Wait... there is no digital version?
Nope. There isn't for Heavy Rain either. Maybe the file size of both games is just too gargantuan for PSN to handle.
Wait... there is no digital version?
'Goth' Ellen?
Enjoying it, but is it making anyone else's PS3 Blu ray drive have a shit fit? Fuck it's noisy.
Enjoying it, but is it making anyone else's PS3 Blu ray drive have a shit fit? Fuck it's noisy.
Anyone from UK GAF order from Amazon UK?
If so, is anyone's order processing yet?
Nothing for me yet
Anyone from UK GAF order from Amazon UK?
If so, is anyone's order processing yet?
Nothing for me yet
Amazon still haven't shipped my SE.
I'm enjoying the game so far. Played for about 2 hours last night. Wish walking would have been less crappy. It's so frustrating when it takes multiple tries to position yourself right to interact with something. Interacting with stuff feels more natural and intuitive this time. I like how most things are just a "You can interact with this" icon and not a "here is the motion you have to make to interact with this", and you just use the sticks in the way that feels natural to you and it just works.
You should of came by GameStop and pre-ordered with us.We hold your copy for 48 hours.
Nope, nothing.
Most games I've ordered from Amazon UK have been dispatched the day before release, so I'm not worried.
Ordered with Amazon, order started processing this morning.
Yeah, it can happen. Only when it saves though.Is anyone having occasional freezes like for 2-3 seconds when blue indicator is flashing in the right corner of the screen?
Are plot points being discussed in this thread?
Spoiler thread
Minor plot points (as long as they're spoiler tagged) seem to be welcome in this thread, though.
Think I'll also end up enjoying Heavy Rain more in the end, but I am enjoying pushing through this mystery.
Nope. There isn't for Heavy Rain either. Maybe the file size of both games is just too gargantuan for PSN to handle.
I don't know if this is the right spot to post this in, but I just wanted to say I'm really tired of people hating on this game for the wrong reasons. It seems like almost every critic got into "movie critic" mode when they played this and seemed to just mock Cage as if he's some kind of cynic that should be treated differently. Horrible writer this, horrible writer that - have people even been paying attention to the other games we love and play? It seems to me like people tend to ignore the writing in other games, but whenever a Quantic Dream game comes along it's like they treat it with higher expectations or as a new genre, for no reason at all.
"Oh, well it's a story-based game, so the writing has to be good!" This is the most common thing I've been reading, and I don't believe these people get the point. This isn't really story-based at all. You are playing through someone's "remarkable" life where she runs into different people and learns different things. You choose what she has to say or what she does at certain times, but for the most part you're just interacting with things in a limited environment, just like any other game but with a more limited environment and limited control. Why treat it like it's distant from average games?
It just pisses me off how I see comments on every playthrough of this game saying things like "Really, Cage?" as if David Cage is some kind of special target. Do we ever see someone say "Really, Levine?" when they have a problem with Bioshock? Or "Really, Miyamoto?" Because I don't. Just because the game looks more real than the other games we play doesn't mean we should criticize it differently.
It's just that I LIKE seeing new kinds of games, and I want more games like this instead of the average everyday stuff. I have a feeling if this game was somehow an Indie game and not made by Cage, it would have gotten a better reception. I would write more but I don't want to get into spoilers and I don't think it's worthy, but yeah. I just finished this game and I loved it just as much as I loved Heavy Rain. I say, keep 'em coming, Cage, and anyone else who isn't scared to take chances.
Yes, and I have the super slim. The BD drive is getting quite the workout.
If we can't criticize it on it's story... what are we suppose to criticize it on? It's compelling gameplay? People criticize game stories all the time, fortunately when stories in those games fall flat there's usually good gameplay to back it up. All beyond has is it's story, so yes it should be heavily scrutinized.
I don't know if this is the right spot to post this in, but I just wanted to say I'm really tired of people hating on this game for the wrong reasons. It seems like almost every critic got into "movie critic" mode when they played this and seemed to just mock Cage as if he's some kind of cynic that should be treated differently. Horrible writer this, horrible writer that - have people even been paying attention to the other games we love and play? It seems to me like people tend to ignore the writing in other games, but whenever a Quantic Dream game comes along it's like they treat it with higher expectations or as a new genre, for no reason at all.
"Oh, well it's a story-based game, so the writing has to be good!" This is the most common thing I've been reading, and I don't believe these people get the point. This isn't really story-based at all. You are playing through someone's "remarkable" life where she runs into different people and learns different things. You choose what she has to say or what she does at certain times, but for the most part you're just interacting with things in a limited environment, just like any other game but with a more limited environment and limited control. Why treat it like it's distant from average games?
It just pisses me off how I see comments on every playthrough of this game saying things like "Really, Cage?" as if David Cage is some kind of special target. Do we ever see someone say "Really, Levine?" when they have a problem with Bioshock? Or "Really, Miyamoto?" Because I don't. Just because the game looks more real than the other games we play doesn't mean we should criticize it differently.
It's just that I LIKE seeing new kinds of games, and I want more games like this instead of the average everyday stuff. I have a feeling if this game was somehow an Indie game and not made by Cage, it would have gotten a better reception. I would write more but I don't want to get into spoilers and I don't think it's worthy, but yeah. I just finished this game and I loved it just as much as I loved Heavy Rain. I say, keep 'em coming, Cage, and anyone else who isn't scared to take chances.
tookhster said:But then how come games like Journey and The Walking Dead get a free pass? People praise those games when they don't have compelling gameplay at all. You do more in this game than you would in Journey(which I loved), where all you do is just follow someone through different environments. The story (Journey's) is told through flashbacks without a single word, and it plays it safe. In the Walking Dead, all you do is choose what you want to say to people and it doesn't even matter in the end. Everyone scripted to die dies, and the game makes you think your choices are doing something (Kenny will remember that, etc.) when they really don't. So essentially, those are as much as an interactive movie as Beyond is, at least to me.
But then how come games like Journey and The Walking Dead get a free pass? People praise those games when they don't have compelling gameplay at all. You do more in this game than you would in Journey(which I loved), where all you do is just follow someone through different environments. The story (Journey's) is told through flashbacks without a single word, and it plays it safe. In the Walking Dead, all you do is choose what you want to say to peoplewhen they really don't. So essentially, those are as much as an interactive movie as Beyond is, at least to me.and it doesn't even matter in the end. Everyone scripted to die dies, and the game makes you think your choices are doing something (Kenny will remember that, etc.)
It actually doesn't. But it really feels that way, probably because of the non-linear storytelling. Outside of the ending they pretty can't do global consequences very well, because it would screw with the past/future. You know that so it feels lacking. Heavy Rain didn't have much global consequences either for 2/3 of the game. Then you could die yes, but not before that. When it comes to local consequences that only affect a single scene, Beyond and Heavy Rain are pretty much doing the same thing.It does lack the feeling of actual consequence and choice of Heavy Rain, but it's been a mystifying romp that is keeping me engaged and curious.
Yeah and that's exactly why I ignore the main plot for most of the time. For like 2/3 of the game it stays pretty subdued and the game doesn't shove it into your face constantly like HR did. So I can concentrate on the things he does great, character moments like you said. I'm just playing out the scenes without trying to think about how I got there and makes it much more enjoyable lolThe thing is, as much as I had fun with the game, Cage really is a bad writer. Like painfully bad at certain things. The funny thing is, he isn't that bad at the smaller things, character interaction can still fell a bit forced, but it's better than it was in previous games, and the acting in Beyond is MILES ahead of HR or Fahrenheit.
The Condenser chapter was pretty awesome...
I would almost say playing Beyond in co-op mode is a social experiment as well. I heard some crazy stories from people who did thatHell, the bond you get with another player seemed more geniune than any of the character relationships in Beyond:TS.
It does it well. The problem is with this kind of game I want to talk about it after I beat it. Heavy Rain holds up, because people are talking about the different endings. TWD falls apart and at least I got frustrated at it after the fact.2. Walking dead's illusion of choice is one of the best things it does, and hides it very well. You never really get that feeling that it doesn't matter on your first playthrough and that's impressive in itself.
2. Walking dead's illusion of choice is one of the best things it does, and hides it very well. You never really get that feeling that it doesn't matter on your first playthrough and that's impressive in itself. Also having your choices not matter doesn't affect the plot, the story still stand up on it's own. I mean can you describe to me Beyond's plot? It was just a series of events about a girl and her ghost's crazy unbelievable adventures.
Also this. BTW are you getting Beyond on Friday Acqui? Don't let the reviews fool you. Just don't focus on the main plot too much and concentrate on the characters instead and you should enjoy it. Also for the love of god explore your environment with Aiden/Jodie till you interacted with everything, don't let anything stop you from that. The most heart-warming, emotional and funny moments are hidden away in those interactions and if you miss a lot of them the game suffers greatly IMO.Hides it very well?! TWD's illusion of choice became abundantly clear to me by about Episode 3, when I noticed that the people I chose to save only wound up dying a short time later anyway. I liked the game, but for something that placed such a huge emphasis on choice, there's zero tension involved when you know there's no weight to the decisions you make.