The Condenser chapter was pretty awesome...
Indeed, thats where I'm stopped at the moment but I'm digging the game.
The first part of the game where youis weird, i moved some things around and stopped, but the character's reaction made it seem like i was wreaking havoc.have to do the test with the cards
Also this. BTW are you getting Beyond on Friday Acqui? Don't let the reviews fool you. Just don't focus on the main plot too much and concentrate on the characters instead and you should enjoy it. Also for the love of god explore your environment with Aiden/Jodie till you interacted with everything, don't let anything stop you from that. The most heart-warming, emotional and funny moments are hidden away in those interactions and if you miss a lot of them the game suffers greatly IMO.
I think the fact that the game doesn't take place in chronological order and has you hopping around all through the timeline is an awful, awful decision.I'm not really liking how it jumps around, so far up to thesegment. There are things here likeHomelessJodie holding a knife to her wrist, or being ready to jump off a bridge but I have no real context on why she is in such a bad place now. I get that it should all wrap around and "click" but for now during the going through the motions parts it's just too disconnected to me.
Otherwise I have been enjoying it a good bit. The actual VA is huuuugely improved. Only oddity to me was the one teenager at the party, what in the hell was with that ridiculously deep voice.
I'm not really liking how it jumps around, so far up to thesegment. There are things here likeHomelessJodie holding a knife to her wrist, or being ready to jump off a bridge but I have no real context on why she is in such a bad place now. I get that it should all wrap around and "click" but for now during the going through the motions parts it's just too disconnected to me.
Otherwise I have been enjoying it a good bit. The actual VA is huuuugely improved. Only oddity to me was the one teenager at the party, what in the hell was with that ridiculously deep voice.
Also this. BTW are you getting Beyond on Friday Acqui? Don't let the reviews fool you. Just don't focus on the main plot too much and concentrate on the characters instead and you should enjoy it. Also for the love of god explore your environment with Aiden/Jodie till you interacted with everything, don't let anything stop you from that. The most heart-warming, emotional and funny moments are hidden away in those interactions and if you miss a lot of them the game suffers greatly IMO.
I just finishedam I at the half-way mark?saving the indians
I wish this whole game was just you ruining her life as Aiden and constantly harassing the people around her.
So I really liked heavy rain, will I like this? Reason I ask is well the reviews are a bit over the place and I'm still not sure what to do.
Maybe I should try the demo first.
I agree. Too much complaints about the prompts I guess. Also if they kept the same system from Heavy Rain everyone would have probably just said that it's not innovating enough or something. Which doesn't make much sense, considering how less other games change, but for this genre for some reason it is always expected.The only reason QTEs get such a bad rep is because most games use them in an awful manner. I still think HR not only made QTEs fun, but perfected them, and I don't understand why Cage had to change them for Beyond.
Anyway, we'll see how it goes. Thanks for the advice.
That's weird.I'm not really liking how it jumps around, so far up to thesegment. There are things here likeHomelessJodie holding a knife to her wrist, or being ready to jump off a bridge but I have no real context on why she is in such a bad place now. I get that it should all wrap around and "click" but for now during the going through the motions parts it's just too disconnected to me.
Exactly. Such good acting too. Playing co-op is a very good idea.I agree with your statement. I adored Beyond for its characters rather than its plot. My favorite chapter didn't involve the main plot at all,This part only dealt with characters, and the people created for this section were unbelievably awesome. This was easily my favorite part of the game.Homeless.
definitely try the demo first, how would you know whether the guy with the 9/10 score was right while the 4/10 was wrong... (if you don't hold an agenda against David Cage that's it) just try it yourself![]()
I never play the bad guy in games, but something about being a ghost makes me really want to, and hearing Ellen Page yell at me for ruining everything makes me want to even more.YOU'RE A MONSTER!!!
Heavy Rain was a different time. Since then a lot of games have released (most indies though) that focus on storytelling. The bar to greatness is a lot higher today than in 2010. For example the reviewer of GiantBomb thinks that Beyond is a better game than Heavy Rain, yet gives it a lower score. It's a different reviewer and he doesn't score Beyond in comparison to Heavy Rain, but to everything else out there.I have to admit when I came into the review thread I was expecting 9s and some 10s, but that wasn't the case. I'm pretty sure HR rated higher. I know not everyone likes these games btw.
It's HUGELY improved over HR though. Better play that game again to see how bad it really is. Except for TLoU and L.A.Noire no other game really comes close to Beyond.- The VA is good enough (Ellen was great), but the main issue is the animations and facial expressions. For a game like this, this was a huge problem for me (as it was in HR).
Should have used easy mode. Shows you the directions with arrows- Those "action sequences", I would've much prefered them to be simple QTEs as I RARELY fail QTEs, but this system in Beyond just confuses me sometimes and I end up failing the sequence.
But then how come games like Journey and The Walking Dead get a free pass? People praise those games when they don't have compelling gameplay at all. You do more in this game than you would in Journey(which I loved), where all you do is just follow someone through different environments. The story (Journey's) is told through flashbacks without a single word, and it plays it safe. In the Walking Dead, all you do is choose what you want to say to peoplewhen they really don't. So essentially, those are as much as an interactive movie as Beyond is, at least to me.and it doesn't even matter in the end. Everyone scripted to die dies, and the game makes you think your choices are doing something (Kenny will remember that, etc.)
Yeah it's definitely improved, but it just wasn't enough for meIt's HUGELY improved over HR though. Better play that game again to see how bad it really is. Except for TLoU and L.A.Noire no other game really comes close to Beyond.
I knew about this but I didn't want the whole game to be easier.Should have used easy mode. Shows you the directions with arrows![]()
Anyone else experiencing freezing issues? I've had it happen 3-4 times now and even when i went into my trophy collection to see what i had gotten i clicked on one of the trophies , got an error, then froze the system. 120 gig slim fyi.
I never play the bad guy in games, but something about being a ghost makes me really want to, and hearing Ellen Page yell at me for ruining everything makes me want to even more.
I like being an asshole ghost.
Yes and yes.Those who finished the game:Any of you let the asian dudes take Ryan's eye out? Didn't it feel like a throwback to MGS3 and Big Boss? (since Cage likes Kojima and his work).. I know I'm reaching, lol. Though Jodie couldn't resist him with dat eye patch, looking like a boss
LOL that would've made the game a 100x better for me xDYes and yes.
Was totally expecting him to say "kept you waiting, huh?" when he showed up with the sub lol
I'm not really liking how it jumps around, so far up to thesegment. There are things here likeHomelessJodie holding a knife to her wrist, or being ready to jump off a bridge but I have no real context on why she is in such a bad place now. I get that it should all wrap around and "click" but for now during the going through the motions parts it's just too disconnected to me.
My video review. I loved it. I truly had the feels throughout the entire game, and YES IT IS A GAME! Why The Walking Dead get's praised and David/QuanticDreams games get trashed, I'll never understand.
But I think the biggest problem I had, there's hardly any variety in the game itself. There's nothing to interact with, barely any conversation options, no inner monologues. Even as Aiden, all you do is break mirrors and knock over furniture. I think that's why Heavy Rain + IP did so well, you had multiple characters with multiple paths to go in that had consequences. Hell, I didn't even die or fail at any point in Beyond.
WAT? Is this true? That's kind of disappointing. That's another thing that I love about Heavy Rain apart from the complicated QTEs. I wish Cage would just ignored the detractor complaining about HR gameplay. He can fix the script and the acting but leave the gameplay of HR alone.