Look in the store under New. It should be there and show up Free if you have the Season Pass. It did for me.
Are you in the US?
Look in the store under New. It should be there and show up Free if you have the Season Pass. It did for me.
Are you in the US?
Yes. I had to go to "Show All New" to get Burial at Sea Episode 1 to show up.
Lizzy's tits are huge.
I tried that and I don't see it yet.
Anyone else on PC having performance problems? I'm getting random patches of slow down just walking around as well as the sound going incredibly weird/tinny.
Huh. It was a couple rows down under "Show More" in Add-Ons for me.
Should I just download Chapter 1 for 15 bucks or download the Season Pass for 20? If I DL the Season Pass, do I get access to both chapters of Burial at Sea?
Season Pass. Less cost, same content.Should I just download Chapter 1 for 15 bucks or download the Season Pass for 20? If I DL the Season Pass, do I get access to both chapters of Burial at Sea?
is it also out on the mac version ?
Season Pass. Less cost, same content.
Alright, cool. Once I've downloaded the Season Pass, what do I have to do to access Burial at Sea?
Huzzah. Got the game on Xbox but it's nice to see the Mac version get quality timing.Yes - Mac / PC launched together.
Lizzy's tits are huge.
Yes - Mac / PC launched together.
So jealous of people who own PC and 360. Damn PS3 owner here.
I'm glad that I'm not the only one to notice that.
It must be because of the lighting... Right?
I know big cans when I see them. And these are big cans.
I know big cans when I see them. And these are big cans.
amazing shots
One word: Steinman. Keep playing.
One word: Steinman. Keep playing.
Guys! Look at this trailer (the Burial at Sea Episode One Launch Trailer):
Than look at this one (the first trailer for Bioshock)
Do you notice anything? That guy from the first trailer is BOOKER!!!!
-same location
-same voice (well not voice but the sounds he makes when he's knocked down)
-same weapon (shotgun)
-same left hand
-same big daddy
-same clothes
-and the lost can go on
That's amazing! <3![]()
Or not.
It's not showing up in the Season Pass menu!
Lizzy's tits are huge.
Anyone else on PC having performance problems? I'm getting random patches of slow down just walking around as well as the sound going incredibly weird/tinny.
No, but it's in the Playstation Store. Look under New and Add-Ons. You might need to go to "Show More." It'll show up free if you have the Season Pass.
I am getting tons of slowdown in combat at max on 670. Odd since the main game ran flawlessly.
I'm glad that I'm not the only one to notice that.
It must be because of the lighting... Right?
What folly then, to give us a tease of what Rapture, what Burial At Sea, what BioShock could be, of smartly-written gaming tasks in peacetime, and then And then the lights go out, the entire world switches from celebration to chaos, and the change comes not from a New Years Eve revolt but by taking a glorified elevator to an adjacent building. Raptures fall, it turns out, was nothing more than a loading screen.