I can't get past this door, the thing keeps spinning forever.
Had the same issue. Restart from last checkpoint.I can't get past this door, the thing keeps spinning forever.
Had the same issue. Restart from last checkpoint.
I got it while backtracking. No clue what causes it.Did that three times already, guess I'll keep trying.
I can't get past this door, the thing keeps spinning forever.
Man, there are a lot of Audrey Hepburn lookalikes in Rapture. Musta' been making good use of some contraband movies or something.
Also, like the callout to the splicer with the revolver in the first game. It's a nice touch.
Wow this is really stupid hard. They really don't give you enough ammo to deal with some encounters. :/
It's making it really unenjoyable because I keep dying, and I'm only on hard.
Pro tip. Invest in possession.
The possessed splicer distracts everyone, and then you can melee the possessed splicer for an easy clean up clean.
I can't get the DLC to launch on Steam
I have a GTX 670 and I'm running Windows 8.1
Using the latest Nvidia 331.65 drivers
Verifying the cache didn't help. DX11 is installed and working properly (checked through dxdiag and the fact that I can run BF4 etc.). Letting the game regenerate config files doesn't work. It doesn't seem to be a widespread problem for this DLC release although Google does throw up results from the past for the base game. There doesn't seem to be any particular solution from what I've been reading except people pointing to bad drivers from Nvidia (in the 31x.xx range). I doubt it would be a problem with the latest ones.
Anyone having this problem or can provide any insight?
Jumping to the end of this thread, but I'm seeing screens with gunplay in them -- wasn't this first episode supposed to be "no combat, all exploration?"
Ah, OK, thanks for the clarification. I actually loved the shoot-and-loot "loop" in Infinite, so I'm cool with there being combat. I was just curious about how it's divided up. So basically the first half or third is like Booker's arrival in Columbia, walking around and getting lost in the world, and then the rest of the episode is the usual back-and-forth of combat, scavenging, upgrading and world lore, correct?No, only the first 'part' of episode one. The second part of episode one is combat heavy.
On my playthrough, I would say non-combat accounted for 40 percent of the game.
Ah, OK, thanks for the clarification. I actually loved the shoot-and-loot "loop" in Infinite, so I'm cool with there being combat. I was just curious about how it's divided up. So basically the first half or third is like Booker's arrival in Columbia, walking around and getting lost in the world, and then the rest of the episode is the usual back-and-forth of combat, scavenging, upgrading and world lore, correct?
Wish I could help you. I'm running a 670, Windows 8.1, and the same driver version and don't have that problem at all.
I can't get the DLC to launch on Steam
I have a GTX 670 and I'm running Windows 8.1
Using the latest Nvidia 331.65 drivers
Verifying the cache didn't help. DX11 is installed and working properly (checked through dxdiag and the fact that I can run BF4 etc.). Letting the game regenerate config files doesn't work. It doesn't seem to be a widespread problem for this DLC release although Google does throw up results from the past for the base game. There doesn't seem to be any particular solution from what I've been reading except people pointing to bad drivers from Nvidia (in the 31x.xx range). I doubt it would be a problem with the latest ones.
Anyone having this problem or can provide any insight?
Finished in about three hours. Think I agree with the "meh" reviews the major publications have been giving it.
It's just so... unnecessary. The infinite universe idea from Infinite has turned into a crutch for Shyamalan-styled twists. Just another wrinkle in the story of Rapture that adds more inconsistencies than real texture.
Once again, we get a promise of spending real time in an environment and it's taken away after just a few minutes. The patrons of this city are entirely the same slack-jawed dolls that spout one-liners, just like we got in the main game. Once again, pointless fetch quests to pad out the length.
And what's the point of Booker going through this entire game? To make him remember he's a jerk? That feels way too flimsy an excuse... Could have been killed right there in the office and saved everyone trouble, especially since the girl really doesn't seem to matter at all to her. Elizabeth also really doesn't strike me as the kind of person to do the revenge schtick. What, she's going to kill Comstock in every universe, or just the ones where he's really mean to her?