What mortal could pull off that sort of transformation?
Damn a 45 day wait for a belt.
Damn a 45 day wait for a belt.
That's funny I was going to ask if he was on LSD when this shape-shifting happened.http://www.alternativenation.net/smashing-pumpkins-billy-corgan-reveals-drugs-used-playing-live/
The Pumpkins used to play gigs on hallucinogens, that was interesting. Anybody who remembers our sort of Gish and Siamese Dream period, trying to play that type of music on mushrooms or LSD was very interesting.
Doesn't Corgan appear on Info Wars shows sometimes?
And worse lighting.Damn a 45 day wait for a belt.
It's not just a tan he also has 17% less neck.There is something fishy here. It should not take 45 days to get tanned
So he has seen a shape shifter then
What mortal could pull off that sort of transformation?
Yeah, I shapeshifted. What of it?
Why did you do it, hmm?
Lol this is some funny shitSo he has seen a shape shifter then
What mortal could pull off that sort of transformation?
So he has seen a shape shifter then
What mortal could pull off that sort of transformation?
I remember when you were cool Billy.
which reports that Corgan said he was not [on drugs] and was totally sober,
Corgan was never cool. Made some good music with the band, but dude was exposed as an idiot the moment he spoke in an interview.
Billy, for some reason I'm not believing this, especially this part.
So he has seen a shape shifter then
What mortal could pull off that sort of transformation?
That's like the before and after pics of a barrel that was treated with wood stain.