chuck may have been a bit harsh when the truth finally came out that he was the one conspiring to keep Jimmy out of HHM, and not Howard, but he isn't completely wrong. Jimmy's conman days are not a thing of his distant past, and he almost immediately resumes it following their falling out. Chuck knows Jimmy better than Howard or Kim. It's hard for me to totally view Chuck as the villain in Jimmy's life.
No sense spoiler tagging this, since it's long since aired.
Actually, he was entirely wrong. Keep in mind that while we did see Jimmy do some shady stuff in the series, like the billboard stunt and the attempt to trick the Kettlemans into hiring him with the skateboarders, he would never have had to do any of that if Chuck weren't working against him at HHM. From what we saw, he really was trying to play by the rules, and Chuck was even encouraging him to do the public defender cases so that he could build experience, all the while actively working against him. The only reason that Jimmy backslid in Switch was because he learned that his brother had been twisting the knife in his back for quite a long time.
Not only all of those things too, but his trip to Chicago and his petty scams at the hotel this past episode.
Chuck was wrong to have been so duplicitous in keeping Jimmy out of HHM and forcing Howard to play the bad guy. Chuck wasn't entirely wrong for wanting to keep Jimmy out of HHM, though.
There's not really any indication that Jimmy did anything to warrant that kind of treatment from Chuck during the period where he was working in the mail room through the point where he passed the bar. It was nothing but Chuck's preconceptions (which may have been warranted initially, but not subsequently imo) and his own sense of jealousy over how liked Jimmy is in comparison to him/how things were seeming to fall into place for Jimmy so "easily" (in his eyes).
Did the switch activate Walt's cancer?
Did the switch activate Walt's cancer?
So Jimmy is going to be the lawyer of that Hummer driving dumbass right?
So Jimmy is going to be the lawyer of that Hummer driving dumbass right?
Loved the first episode.
This show isn't quite in the "amazing tier" for me, but it's such a comfy time.
Glad it's back.
So Jimmy is going to be the lawyer of that Hummer driving dumbass right?
So Jimmy is going to be the lawyer of that Hummer driving dumbass right?
Calling him a dumbass might be too polite.
3. they literally tell us
So Jimmy is going to be the lawyer of that Hummer driving dumbass right?
Show Editors and Co-hosts Kelley Dixon and Chris McCaleb are joined by Vince Giligan (Creator, Exec Producer), Peter Gould (Creator, Exec Producer), Tom Schnauz (Writer / Director / Exec Producer), and Bob Odenkirk.
Just finished the podcast, it's great as usual. One fun tidbit is that the humming bird in the establishing shot before Playuh and Nacho meet was a real hummingbird that just happened to fly into the shot, stop dead center, then fly out. They didn't even notice it on the day but caught it when reviewing footage for the edit.
Playuh's lovable in his own way. Just like the Kettlemans were. Something about the Jerry Lundegaard-esque folksy incompetence is just really entertaining.
Yeah, he's great. Have you seen the stuff he's done as "K-Strass" the Yo-Yo "expert" trolling local news stations?
- Promo for this week's episode.Season 2: episode 2 "Cobbler"
Mike brokers a deal in order to keep a potentially messy situation intact; Jimmy tries to exonerate an eccentric client.
I'm guessing the switch did nothing - it's clearly an obedience test for new partners of the firm.
We just witnessed the death of Slippin' Jimmy and birth of Switchin' Jimmy.
So, new episode tonight right?
Yes, in a little over an hour and a half.
Shit forgot talking Saul is a thing now
Ohh thanks, must have missed that.They said it
was just for the first and last episodes of the season. But the host did say he'd like to do more.
he accepted the job at the firm that Kim hooked him up withI just missed it but how did he get his own office just now? last i saw he was in the pool calling people talking about a fat dude that was with a chick