Illness is the doctor to whom we pay most heed; to kindness, to knowledge, we make promise only; pain we obey.
Can I quick save/load whenever on PC?
Can I quick save/load whenever on PC?
OK, no one's gonna answer my question about how far I am (I'm at).Ghost of Lady Comstock, searching for the three tears
OK, keep in mind I've played 17 hours to get up to the point I mentioned. I'm backtracking for every quest, cracking every lock, looting every object, listening to every PSA or NPC loop, etc.Probably about 2.5-3 hours.
See Handyman. 5 minutes later - bankrupt. I'm beginning to feel like I should have played on medium.
I think it's a testament to the quality of this game's story, gameplay and graphics that the main criticism levelled against this game is that it's a shooter.
Most other games wouldn't even make you think about that because there's too much to complain about elsewhere.
So maybe it took not a controversy, but simply one of the best games of this gen to kick off a debate about where games as a medium are headed.
I think it's a testament to the quality of this game's story, gameplay and graphics that the main criticism levelled against this game is that it's a shooter.
Most other games wouldn't even make you think about that because there's too much to complain about elsewhere.
So maybe it took not a controversy, but simply one of the best games of this gen to kick off a debate about where games as a medium are headed.
So normal is too easy and hard is too hard?
I don't understand this at all. How is complaining it is a shooter (mass murder, linear with enemy waves, blah blah) not a comment on the game's "story" and "gameplay"? Moreover, nothing has been kicked off which hasn't already been talked about for more than a decade now. People who play shooters, despite disliking shooters, complain about a game's shooter-ness all the time: Deus Ex Human Revolution, Tomb Raider, Uncharted, etc.
I mastered the original Bioshock but never did play any other games in the series. I did over-use the crap out of plasmids in it though, loved it!If you've played any of the other Bioshocks, hard is perfect.
I mastered the original Bioshock but never did play any other games in the series. I did over-use the crap out of plasmids in it though, loved it!
I don't understand this at all. How is complaining it is a shooter (mass murder, linear with enemy waves, blah blah) not a comment on the game's "story" and "gameplay"? Moreover, nothing has been kicked off which hasn't already been talked about for more than a decade now. People who play shooters, despite disliking shooters, complain about a game's shooter-ness all the time: Deus Ex Human Revolution, Tomb Raider, Uncharted, etc.
I'm amused at this phenomenon (which is very common, I've now noticed) where for me to like specific games as much as other people do (which is most often to utterly hyperbolic degree) that I will have to hate videogames as a whole as much they do. In this case I actually like BioShock Infinite, but I simply cannot stomach the nonsense surrounding it. I want to open a tear to a world where DatDude never received a.baptism
Maybe I haven't paid enough attention to Gaming Discussion in recent years, but there's been at least 3 threads in the past few days dedicated to the problem of incongruency between world/story/thems and gameplay. Most games don't seem to lead to this amount of meta-level discussion. Even with good games, it's often more of "the ending sucked" than anything near this.
Fuck it, I can't resist this anymore. Buying this now (not sure when I'll be able to play it though, SC2 taking all my time!).Best play this on Hard then. You'l be in Heaven.
Everyone taking so long to finish it, I thought it was kind of short. I explored everywhere I could got around 60 or so of the voxophones and managed to complete it in 7 hours.
Idk, you surely must have rushed somewhere...or maybe played on easy. Because 7 hours is quite fast for this game.
Thank you Creamium!
I mastered the original Bioshock but never did play any other games in the series. I did over-use the crap out of plasmids in it though, loved it!
ok so i beat it after a half an hour of frustration and all my money and ammo drained.
walked around from point a to point b aimlessly for what felt to be forever...
edit; so i died once, going to finish for the tonight on this terrible terrible note. these types of scenerios are why I often just give up with games and they become a part of my backlog. It's a shame. We'll see if I can suffer through the rest of this game tomorrow
I didnt pay much attention to this since Bioshock disappointed me, but the reviews caught my interest and just now I watched my brother play the game up until you get a gun. Oh my God! This is some next level stuff!
The lively atmosphere, the attention to detail, the quality of the sound effects/music, the colours....everything! HNNNNNNG! Holy moly Im blown away and I was only watching the game! IM 100% SOLD! Will buy ASAP!
If your not a shooter fan, and hate dying in games due to bullet sponges enemies, than I would reccomend playing on Easy.
Also, take your sweet old time with this game. There are ALOT of narrative foreshadowing, and every enviroment and character interaction sheds some small clues to the finale and reveal.
focus on the zeplins by boarding them and destroying them from the inside.
Cheers! I'll keep all of this in mind.
OK, no one's gonna answer my question about how far I am (I'm at).Ghost of Lady Comstock, searching for the three tears
I'll focus on this question instead: Anyone try Chapter Select? Could I, for example, go to back to the first chapter, with the quote from the book and the boat ride and everything, and then jump back to the chapter I'm currently on, and still have my gun upgrades, gear, vigors, money, lockpicks, recordings, etc...?
If your not a shooter fan, and hate dying in games due to bullet sponges enemies, than I would reccomend playing on Easy.
Also, take your sweet old time with this game. There are ALOT of narrative foreshadowing, and every enviroment and character interaction sheds some small clues to the finale and reveal.
Which platform are you going to play it on?
Of course I would recommend going with the PC version since it's the best version, graphic wise, but not everyone has a gaming rig so that's understandable if you don't go for the pc version.
Believe me if I had a good PC I'd certainly get that version, but I don't - so I'll get the PS3 version. I'd rather some screen tearing + stable framerate over no screen tearing + average framerate.
All the console versions are up to snuff so no big loss.
Btw, further tips when you are about to play.
Collect all the Voxophones (the audio diaries). There essiental to the plot, and there areto the game.80
Also pressing down on the d-pad will show you a bread crumb trail as to where to go next.
An finally, don't skip the credits since there is something major, narrative wise, afterwards.
I'm starting to really like 1999 mode. It feels like the combat is only clicking just now. I had so many moments yesterday that put a smile on my face. The crow upgrade is... invaluable. More guys means more traps after they die. Result? Mayhem. It's amazing to see 3 of 4 dudes running and screaming with crows above their head, and it only cost you 1 cast of crows. And in their crazed state, they started running into shock trapsTo me, this is an absolutely essential upgrade. And you can always spice it up with shock or fire.put there by Slate
Smile n°2: Possession. I'm only now seeing how useful it can be. Yesterday I had an encounter with a few guys left, one of them an rpg guy. I thought possession wouldn't work on them since it would be too powerful, but it does. A stand-off ensued and my puppet blew the others away. But then! I hadn't seen their suicide animation yet... Possess an rpg guy and watch him die, it's priceless. So great that there are suicide variations for every weapon type.
Smile n°3: Starting to play like you're doing the E3 demo. This difficulty has completely changed the way I play. On medium I wouldn't use the skylines that much, but now I abuse them since going fast on them is a great way to not get hit. Hitch a ride, skyline strike, get back on, land on an airship; shock, bronco & shotty an rpg guy into the sky.
Yesterday I had the most fun I've had with the game yet... and it's on 1999 mode. I adore the combat. tbh, on this mode the very beginning is no fun at all, but once you get the crows and a few shield upgrades... madness ensues.
And I've unlocked the framerate on ps3. It tears like a motherfucker (quite possibly the most tearing I've ever seen in a game), but the game looks and plays way better. I got used to it, not going back.
1999 mode. fuck yeah.
By the way GAF, I swear this ending/plot twist had better live up to 999s!
999's twist is way better. You won't be flipping anything over, let's just say.
I've said it before, but all the voxaphones and everything are pretty dumb when you could just walk up to a citizen and ask him to fill you in on the story. It's the mechanics of Bioshock 1 in a world that doesn't fit them.
So... I've been stuck on thefight on hard for a while. I seriously don't think I can do this because I can't go back to an earlier save where I didn't shit all my ammo down the drain.ghost
I really don't want to knock the difficulty down to normal but this is absolutely horrible.
I don't get what you mean by flipping over...
Also, you haven't even finished the game yet, have you>?
Don't worry about it.
And I finished the game a few days ago.
Some full powered Devil Kiss with the Storm gear destroys fools.
EDIT: I am rather unimpressed with combat music in this game.
Well this....
Made you sound as if you were just playing the game :/
Well this....
Made you sound as if you were just playing the game :/